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Posts posted by cle23

  1. 4 hours ago, Bill from NYC said:

    What happened when the committee stupidly let Cincinnatti in? Oh, I know.....they got destroyed by Alabama.  That is how it works when second rate, or even fairly good teams get to the playoffs.


    They beat Cincinnati by 21, and beat Georgia by 17 in the SEC Championship.  So it's not that big of a difference.  Alabama also barely beat bad Florida, LSU, and Auburn teams that year, and lost to and average Texas A&M.


    Like others have said, why play the games if none of it matters?  The SEC was 7-9 vs other Power 5 conferences this year.  OSU won the Championship, and beat Alabama, with a 3rd string QB.

  2. On 11/30/2023 at 6:54 PM, folz said:


    About an hour ago I added the following comparison of Josh, Mahomes, and Hurts to the other thread (Alpha's thread). So, I thought I would put it in here too, just for added information on the subject:



    Three QB comparison, last 4 years (2020-2023 seasons) [Didn't have time to do more than the 3 QBs, but figured it would be a good picture at least, 3 current top QBs]:

                             Total Attempts (pass + rush)              Total Turnovers (INTs + FL Lost)             Turnover %        Total TDs (pass + rush)          TD %               

    Allen                                2,628                                                        74                                                2.8                                162                             6.2                    

    Mahomes                        2,547                                                        53                                                2.1                                145                             5.7

    Hurts                               1,879                                                         42                                                2.24                              99                              5.3


    Averages per season (2020-2023):

                                   Attempts               Total TOs            Total TDs

    Allen                          657                        18.5                     40.5

    Mahomes                  636.75                   13.25                  36.25

    Hurts                         469.75                    10.5                    24.75

    [If you prorate Hurts to the same number of attempts as Josh, his turnovers would rise to 14.7 and his TDs to 34.6.]


    So, yes, Josh has a lot more turnovers than Mahomes and Hurts overall, but on more attempts and also with more TDs. His TO% is indeed the highest, but so is his TD%. [And as far as attempts go, Mahomes is too close to Josh for it to probably make any significant difference; but if Hurts had 750 more attempts, it is likely that his turnover % would go up from where it is---just by odds].


    Josh averages 1.09 turnovers/game and 2.38 TDs/game (net +1.29 TDs)

    Pat averages .78 turnovers/game and 2.13 TDs/game (net +1.35 TDs)

    Jalen averages .62 turnovers/game and 1.46 TDs/game (net +.84 TDs)


    So, in comparison to Mahomes, Josh has averaged 5 more turnovers per season, but also 4 more TDs per season

    In comparison to Hurts, Josh has averaged 8 more turnovers/season, but also 16 more TDs per season



    Another possible way to look at it (besides TDs) is number of yards per turnover:

                                 Total yards (2020-2023)           Total TOs                 Yards/turnover

    Allen                                      18,736                                  74                               253.12

    Mahomes                            19,098                                  53                              360.34

    Hurts                                     10,911                                   42                              259.79


    So, from a yardage standpoint, Mahomes is far out ahead. But, Hurts and Josh are pretty close.



    All things considered, I think Josh's yardage, TDs, and IT factor far outweigh the high turnover percentage in relation to any QB not named Mahomes. But, boy, if he could get that turnover rate down a bit...



    As a counter point though, compare Allen's first 3 years as a starter to Hurts first 3 years as a starter.  Allen was much better as he went along, so your aren't fully comparing apples to apples, especially with Hurts.  Also, only going by lost fumbles skews it a bit as well.  I have no idea how many fumbles in general, but lucking into your own team recovering doesn't mean that the player didn't fumble.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 1 hour ago, TAinLack. said:

    I just felt that a very good freshman QB in McCord would eventually make a mistake that would cost them the game JMTC.  In addition, Harrison should of been utilized more, he's a game changer.  On another note, I thought Urban Meyer was as neutral as possible and offered up great commentary in the pre and post-game analysis.


    McCord is a junior. 1st year starter,  but he is the same recruiting class as McCarthy. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 2 hours ago, EasternOHBillsFan said:


    Still, why doesn't Brady attend the game? Trying to get an answer to that one...


    What does that matter? I have no idea why.  He has been back several times since Harbaugh is been to speak to the team, so I don't think there is any animosity at this point.  


    What are you trying to get at,  and what does Brady have to do with the game today? 

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 2 hours ago, EasternOHBillsFan said:

    Buckeyes 30, Some Team in Yellow and Blue 13.


    The Buckeyes defense is insane this year and that yellow and blue team hasn't played anybody other than PSU.


    Ever wonder why Tom Brady isn't there at the game? It's bizarre


    OSU played basically the same schedule,  plus ND. ND is better than the rest of Michigan's schedule for sure,  but they're not a top tier team either.  


    It should be a close game, especially as Michigan's offense hasn't looked great the past few weeks, and like usual,  this game is a toss up. 


