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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. Who are the republicans that have the laptop? You don't have names, so you misrepresented.
  2. My first exposure to Dylan was in a bud light ad i saw. My second was probably from you guys on this board telling me how much it appalled me.
  3. MAGA might drive 0.0001% of the pick ups on the road. LOL
  4. I consider AB the party that introduced her to the world
  5. I guess I didn't follow your comment that the Dossier was unproven. At a point in history it was. The Biden claims are currently being investigated, despite the Dems efforts to kill it. I think we're on the same page now.
  6. You need to direct your partisan criticism to the two authors of this new curriculum. Wanna guess their race?
  7. Good lord. Just how bad is Biden for this to be true?
  8. I suspect he believes it to be true but he just doesn't want anyone saying it out loud.
  9. While I see your point, and currently tend to agree, I think how the medical profession responds to these issues remains up for continued study and debate. Many clinical psychologists argue that gender dysphoria is a mental condition and that physical/surgical alteration isn't the best way to treat the patient and in fact probably does more harm to the patient (even though the patient chooses it).
  10. Are we arguing about a narrative? Isn't the real question here is whether Joe personally benefitted from these events? I was speaking to a neighbor the other day, and his argument is that Joe didn't benefit personally and that perhaps many family members did benefit, but Joe didn't, personally. My response was really? All of Joe's kids benefitted, his grandkids benefitted, and that's OK because Joe himself didn't? Yeah, no benefit to Joe. If Joe peddled influence that benefitted him and/or his family, it's a problem.
  11. Don't be obtuse. You aren't what you want to be. I can't be a tree. You can't be a whale. You can think you're a whale, but that doesn't make you a whale. And if you think you're a whale, I don't have to also think you're a whale. Abortion laws have absolutely no impact on the risk of getting pregnant. Zero, nadda, zilch. The risk of pregnancy remains the same as it was.
  12. My freedom to express my opinion. Why does that bother you. And all women are free to have as much sex as they'd like
  13. I was referencing my freedom and choice
  14. The constitution is pretty specific regarding the rights protected, such as speech and bearing arms. Birth control was not a specific right even thought of at the time. When you have to "infer" or "subject an issue to interpretation" things get squishy.
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