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Everything posted by Johnnycage46

  1. Dang thats right lol. Well hopefully they ride it out with Staley for the rest of the season then
  2. This sounds crazy but with this beat down, if Staley gets canned, we would face an interim coach...and those always seem to fire up a hapless team. Just sayin
  3. Agreed. At least KC has accomplished something...Miami and its fans are insufferable especially for a team that hasn't won a playoff game in forever.
  4. I believe that was KC...against Minnesota where they didn't call it on KC and it cost the yikes the game
  5. Yeah, I don't understand how he can be mad at the refs...it was Offside O clear as day. It's not a judgement call like holding, pi, etc. Either you are Offside or you aren't. What a ***** mahomes is.
  7. 2nd half offensive play calling lost this game. Abandoned the run for too long. Too many long developing pass plays with our overrated o line under constant attack.
  8. This team imploded after the int...when up 14-0....think about that. We WERE UP 14-0...threw an int then panicked.
  9. I don't think Murray caught it...or at least you know the refs won't let him anyway.
  10. Another goddamned 3 and out. Our line is being manhandled.
  11. Bills run the ball 3 straight now but end up punting still lol
  12. Does this count as a defensive stop? Really just dragging it out and keeping us invested so we can be truly and cruely punished at the end.
  13. Romo is so excited that it's an incomplete pass. Turd.
  14. We've seen this movie before. Since that Allen int...it's been all KC...it's inevitable that the Bills lose.
  15. They're just following the lead of the rest of the team at this point.
  16. The loss is inevitable at this point. You can't go on the road to a good team a eff around....or you quickly find out.
  17. That drive literally just took time off the clock for our eventual need to make a come back. Literally only did that. What a joke.
  18. What happened to running the ball? Self destruction continues.
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