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Everything posted by cle23

  1. I think Haden's best bet to stick around a few more years is actually at safety. He doesn't have the speed or athletic ability to be a great CB anymore, but he is still a smart player who can read the QB and make a few plays here and there. Giving him a little more cushion at safety could help.
  2. That's like saying Allen should put up the same stats without Diggs. If Mahomes does the same without Hill, he's probably QB1 in the league.
  3. I love how if you dare mention anyone over Allen, you just get downvoted into oblivion.
  4. 2 officers committed suicide within days of the Jan 6th events, 1 officer died from health problems with the coroner ruling that the engagement with protestors played a role, and 1 protester was tramped to death. A couple protestors died of health problems. One protestor was killed when she tried breaching the area where Congress was meeting. So protestors had a hand in the death of 1 officer, and more than likely lead to the suicides of 2 others.
  5. When the clinic advertises that you can choose the sex of the embryo, then yeah, that's a problem. What are you hinting at with your statement?
  6. A worldwide policy error though? I know there were a lot of stimulus's across the world that will cause this inflation to an extent.
  7. I don't know how you can say it was a one time thing. I am not comparing the two directly, but Hitler tried a coup once and failed. Somehow, he was able to attempt another one and succeed. So you can't say "it'll never happen."
  8. No, you know as well as I do that Congress can't address every single issue all day every day. It just can't. And a lot of it isn't the job of Congress anyway. Biden signed a deal with Mexico to have them help address the border just yesterday. Will it help? Hard to say. But it is something. People want to address crime, and yet will do absolutely nothing to actually address crime. Republican states have higher murder rates typically than Democratic ones, yet it's always "the Dems" fault. Republican states as a whole receive more government aid than Democratic ones. Yet we always hear of Democratic handouts. Hell, one poster attributed the entire stimulus package deal to Democrats, when Trump and Republican Congress approved $3.1 T and Biden approved $1.9. I don't like the state of either party right now. Both as basically different sides of the same coin, with tiny, obscure differences. Our country has turned into 2 groups pointing fingers and then turning around and doing the same things they always do. A sham pandemic that killed 6.3 million people worldwide in 2 years, including both my parents. But yeah, it's everyone else who is insane. Also, people are watching and following the Jan 6th hearing, so it means something to a lot of people.
  9. Well, seeing as how the Jan 6th hearing is a first time thing, obviously it is going to get more attention. Do you not see the news? There is talk of all the things you mentioned. Twitter? It's all over the place. There are hundreds of forms of media at this point, even message boards. Those things are all discussed at length. The Jan 6th hearing is the "prime time" event right now because it is something new, and it is occurring right now. Crime, inflation, the borders, etc are all ongoing things no matter who is in office.
  10. Why can't people be concerned about both?
  11. Who was in charge when we started all the government shutdowns again? Who started the payments? Trump approved $3.1 Trillion in stimulus while Biden approved $1.9. So don't simply blame "Liberal/Democratic morons." And I am not even complaining about the shutdowns. Anyone who compares COVID to the flu shows immediately that they are an idiot. 6.3 Million deaths to Covid in 2.25 years. 300,000 to 650,000 deaths per year due to the flu. So no, they aren't the same.
  12. Based on your post here and your post in is in the other thread, It's pretty evident that you're a troll but not a very good one.
  13. Right. Dogs are still dogs though. All of them. No matter the breed, they are still dogs. Marriage is marriage, no matter the "type" of marriage. You can specify more if you'd like, but the very definition of marriage covers all the marriages that are available, so why make a different word for it? Also, in the eyes of the law, they are all simply marriages. Calling them all the same thing doesn't diminish the marriage of anyone. I really don't understand how it "doesn't diminish traditional marriage" and yet you say that is the partial intent of people advocating for gay marriage is to diminish traditional marriage. Every single person I've met, gay or straight, that supports gay marriage simply does so because they feel that everyone should have the same right and benefits. I'm not gay, and I've been married for 12+ years now. Not one one person's marriage has changed or diminished anything about mine in any way. None of this has anything to do with "in your face conflict." It's a discussion, and I personally don't understand your position, as to me, it makes zero sense. I haven't made any personal attacks or anything of the sort. That's why I ask for clarification, because I feel like some of your statements are contradicting each other.
  14. Please explain exactly how using the word marriage for everyone diminishes the significance for one group that is included in that very definition? Please add exact as possible.
  15. Did you really just attribute this guy's death to a COVID vaccine with literally no evidence that he was even vaccinated? No where in that article does it say he was recently vaccinated, or vaccinated at all. I lost both of my parents in 13 month to COVID. The fact that people like you make it out as some giant joke shows you haven't seen it first hand. The ER doctor for my mother explained to my brothers and I on why it is such an odd situation. COVID itself is the same (different strands obviously) but each person's body's reaction to it is what causes such a wide range of problems. Some people's bodies overreact to it and it causes serious inflammation, especially in the lungs. Others' bodies don't and they are mostly fine. I had it the week of Christmas and was basically just extremely tired for 2 days and then felt mostly fine. My mother was on a BPAP for almost a week before they put her on a ventilator. She's went up and down the next 2 weeks with the inflammation worsening and getting better until her body couldn't handle it anymore. COVID is "just a flu" for a lot of people, and for a lot of people it's a life or death situation. I love how 99% of doctors can agree on the treatments and prevention, and then everyone who disagrees will latch onto the random Youtuber who "shows" it's all fake. I can promise you from 1st hand experience that it is not fake,a nd not a joke.
  16. Yes, the definition existed before, and it encompasses all "types" of marriage in it's very definition. Why do we need to make it more complicated by making a separate word when this one covers it?
  17. It doesn't solve anything, and it hurts in the sense of making a separate word for the sole purpose of exclusion. There is no need for a separate word if the union (marriage) means the same thing. Also, here is the Webster definition: Definition of marriage a: the state of being united as spouses in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law b: the mutual relation of married persons : WEDLOCK c: the institution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage 2: an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effectedespecially : the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities 3: an intimate or close union, the marriage of painting and poetry— J. T. Shawcross So, this definition covers everyone. Nothing in it that differentiates same sex or "traditional" marriage.
  18. I understand where you are coming from, but why make an effort make separate words for the same thing? The whole point is for exclusion at that point. There is a word for it already. Just use it and be done with it.
  19. Most people don't call it gay marriage. I personally know 2 couples that got "gay married." Neither invited people to their "gay wedding", just to their wedding. Why make a new word for something that functions exactly the same for everyone?
  20. Hmm, an average of 1 murder per 135,568 people in Japan, compared to 1 murder per 15,146 people in the US.
  21. If the word means so much to you, why shouldn't it mean something to gay people as well? Also, no religious institutions are forced to perform gay marriages. As long as marriage is a term used in the government's recognition of a union, and at this point why would they change it, then everyone union should be called marriage.
  22. To be fair, Mayfield did plenty of charity work as well. He raised tons of money, especially for Providence House in Cleveland.
  23. I am not defending Watson here as I have no idea what happened or didn't happen, but nothing in that article says forced. Again, all of these allegations are he said/ she said. When you have 24+, obviously that lends itself to say that SOMETHING happened, but the details of the allegations are hard to confirm. But saying she was teary eyed doesn't mean she was forced. She may have been. That's up to the investigators/police to determine.
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