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Blank Stare

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Everything posted by Blank Stare

  1. Classy exit with his tweet. Zay‘s a good dude. Just didn’t work out. Hope the change of scenery serves him well.
  2. Mayfield is 8 of 22 with 2 picks. I know Josh had an awful game against the Cheats, but people just need to chill on these young QBs. Even though Baker has more weapons than Josh, it takes time folks. They can’t all be Mahomes.
  3. Something about Joe Tessitore’s voice and delivery drives me insane. Can’t believe this is the best ESPN/ABC has to offer.
  4. Not surprised. Called this yesterday. Seems like a good enough guy, but you need to do what you’re employed to do - catch the ball. Didn’t do it well enough, so he’s out. Bills gave him a much longer leash than I would’ve. Even as a former 2nd rounder. Didn’t work out. Hopefully a change of scenery does him some good.
  5. Wow. Delta bravo much? This is a message board dude. You know, where people make comments about the team and games. Lighten up Francis.
  6. Wish he’d have done that on the 4th and 2 qb sneak in the first half.
  7. Agreed. But that’s all it took. No need to overthink it. At the end of the year, this still counts as 1 win against a team who is constantly in the hunt and direct WC competition. Now that I agree with. We definitely squandered some great opportunities.
  8. I agree that we were fortunate to get the win. It was a sloppy game, but how was he not efficient? He took only what the defense gave him and would had a few more completions if it weren’t for 1 or 2 drops.
  9. Exactly. I was critical of the pick, but that’s a great D he just beat on the road coming off a concussion. Aside from the 1 pick, very efficient day. 72% completion percentage for the people that care about that stat.
  10. Refs did everything they could to stop it, but 4-1 looks great! Tough, hard fought game. Now go get rested up boys and let’s finish this thing!
  11. Terrible series. Run the ball on first to at least get the clock moving.
  12. Soooo...we trading Zay then? Lol. In all honesty, I don’t mind Zay on the team, but he’s not top 4 WR on this team.
  13. Riveron will screw us. He always does. Even though it’s too close to overturn.
  14. Squandered all that great first half field position too.
  15. I don’t disagree on playing with aggression, but pick your spots. Didn’t look like he was going to Yeldon to me, but you may be right on that.
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