    24-20 UM.

    • Like (+1) 2
  6. On 11/16/2023 at 10:27 AM, Mark80 said:

    Schools over stadiums lawsuit seems to be the only chance left.  As an A's fan for 35 years, this sucks.  Taking one of the oldest franchises with over 55 years in a huge market to one of the smallest markets in the league.  Makes no sense.  Such a greedy POS. 


    I do 100% agree with the greed, but even as a large market, they average less than 10,000 fans per game.

  7. 43 minutes ago, Chaos said:

    A couple of concrete suggestions:


    1) Defensive Pass Interference is the single biggest game changer.   I think the rules would be much improved if there were two versions of DPI (like there is with fask masking, or roughing the kicker).  Flagrant/Intentional spot foul as it is now.  Incidental, same as defensive holding, five yards automatic first down.  Obviously this involves some judgement, still but I think it would be better. 


    2)Roughing the Passer.  Another game changer. Like roughing the kicker, I feel like there needs to be a five yard and 15 yard version.   Again, it involves judgement, but I think we all know that when they wait until Patrick Mahomes requests the RTP call, it likely means it was not flagrant, as one example. 



    There aren't 2 facemask penalties anymore.  They are all 15 yards.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  8. 10 hours ago, EasternOHBillsFan said:


    It sure was... defenseless receiver in the back of the end zone. A dirty hit and targeting... 


    Shoulder to shoulder. That's not targeting.  It's was even overturned on review.  

  9. 1 hour ago, EasternOHBillsFan said:


    Let's be honest, the dirty hit on Marvin and the refs not calling the dirty hit as targeting pretty much did that.


    It wasn't a dirty hit.  

    • Disagree 1
  10. On 11/3/2023 at 2:37 AM, bigduke6 said:

    if you know the other teams plays,  know when they run them,  its an order of magnitude easier to stop them or take advantage of them.  end of story.   talent matters yes,  but knowing another teams plays ahead of time so you can easily counter them and give your players a huge advantage is not in the spirit of any game.   in the very least,  its extremely unsportsmanlike,  and it cheapens what happens on the field by the players.   when you cheapen what occurs on the field,  it cheapens the game as a whole,  and people will stop taking it seriously as fans.


    for example.  if, hypothetically, there was a QB who plays amazing in college,  everybody wants him,  gets to the NFL and suddenly cant do anything close to what he did in college when it comes to reading the field.  people dig and find out his college coaches knew the opposing defenses plays,  allowing that QB to know exactly where and when to throw with relative ease and safety,  thats a player who is a FRAUD!!!!.  Fraud player goes on to cost others their jobs,  money,  reputation,  etc because he isnt what they thought he was.


    we assume as fans that every game is a somewhat level playing field rules wise.  you take that away and you become "professional" wrestling.

    if yer not cheating,  yer not trying hard enough,   is not a valid excuse at the amateur level,  and frankly,  the pro level as well.


    how some cant seem to grasp this boggles the mind.


    Which recent Michigan draft pick has been a major bust?  Not all have panned out, but most are very good to at least above average, and those that aren't are mostly late rounders.  So which are frauds?  Hutchinson?  Kwity Paye?  Dax Hill? DJ Turner? Mazi Smith?  The only somewhat high pick that i would say has disappointed has been Luke Schoonmaker, but he is a backup TE in his first year.

  11. I am not sure why this is surprising to anyone. Allen is what he is:  Supremely talented, and a top tier QB.  But he has always been somewhat careless with the ball.  Trusts his arm a bit too much, and can make boneheaded plays at times.  You get the bad with the good sometimes.  And he runs more than most QBs, so he has more opportunities to fumble, and he really doesn't avoid contact either. 


    He has improved his accuracy since being in the NFL, and most of his INTs that I have seen aren't poor accuracy, but more poor decision making.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, ngbills said:

    Contracts are prorated and the cap hit is lower after signing bonuses are taken into account. 


    Yeah, I understand that.  The website I saw mentioned he had a base salary of $12M, which generally isn't including the bonuses.  I see now that it is on the site.  Jewell does have a base salary of $4.49M plus roster bonuses by game.  

  13. 3 minutes ago, Utah John said:

    I'm pretty sure the NFLPA agreement is that draftees salaries are predetermined.  All in dollars, not in property.  This is going nowhere.


    Williams won the Heisman last year.  This year there are at least two QBs in the PAC-12 alone who are better.  Wiliams is by no means a lock on the first overall pick, or to be the first QB taken.  Chicago has the first two picks next spring, unless it or Carolina starts winning, and may still be clinging to Justin Fields as the future, in which case either they'll trade one of those picks, or not picks a QB at all.



    I see no way that after his 3rd season, if Chicago ends up at #1 or #2 pick that they can stick with Fields.  He has improved some this year, but if they are still that bad it would at least be in part because he isn't that good.  

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