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Everything posted by LaDexter

  1. Trump wanted spending cuts. Ryan and McConnell denied him those. Until we get those, this isn't really "his" as much as it should be. Hopefully the next Congress with a new Speaker will actually take care of the disaster that is Uncle Sam's balance sheet.
  2. until they want to start wars over the book of Revelation.... Ever ask a few key questions.... like... When Jesus said "give up everything and follow me," who did you give everything to??? During the "loaves and fishes" scene, we find Jesus with 5k followers, no food, and no money. What happened?? If there are 100 billion galaxies and 100 billion stars in each galaxy, what are the odds God would put his only son on this star system?
  3. LMFAO.... A sub who can't even get the grammar right for the ONE ATTEMPTED SENTENCE of his OP.... Are you part of the Hillary CULT????
  4. The "yellowcake" story was quite incriminating. Saddam had 20 metric tons of yellowcake he could not enrich dating back to Desert Storm. He had no need for more. Tenet didn't care. Tenet wanted to manipulate the US to invade Iraq, so a "yellowcake from Niger" story popped up, complete with a FORGED "document" to back up... When Americans noticed that Saddam had no CENTRIFUGE to enrich the yellowcake, the US "intel" started lying about Saddam "acquiring parts for a centrifuge," in other words, a Chosen lie needed another Chosen lie to not be seen as the obvious CHOSEN LIE it was originally. WMD was 100% Zionist lies and treason. Everyone who got it "wrong" is a full fledged traitor to the US. BTW, the Jeff Sessions DOJ has now produced two and only two indictments of those in the House or the Senate - both were very EARLY supporters of Trump - both are completely frivolous relative to what goes on in the Congress. Jeff Sessions DOJ = if you supported Trump, you are in big legal trouble regardless. If you didn't, go ahead and break every law, because you won't get prosecuted as long as Swampy Jeff gets his $$$$
  5. There was only one plane. Nothing hit the North Tower. It blew up from inside. More precisely, some cargo versions come with "windows" that were never used as windows, but the frame was cut for windows. Atlas Air is all cargo, no passenger... nice try. The bottom of the passenger version shown in post above this has no such center bottom cargo hatch. The passenger version is smooth. This one isn't, because it is cargo. Anyone confused why there is such an effort to "ban" me??? LOL!!! They can't argue/debate 911. 911 was a lot like the night when Moses came down the mountain. There, 3500 Midianites noticed it was NOT the "Moses" who went up the mountain. What did the CHOZEN do? They OFFED ALL 3500 who noticed....
  6. This group is wonderful, and not racially bigoted or anti-American, because the "US" "news" media tells me so.... http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/08/21/bernie-sanders-supporter-protesting-right-wing-rally-with-american-flag-beaten-up-by-antifa-video-shows.html "He said two people dressed in black and covering their faces approached him and demanded he give them the “fascist symbol” he was carrying. When he refused, the Antifa duo tried to rip the flag from his hands. Another masked counter-protester then approached Welch and began striking him from behind with an unidentified weapon concealed in black fabric." Democrats are all WONDERFUL people.... according to those who hate the US....
  7. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/03/racist-south-african-political-leader-julius-malema-go-white-man-cutting-throat-whiteness/ "Julius Malema: Go after a white man… We are cutting the throat of whiteness.”"
  8. Best movie review ever... a small kid.... "I, I know why it crashed - Forrest Gump was flying it!!!"
  9. You LIE and LIE and LIE your CHOSEN rear off, don't you.... Everyone should watch that.... You commit treason against America, you are the ones in "over your head." You will pay big time. Let's have more looks..... The second photo is of the actual 011 plane on the left, and a passenger 767 on the right. Notice the one on the right has NO CARGO HATCH in the center bottom of the fuselage. What hit the SOUTH TOWER was NOT the PASSENGER version of the 767.
  10. Then go down to the local FBI office and tell them that. You don't even need to be under oath.... LMFAO and your beaked BIRDBRAIN "knows" that because.... you PARROT.... Did you meet all of them? According to DC Tom, there are only 300.... and DC Tom knows all of them, from the local ADL chapter...
  11. In other words, stop posting about climate change, because some high ups may believe you are 100% correct.... right DC Tom... LOL!!!! Why does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other? Many "Republicans" and MOST Dems want me in prison for ASKING THAT QUESTION.... which, when answered fully, both explains what does cause climate change on Earth and why Co2 has nothing to do with it...
