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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. So, wait, what are you saying... you want to sleep with bush but you'll settle for dick?
  2. I'm holding out a small glimmer of hope for that. Don't expect it but it's still possible. Most likely. Castillo has his old job. It's possible but unlikely that McDermott will make Kromer OC.
  3. The Jags used a head hunter search firm this year for their head coaching job, and ended up with Saint Doug. Obviously not the way to go. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/jaguars-casting-a-wide-net-turning-to-headhunter-in-search-for-next-coach/
  4. This is why you are not being considered for sainthood. Lynn is Chargers.
  5. I forgot the rule but I think when you are a new coach you can have those kinds of talks, you just can't talk football strategy iirc. I remember Rex saying he spoke with a lot of players but had to be careful what he said because he didn't want to break league rules.
  6. I know what I wrote. I know what words mean. I know, for example, that the word "debasement" has two specific meanings. 1) Underneath de floor. And 2) Where de Bills will likely finish. What I said, clearly, was if you cannot say ANYTHING positive, ever, then you are as bad a poster as the Bills are a franchise. You cannot just take out the one last sentence as if it stands alone. And then say it is pollyanish promoesque. That's crap.
  7. If you cannot find anything optimistic at any time, and can only come here and complain, then you're an ****. Really. Your response above, for all intents and purposes, that anything positive as promo-esque, means the only reason to come here is to B word.
  8. Just because this franchise has been crappy for 17 years, which is unarguable, doesn't mean you automatically have to B word about everything. It doesn't mean you cannot be optimistic about some things. It doesn't mean your takes all have to be negative and your insults have to suck and just be bitchy. If it is, you (not you personally) suck as a poster worse than the Bills suck as a franchise.
  9. He said I spoke with Taylor on the phone. He didn't say who called who. IMO there is almost no chance TT called him versus him calling TT.
  10. That's 14,000 people. South Orange County is very close to San Diego.
  11. I know a LOT of people, including myself, who are extremely comfortable speaking articulately in meetings and with people they are comfortable with, and at the same time, extremely uncomfortable speaking in front of a camera. Zero to do with intelligence.
  12. On GR, McDermott said one of the first things he is going to do, starting today, is to reach out to all of the players and call them individually. In the press conference he said he spoke to Tyrod on the phone yesterday. There is virtually no chance that Tyrod called him, versus him calling Tyrod. That, to me, is a very clear indication he is very open to having TT back.
  13. I think it was more of it hasn't been announced by the team and he hasn't signed yet rather than it was just a rumor. I'm not positive but the Frazier and Castillo reports seemed legit. The Bills don't consider anything done until it is official.
  14. I made the mistake of watching the press conference on wivb.com. It was unbelievably bad. Horrendous. They would cut away from the press conference to show highlights of some of the stuff they were talking about, with the audio continuing from what McDermott or Doug or Terry were saying BUT would have the audio playing from the highlights, too. So I would hear the cheers of the crowd from the stadium in addition to the press conference, which made it hard to hear at times. Incredibly poor decision and technical problem. Unbelievably amateurish.
  15. He's a pretty impressive guy as far as answering questions, and being confident, and knowing how the NFL works.
  16. It was interesting that he spoke to Tyrod on the phone yesterday and that Tyrod showed up today and they met and talked before the press conference. It doesn't mean that TT will be back but I do think, because of the phone call, that TT is not automatically not going to be here. I'm glad about that.
  17. That's a legitimate take and as you know, you are one of my favorite posters here, and I respect your takes immensely. I would not agree though. This place used to be great. And one of the very best elements was that there were a lot of very knowledgeable posters, and there were great arguments and one of its best qualities under that were the insults. There was a lot of comedy gold and you had to be tough to endure and defend your stances with solid reasoning. It was great entertainment. A lot of that has been lost. Now it's a lot like TBN. There is so much negativity, and people like to just B word so much that the insults are no longer all that fun. It's just a bitchfest, and people don't have as many great takes or even great insults as it did before. Insults are fine, even if they are caustic, if it is not just to complain.
  18. I think returning to a 4-3 and playing on a line with Lawson, Dareus and Hughes will get Kyle excited and he will want to play another year or two.
  19. Exact same chain of command as last year, exact same say over the roster as last year, exact same thing they said they were going to do the day Rex got hired last year. The only way they have ever done it. This is TOTAL DYSFUNCTION!!!
  20. That's the point. It was blatantly clear. You and others are just bitching about nothing because you are taking what he said and twisting it around. Every Bills fan knows Whaley and Pegula have talked about Rex the whole year. The actual words that Whaley said were technically true based on the question. And even I was saying he was lying through his teeth because it was obvious what happened. You're using his exact quotes against him but if you want to be technical his exact quotes were true. He didn't know exactly what was said in that phone call so he didn't know exactly why Rex was fired. Rex could have called Terry's daughter a bad name. And Whaley never asked. There was no reason to ask, it was obvious. And obviously Whaley was being overly and obnoxiously coy about what happened. But literally he was correct. And you're still bitching about something that was crystal clear.
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