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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. Sure, but law enforcement is put in situations that can't even be predicted, which makes it difficult to compare one to the other. But that's all they've got, right? And this doesn't even consider the differences in the psyche each and every LE officer. We need situational analysis which contrasts and compares. Good questions
  2. Unfortunately, it seems the lack of appeal has mattered more here recently
  3. Do the Dems jail Trump and risk losing this advantage?
  4. Steels sharpens steel. I know others disagree, but I like stiff competition in the division.
  5. Has Armageddon begun? Billsy's in line with Ann Coulter!
  6. Let's make this simple for you. I assume you agree with me that mom shouldn't be able to kill her 1yr old baby because: Not financially prepared Not the right time Partner related reasons Need to focus on other children Interferes with future opportunities Not emotionally or mentally prepared Health related reasons Want a better life for the baby than she can provide Not independent or mature enough for a baby Influence from family or friends Don't want a baby Why? Is it because you prefer the government should or shouldn't force personal responsibility on people? Nah! The difference is simply when you and I believe a life begins and deserves the liberties we've asked our government to protect. It isn't whether you or I prefer the government to force personal responsibility, cause we both actually do. The difference is simply when it should begin.
  7. Appears to be a shytload of countering back and forth on this board???
  8. Interesting. Obviously, it was possible to give more than one answer. It is really, really, easy to not get pregnant if one doesn't want to get pregnant. I think some personal responsibility would go a long way to eliminate a need for abortion.
  9. Yeah, we knew this before we did it. Eyes wide open!
  10. Sure, but the root causes aren't an either or. The right thing to do isn't always the most popular
  11. Let's assume they did. Would you then support restricting all other abortions in the 3rd trimester?
  12. Like I said, it doesn't sound like its BS as you represented
  13. Seems to me the simple solution for you lefties is to take 3rd semester abortions off the table in policy. If it's a crock of BS like you say, why won't pro abortion folks simply agree? What do you suppose the reason to continue to fight against banning 'em is?
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