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Lionel Hutz

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Everything posted by Lionel Hutz

  1. Hard to put all the blame on the D when we just went 3 and out on the other side of the ball.
  2. Here’s an idea stop running the ball on 3rd down regardless of the distance.
  3. They always run that play on 4th and short. Why can’t we defend that?
  4. Don’t get why the kicker isn’t wearing a long sleeve undershirt in freezing weather. You’re not a lineman you are standing on the ***** sidelines for most of the game.
  5. Hope we don’t get conservative on this next possession. Have to try and get some points before the half.
  6. I should also add that setting aside the fact that many find it offensive, I think it’s lame that the Chiefs fans do it in the first place. It’s like all the fanbases that copied the Iceland soccer fans doing the viking clap.
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