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Everything posted by ngbills

  1. Broncos and Chargers taking care of business. Bengals coming back. Bills punting…
  2. What Brady just did is what Allen does not. Quick read of multiple receivers within 2-3 seconds. Allen can only read 1-2 at most without a ton of time.
  3. That’s all she wrote. They are running 5 more minutes off the clock.
  4. The dumb fake point and then that actual punt. Are you serious?
  5. Way too much time fir Allen to be that panicked. That play was an example of his issues.
  6. No one is ever wide open like that for us. Tb has been like that all game.
  7. Should be no huddle, hurry up from this point on. Rest of season not just this game. We sit back and just let the d sub guys and move them all around.
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