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Blank Stare

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Everything posted by Blank Stare

  1. In all seriousness, I can’t recall us consistently playing our corners up and pressing the receivers. It may have happened during Rex’s years, but I just don’t recall it being done consistently for like 20 years now. DC after DC, corners are always playing off. It’s infuriating.
  2. Agreed. I’ve been saying it all year, and I don’t say it lightly because it’s crazy, but I don’t see them losing a regular season game. They get the Chiefs at home. Texans or Ravens might give them a game, but I don’t see it happening. Belly will make Lamar look awful like all young QBs. Hope I’m wrong. We better get used to that only team to go to 4 straight thing going bye bye. Now SB is a different story. Any of the top NFC teams have a QB to stand up to Brady and their D.
  3. GB spent wisely on the DL. TD that just happened not withstanding, but the two cats they brought in on the DL have been a great use of FA $ thus far.
  4. He’s going to cost someone some $$$ this offseason. Good on him to bet on himself with a prove it deal and put in the work for it to pay off.
  5. Wow. That’s awful. Had he stayed healthy his entire career, I thought he might give Bruce a run for his money. Great player, and by all accounts an even better person.
  6. No one is saying Russ forced him on Terry. Terry is a wealthy and powerful businessman who is no dummy. It’s his team and the buck stops with him. But it’s well documented he leaned heavily on Russ and other more established owners during his first few years as he learned the ropes.
  7. Maybe so. I wasn’t in the room. But I think we can both agree that there is enough for both of us to b$&@ about today without Russ and Rex. ?
  8. Oh I don’t disagree. His team all the way, so it’s all on him. But I do recall a certain someone telling Terry to “not let him leave the building”. https://www.newyorkupstate.com/buffalo-bills/2016/12/can_the_pegulas_trust_doug_whaley_and_russ_brandon_to_help_hire_bills_next_coach.html
  9. Another gift from Russell Brandon. ?‍♂️
  10. Pegulas reportedly didn’t like Shanahan’s personality when they interviewed him. Bills will probably never hit 51 under McD. Not saying I don’t want him as coach. Only saying how it’s interesting how things turn out one way or another.
  11. Big mistake passing him up. Doesn't matter how great Tre White is. QB changes everything. I’ll give them Mahomes because there were legit questions, but Watson is a winner. And this is coming from someone who likes Allen. Bills been overthinking things for years, including today’s offensive game plan.
  12. Exactly. How many reports do we hear during training camp about Jerry Hughes wrecking practice? For years now. When has that translated to the regular season since when we had Kyle, Dareus, and Mario? Look, I’m not putting it all on him. He doesn’t have much help. But eventually the excuses need to stop. The great ones still find ways to make plays.
  13. I actually really hate games in the elements. Sure, a snow game is a cool look on TV. Watching this Oakland vs. Houston game, I just like the thought of team vs. team. Man vs. man. Best team wins. No rain, snow, or wind preventing you from being who you really are or what you want to do that day. Yes, both teams play in it. Yes, the coaches should factor weather into their game plans, but call me crazy for wanting to see a good clean game free from the elements.
  14. Hughes has basically been invisible on pass rush. He’s all we really have there. Don’t get consistent enough pressure and sacks on a QB to force turnovers.
  15. Kyle Allen not the savior everyone thought he might be. Granted he’s on the road against SF, but talks of Cam being run out of town are crazy and premature IMO. Guy’s shoulder was wrecked last year and he played through it until they were out. When he’s on and healthy, Cam is a good starting QB in this league and should be appreciated in the current state of the league that’s starving for good QB play (moody personality aside).
  16. The play calls where Daboll has Allen sprinting to right or left as frequently as he does are incredibly frustrating. You eliminate one half of the field immediately and on purpose. Essentially doing the defense a favor. I get that Josh is good on the run, but you know what’s more impactful? Calling an offense that makes the defense respect you and cover the entire field.
  17. Agreed. I don’t think McKenzie should ever be inactive. At least until we have someone better. He’s a weapon in Daboll’s offense. If you sit anyone, it should be Duke (*ducks*).
  18. I’ve been on the Bob Foster train and wondering why he hasn’t gotten more run lately. I realize some of that was due to injury, some to matchups. I realize he can’t call his own plays, but I’m starting to think he might just be mediocre. Hard to say because I pin most of this loss on coaching. McD has these games, at least a couple each year, where he’s totally outclassed. I really like the guy, but that’s becoming a concerning trend.
  19. I’d be shocked if they ever moved Edmunds to OLB. Not saying they shouldn’t, but McD is incredibly stubborn. He values guys that do it “the right way”. I’m not saying it’s the best option, but I might try the following: 1. bring big vin up from the PS and cut Peko. 2. put Corey Thompson at MLB and move Tremaine to OLB. Milano, Thompson, and Edmunds are our best LBs. 3. move Lorenzo to defensive end more frequently to get Murphy out of there (more frequently). 4. give shaq a few more looks inside at DT. I like his aggression. 2 and 3 will never happen.
  20. No ish Josh. You’ve said this enough. Eventually, it’d be nice to see it.
  21. I haven’t been quick to throw in with the Star is awful crowd, but the dude has been invisible this year. Except when he’s being guided away from the play. I’m not real sure about the earlier games (wasn’t paying attention), but the guy has been pretty awful at least the last two games.
  22. Of course. But if we’d have won we make up ground on the cheats. But of course...buffalo can’t do their part. Happens every year.
  23. Watch the Browns win today too. Wouldn’t that just be salt in the wound.
  24. Peko is not the answer. I’d like to get a look at Big Vinny on the practice squad. Supposedly his strength is against the run. Hated the the Peko call up at the time and I hate it now.
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