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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. Probably what the Browns and Giants are asking for. White or Dawkins.
  2. C’mon, let’s get this moving. Interest is waining... Should have been an hour a pick.
  3. Why is this such a hot take? Theyd be dumb not to contact every single team in front of them if nothing more than to gauge interest. Id do it just to see if I could find out if there are other teams attempting to get in the top five.
  4. I wasn’t being 100% serious. But even if we do have a bunch of later round picks I’d prefer to not have to bank on one of them starting. It would be nice to have a vet there going into the season and if the rook outplays him let him transition organically. Banking on rooks being startes is never never a good idea. Drafting for need and not bpa gets you in trouble.
  5. We can’t. We’re using all of our picks to get a franchise qb. Gaines will have to do for now. Next year 90mil tho.
  6. Least Buffalo guy? You mean like Jim Kelly? The guy that played college ball in Miami, refused to sign with the Bills and went to another league to get away. The guy that was dragged kicking and screaming to Buffalo, became our greatest qb of our franchise, brought us to 4 Super Bowls and went to the HOF? Yeah I hate that kind of guy.
  7. I was with you up until Allen. Were you one of those guys that fell for Nassib after all of the message board hype? I’d have to agree. I really don’t think Giants even want to trade. Especially not to 12. The Bills will have to hope for some slippage and another willing partner I think. Browns at four?
  8. First off, draft would have to work out perfectly for that to happen. Secondly, hell yes. Give me Rosen every time!
  9. Same guy seen in photos with his dad wearing all Pats gear? Excuse me me if I don’t swoon.
  10. Allen can be Marino? Wow, please step away from the computer.
  11. Ha... I see the little ok you’re talking about. I just like the kids intensity and accuracy. His field demeanor reminds me of Brady when he’s down in a game. It’s almost like how dare these punks score more points than us. Its one of the things I liked least about Taylor, he always had a “meh” look in his eyes winning or losing. Just st sat by himself on the bench. No fire in him. I agree but I almost think the Giants would go Darnold if he was there. I really feel like they dont don’t have an my interest in moving down to 12. I think for that move we have to get a lot closer for them to consider it.
  12. True. But have you noticed how many reports say we love qbs. First Darnold, then Rosen, now Allen and Rudolph. Are rea we really running around saying we love all of these guys. Seems fishy to me.
  13. I think so. It it would be dumb of Beane or anyone else for that matter saying how much they love the guy they’re trying to move up to secure. Just my opinion obviously.
  14. I know. But have you seen any “reports” of how in love they are with him? Thats means something to me.
  15. The Bills have been very interested in all of the qbs except Mayfield so far. Thats speaks very loudly to me.
  16. Ha, no. not even close. I feel like a lot of the older folks like Allen. Maybe because he looks like the all-American boy next door? Idk, I just don’t understand the love. How does any fan of the Bills ever want to take a guy with obvious accuracy issues? Have we not had enough of that? If theres one thing a qb has proven they can’t learn its to be an accurate passer. You have it or you don’t.
  17. You could definitely tell that was forced. The guys been hyping Allen way more than he should’ve been all offseason. I would spend nothing more than a later second rounder on that kid. I dont know how people can get get so hyped over this kid. Reminds me of the Nassib hype from the board a few years ago. Sell the farm, get the real deal.
  18. Wow... tough talk but you went from #1 overall, to top 5, to top 10 really fast. Sounds like you’re losing confidence.
  19. I agree with everything except the “their guy might fall to 12” part. Even if that’s what would of happened, I think if they truly like a guy they’ll make a trade sooner than that to move up to nab him. I’m pretty much expecting a climb at this point. I can be wrong, but I feel it in me bones.
  20. I hope this forces our hand on Matthews. I think he can be a really nice weapon if actually passed to.
  21. Oh ok, so just hope we get one in the draft. If we don’t we’ll just plug an undrafted free agent in there. Smart.
  22. We still have that option. Dansby doesn’t stop that from happening. He’s a body for a year when we need depthbin that position. What’s the big deal?
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