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Lionel Hutz

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Everything posted by Lionel Hutz

  1. I’m a Braves fan and wouldn’t mind getting rid of it I just find it weird that so much attention is given to one team about it.
  2. Funny how everyone was complaining about the Atlanta Braves doing the tomahawk chop but I haven’t heard a peep about the Chiefs’ fans doing it.
  3. Why does Mahomes walk around like he is in pain? I thought he was injured but I guess that’s just the way he walks between plays.
  4. These refs are terrible. Edit: thought they were gonna throw a flag on Buffalo there for slamming the guy down.
  5. I’m beginning to believe Brady sold his soul to the devil. Talk about luck.
  6. Hopefully it’s the Patriots that ***** their pants tonight.
  7. I’d be shocked if the Dal/SF game is in any other slot than Sunday night or Monday night.
  8. Because it would be funny to see both teams play for a tie. Also, it means we’d avoid the pats and the Steelers would be out.
  9. Did I say I want to lose? We’re only up by 3 late in the 3rd. It’s in the realm of possibilities that we don’t win this game. Too be honest I’d rather avoid the Patriots in the first round. Do you think this team that is struggling against the Jets is gonna steam roll a Belicheat team?
  10. I’m now looking at the playoff machine for scenarios if the Bills lose. If both Bills and Pats lose and the Raiders win, Bills are 4 seed and host the Raiders.
  11. The tie scenario is possible regardless of who wins the Ravens game.
  12. If the NFL was scripting this they couldn’t draw it up any better. Colts lose so the Ravens/Steelers game becomes meaningful and then goes to OT.
  13. Titans now at risk of losing the #1 seed.
  14. Can’t believe the Colts are shitting the bed against the Jaguars with a playoff spot on the line.
  15. Has any other team ever won 7 consecutive games in a single season and still not made the playoffs?
  16. I think we can beat the Patriots again but I still don’t want them in the first round. The pain of losing to them would be greater than the joy I’d get from beating them.
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