  12. You should not, since their eyes are not your eyes. DC Tom says he saw the plane hit the Pentagon. Every single other "witness" is a Hebrew speaker who had DEFENSE STOCKS in hand on 911. Not exactly a "random sample" of basic Americans.... I quoted a poll from HuffPo. Let me quote another piece from there... about the Clinton Administration NS(FIO) team.... https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/10/15/hugh-shelton-book-clinton-iraq-war-albright_n_764403.html "At one of my very first breakfasts, while Berger and Cohen were engaged in a sidebar discussion down at one end of the table and Tenet and Richardson were preoccupied in another, one of the Cabinet members present leaned over to me and said, “Hugh, I know I shouldn’t even be asking you this, but what we really need in order to go in and take out Saddam is a precipitous event — something that would make us look good in the eyes of the world. Could you have one of our U-2s fly low enough — and slow enough — so as to guarantee that Saddam could shoot it down?”" That, of course, is HUGH SHELTON's book, quoted by me from HuffPo. How does HuffPo's leftist bias affect what Hugh said in his book? A: it doesn't
  13. Very good. An actual 757 is not a projectile, it is a flying soda can designed for gas mileage. An actual collision between a 757 and the Pentagon would have resulted in the wings and much more BOUNCING OFF. Instead, the entire "plane" fit through that tiny hole, which is WAY too small for a 757, and that's what the "official" 911 people tell us happened.... Bravo. Welcome to the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS..... https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/half-of-americans-believe-911-conspiracy-theories_us_5804ec04e4b0e8c198a92df3 "A majority of Americans believe that the government is concealing information about the 9/11 attacks" So, according to the resident traitors here, you are now a "Jew hater" who is "insane" etc etc. etc....
  14. At least those who use very poor grammar here know who they are....
  15. So the main "accomplishment" is GETTING ELECTED??? Wow.... IS Obama your MOST ACCOMPLISHED PERSON EVER? What else did Barack do other than win elections by acting like someone he really isn't....
  16. I have done more here to correct poor grammar than any other poster. You are welcome... You are a big big liar. But that's really all you have at this time, since you lose every debate you have the courage to attempt to debate. Most of the time, you hide behind your white sheet and start crying...
  17. Very doubltful. Palin took over at a time when oil and gas prices spiked way higher. She was able to parlay that into a tax rebate. The rest is a very bad story. She massively INCREASED spending. She actually left way more debt than she started... She is not a fiscal conservative. She is a typical post 1998 "Republican" who is too stupid to understand fiscal conservatism.
  18. Bull. I have several of the worst traitors, you included, on this board stalking me and posting insults etc after each one.... If you did not care... you would find something else to do. You do care. You want Israel to get away with 911 and other associated acts of false flag terror against the US. or what?? LMFAO!!!
  19. Always with the CHOSEN about 911 it is TRUST THE BLACK BOX that WE READ and YOU DID NOT. NEVER TRUST YOUR OWN EYES OR SCIENTIFIC UNDERSTANDING. LMFAO!!! Let it be truly stated that if a 767 flew in with its nose 8 feet off the ground, the official 911 Commission conclusion, that its engines would have been IN THE GROUND....
  20. It was an earlier issue... about a month ago. You are obsessed that this week's rant is Jalen's first time race baiting about QBs. It isn't. He has done it before. Correctly pointing out race baiting by a black bigot is sure to get PC fire from those who think black bigots are good good good....
  21. I am, multiple posts in both. You believe in censorship and Zionist Supremacism. I believe in free and open debate. You are afraid of the truth. Many here are not. Many appreciate the truth I post. A select few have dedicated their lives to shouting me down and getting me banned.... for telling the truth...
  22. Wow, quoting Einstein and all his Jewish pals is now "anti Jewish racism." Got it... What were all the dirty tactics the DNC used against Bernie Sanders? A: they don't matter since Bernie is not a ZIONIST and hence is a "traitor" to Judaism....
  23. Get real. If you equate the GOP with "conservative,." it has been 100% socialist since 1998. Heck, the GOP and just the GOP socialized senior drugs in 2004 in part by W lying about the estimated cost and threatening the actuary who did the cost to "shut up or else..." while the drug industry had Tom Delay and others passing out $19k checks on the floor to anyone who voted for it, especially billing Uncle Same RETAIL PRICE for EACH PILL.... https://www.nytimes.com/2004/07/07/us/inquiry-confirms-top-medicare-official-threatened-actuary-over-cost-drug.html "An internal investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services confirms that the top Medicare official threatened to fire the program's chief actuary if he told Congress that drug benefits would probably cost much more than the White House acknowledged. A report on the investigation, issued Tuesday, says the administrator of Medicare, Thomas A. Scully, issued the threat to Richard S. Foster while lawmakers were considering huge changes in the program last year. As a result, Mr. Foster's cost estimate did not become known until after the legislation was enacted." If that was "conservative," then I'm a Trotskyite....
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