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Everything posted by CaliBills

  1. I wish I could automate Puke Face reaction to posts that lack logical thinking.. Devs, make it happen And no... I won't give examples because I will probably get suspended again.
  2. But what is worse... Living in Cincinnati or living in Buffalo.
  3. lol no comment..... you deserve nothing more...
  4. Agreed! Told my wife last week was the most perfect game I have ever seen and this week was the craziest. Josh Allen and the offense played amazing, defense were shown their weaknesses. Which honestly we kind of knew. No pro-bowlers mean we lack that "IT" factor like Josh Allen on offense. Hopefully we get one for next season.
  5. Don't make me get detention again for calling out stupid posts.......
  6. MeatLoaf, mash taters, sautéed green beans and onions All prepped before game then popped in the oven during game...
  7. Eh - I feel they probably have been talking about it before Schoen was officially hired... Like hey, If I get this job for the NYG, then I would love to bring you in as HC... So my point is, the stress/time invested would be less for Daboll and everyone if it was already agreed upon which means less of a distraction... mainly because the players/coaches EXPECT Daboll and or Frazier to go else where.
  8. 4 The weird thing is after Half Time in the Tampa bay game, the bills are different. Coaching has been significantly more aggressive and the players have found a more aggressive mode in their play style. Even if the plays aren't always working, it seems the change has allowed for a 3 INT game, or less then perfect game from Allen, to still be a Win. Major change compared to 3/4 of the season. Not saying that is the case with the Chiefs game but for some reason, I trust the Bills to come out swinging and having success.
  9. Dont be surprised if we get some "deals" with NYG in the future. Kind of like Schoen giving a little love to Beane for helping him become successful and getting a shot. Very similar to Beane and McD giving love to Carolina in deals for players.
  10. ummm the Tampa Bay game definitely counts... Since they were within 1 score before kicking the field goal to tie to send it to overtime. Just cause they were down big at half and came all the way back, doesn't discount it.. that doesn't make ANY logical sense.
  11. But also when did those happen? Was it the last drive they had for a TD? where we had backups in all over the defense... because I remember the score being 47-10 in my drunken happiness before backups were put in on Defense. I know half of the 4th down conversions were on their final drive with bills backups in as well as 2 3rd down conversions. So context is needed. Not saying that your point of facing Mahomes vs Jones is not relevant because we know it is. Completely better offense and QB than the Pats. But saying the Pats were successful on 3rd down (7-14) and 4th down (4-4) when those stats would most likely be different in the first team Defense played on the final drive.
  12. So I figured I would put this here since this post is the reason I started drunk posting after the Jets game which led to a week in detention by the Mods.... Firstly, I apologize to those that I said mean things to. Hopefully your feelings aren't hurt too bad. Second, some of us are still waiting on the "McD should be fired" folks to at least say something instead of waiting for a down game to come out of hiding. Anyways, go Bills
  13. hahah good one... damn patriot fans need to go back to their own message board. BYE @Meatloaf63 go back to your real fan board
  14. @Meatloaf63 @hondo in seattle @Gene1973 You all must be pats fans..... nice job on being the worst fans.. -1 star for you all
  15. OMG thank you. Perfect response to my drunken posting and it makes me happy thank you again
  16. this is just me, but maybe just set expectations to a certain level. Expecting perfections ALWAYS leads to disappointment. Which is why I get so frustrated with people wanting the FIRST coach since Levy that has been successful consistently to be fired.. Its liks FFS we are finally good and you want to gamble on "maybe good" just to have bragging rights.
  17. but maybe you should just enjoy this. Stop trying to find every thing negative. It isn't healthy
  18. I get it. but when are we going to trust the team? i guess 20+ years of failure will do that to someone
  19. getting to and deserving to are two different things lol. ***** them, I hope they become patriots fans
  20. Because folks that want him fired do not deserve to celebrate. They need to just sit there and be ***** quiet while the rest of us true fans celebrate an achievement that hasnt been done since the 90's
  21. do you think it was white knuckle for us fans only or do you really think the players ever thought that? I, for one, do not think the players or coaches were nervous. More like, ok, we are the better team lets get our ***** together.
  22. All you #######s wanting McD fired should not be celebrating this victory or the division title. You should go cry in your basement that someone still achieved something regardless of what your armchair coaching thought. just my opinion, but F all you all that wants him fired. I just want to enjoy watching this team be successful Note: I am posting this here so more people see it.
  23. All you #######s wanting McD fired should not be celebrating this victory or the division title. You should go cry in your basement that someone still achieved something regardless of what your armchair coaching thought. just my opinion, but F all you all that wants him fired. I just want to enjoy watching this team be successful
  24. can we just all acknowledge that a lot of fans overreact on a play by play basis. Yes it is exhausting yes it is unrealistic to expect perfection yes it makes watching games tougher but ffs can we please STOP with McDermott has to be fired. The dude is a leader among men. Is he perfect, ***** no, none of us are. but expecting perfection ONLY leads to disappointment. Just enjoy the ride cause it could be another 20 years before this happens again.
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