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Everything posted by Tatonka68

  1. I am saying I do not want to watch the Patriots win and the listen to the Brady love fest.
  2. If you watch this disgusting excuse of a form of entertainment than you are crazy. It would be better watching someone shoot your dog.
  3. Patriots run all over the Lambs and bury them 34 to 17. Brady is declared a demi god and the football world kisses his sweaty feet.
  4. Why Watch another Super Bowl victory for the Cheats? Not me brother.
  5. You have to a a completely different game plan than you usually run on the rest of the year to beat the Patriots. And change your game plan again at halftime to screw with them.
  6. I am boycotting the SB if these Asholes are in it. Cannot stomach it. Will watch the the Lifetime channel instead.
  7. Pats will score a TD with 17 seconds left, book it.
  8. The Bills need to get some fat boys, Offensive and Defensive lineman and a young back to split time with Shady.
  9. Super Bowl Patriots!!!!!!!! LA Lambs no match. Sucks but it is reality.
  10. Offensive tackle Trent Brown. Give that man a contract.
  11. This game is OVER already. New England winning the Super Bowl. Rams over rated. Hopefully Brady retires.
  12. Bills strategy is to sign and draft only players whose last name is Williams.
  13. Indianapolis Colts have 3 free agent linemen, Matt Slauson G, J'Marcus Webb RT and Mark Glowinski G. Maybe we can sign a few?
  14. It will not be hard to improve the special teams from last year. LOL!
  15. Sully is a dumb ass. I cannot wait until someone lays out Brady and he is carted off the Field. I would root for ISIS before the Cheats.
  16. Would be great with the addition of Mitch Morse Center also.
  17. Cowboys were never better, 1st game Kelly got hurt and after that Bills fell apart, 2nd game Bills had a 13-6 halftime lead and after Thomas fumbled the Bills fell apart. Bills had at least 5 Hall of Famers on team, should eventually get a few more. Hate to say it but you are correct. ?
  18. Cannot root for anyone but Colts, If Chiefs win Mahommes whores will be out in force complaining the Bills did not draft him. I cannot root for any team for Los Angles so Rams and Chargers are out. I cannot stand the Cowboys. They stole 2 Superbowls from Buffalo. I do not want Eagles to repeat. The Patriots are 666, evil empire. I cannot stand the Saints, just cause.
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