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Everything posted by CaliBills

  1. Honestly, injuries happen. These games where we have a few injuries in positions that are not our top players, will allow the depth to come through and perform. Looking forward to the test and seeing others step up.
  2. This is what happens when you play Man vs speedy WR's and playing Zone vs Speedy WR's. Ravens game plan in the second half should have been more zone and help with waddle/hill.
  3. Yeah on Spectrum News site there isnt anything either.
  4. I say go with Shakir/Crowder/Mckenzie/Diggs if Davis cant go. Might be small, but route runners + some speed with Mckenzie/Diggs will be tough for their CB's
  5. Weirdly looking forward to this game. Not because I think we will win by 10+ or anything of that nature. But more so to see if the team collectively will be able to go against a bruiser type team and show they are just as bruising and come out with a win. I love seeing as the season progresses, how the team looks against different types of teams (IE Ravens, Titans vs Chiefs, Chargers vs etc,etc)
  6. Horrible throw. Pump fake and throw the to the guy breaking out
  7. they were saying pregame the best CB in the league. my bad
  8. I didnt see it, was eating dinner with the wife. Did he throw another INT and get bailed out by the refs again?
  9. Not sure JC Jackson is the best CB in the game.
  10. Debatable. They scored on the last drive because Mahomes INT got bailed out by a horrible PI call.
  11. And that scramble for Herbert is such a major difference than Mr. Allen
  12. Yeah im rolling with Spectrum as well. Wish I could be of more help. Hopefully it clears up soon for you
  13. This reminds me a bit like the Bills @ Chiefs last year.
  14. hmm, could be internet provider? Just a guess. You can always pause it for a few minutes and let it kind of buffer
  15. My TV is crystal clear using Fire Stick with Prime App
  16. Is it just me, or is Herbert locked on to 1 target?
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