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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. ...and just like that the draft went from slightly unrealistic (but still fun) to madden. Player trades should have have been banned.
  2. I mean, I know it’s not all on Eli but the team is picking top five. How good could the quarterback really be? He needs a good team around him, one pick isn’t going to do it and he’s not going to be around much longer. If you’re smart you take this opportunity to get his replacement. Chances like this don’t come around this often. Good qbs, #2 pick. You pull the trigger. Especially since they know a team only goes as far as the qb allows. As a Bills fan I hope this isn’t the case, but if I was in charge it’s exactly what I’d do.
  3. I’m on the Mayfield train. I just don’t see Jets passing on Rosen, or the Giants trading out unless we get a higher pick to trade beforehand.
  4. Why would they take Mayfeld when they already Darnold? Also, Bills already have Rosen. You may want to read the thread.
  5. Nah... the money is gone and spent. Was it a good signing. Yeah, football is entertainment. We weren’t going to see playoff football so at least we got to see an awesome d-line crush it for a few years. Otherwise, there wouldn’t have been a point to watch at all.
  6. We’re neck deep in the wildest free agency that’s ever been. We have two picks in the top three rounds of the draft with three viable qb options. Mario Williams?
  7. Oh... by “great debate” do you mean no one cares at all about this anymore?
  8. Cool story. We drafted Rosen, get over it.
  9. So basically... Jet fan joins a rival teams message board, starts a thread to announce from the hilltops his important presence and his excitement of “chopping it up” then leaves. Fun!
  10. Patriot-Killa, do us a favor and take Allen. Thanks!
  11. Fair point. Guess we’ll see if anything’s changed.
  12. No I’m not. Talent means nothing if the front office is known to destroy and mismanage young qbs.
  13. No. If Buffalo had the first pick they’d be saying the exact same thing. Cleveland is NOT more desirable for a young qb. Kizer was drafted just last year, was totally mismanaged, fed to the wolves when everyone knew he wasn’t ready, and has been completely abandoned and will be lucky to be a third qb next year. Not desirable.
  14. Translated: “I’m trying to be the number one pick.” His words were chosen carefully. Notice he never said he “wants” to be in Cleveland like the title suggests.
  15. I’m surprised any of these follow-up posts were able to fit on the first page .
  16. Maybe you and I should do their (Bills, Browns) picks/negotiating. Provided you’re willing to hook us up at 4...
  17. I agree with you 100% but really now that I think of it if one team was dumb enough to screw it all up and make the worst choice for their franchise it would be the Browns, right? If if I was a fan, and they didn’t take their guy I’d never watch another game.
  18. Umm... Tyrod Taylor and “have a qb” dont belong in the same post.
  19. The argument is weak? They were 0-16 last year and have Tyrod Taylor as their qb. It’s the strongest argument in the world.
  20. Fair enough, but let’s get this pick in already!
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