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Everything posted by Maine-iac

  1. Defender led with the shoulder. The helmet to helmet was Allens head into the defenders ear hole. Watched both angles. Allen was going to get blown up as a runner either way. Defender was going to light him up.
  2. Looks like the Pats player took it in the ear hole as much as Allen took the shoulder in the head.
  3. LOL ........... sure Allen won all 3 games by himself. He's also had some great come from behind wins ........ because his turnovers put us behind. Pats were the wake up call. We could have easily lost in the Jets game and Bengals game for no other reason than Allen turns it over too much.
  4. Against Tennessee? Unless Henry gets rolling there is no reason to think we'll need a bunch of points to win. I don't think anyone thinks Barkley is the answer. Allen needs to get his head right though. He's hurting his team.
  5. Look I'm on board with the Allen will learn from his mistakes cliche but he did it last year. He did it in preseason and let's face it we could have lost the Jet's, Bengals, and Pat's games all because he keeps doing it. We are lucky to be 3 and 1 right now. It is both a good and bad problem that we could be much better because we SHOULD be much better. Allen needs to learn from todays game just like he needed to learn from last year, this preseason, the Jets, and the Bengals. My question is when is he going to learn? I'm not done with him. I hope he's back next week. Let's home he puts this turnover problem to bed, for good.
  6. Allen's physical talent is being completely overshadowed by his horrible decision. Allen definitely has much more physical talent but when he's making 4 or 5 bad plays a game that you've been coached not to make your whole football career it's not hard for a journeyman back up to look like a better game manager. Allen is doing more to make himself look bad than Barkley will do to make to make himself look good.
  7. Funny thing is as much as I hated the interceptions I don't mind the mindset or throw. Just miss long and don't get picked. The sacks on 3rd down and in field goal range drive me nuts. This is QB 101 type stuff.
  8. I thought the offense "moved" the ball fine on the Pats. As well as expected maybe better. Certainly running the ball we moved it better than expected. We could have scored several times and didn't. What we can't do moving the ball or not is turn it over, throw interceptions, fumble the ball. Some plays you are going to get beat or guys aren't open. Get rid of the ball and play another down.
  9. Is Foster out? Imagine if we had two speed guys on the outside and both could catch better than Jones. I've seen enough of Jones to ever believe he's going to come around and put together whole seasons of good football.
  10. Bring back Tyree Jackson!! JK ........ definitely do not do that.
  11. If an O lineman sticks his leg out it's a trip no doubt. That close to the line of scrimmage why is it not tripping for a TE? Even without contact it was clear he stuck his leg out to trip him.
  12. Dude we're 3 and 1 with a really really close loss to the Pats. We just need to shake this *@it off and go get the next win. Chin up, we got this.
  13. I'm actually of the idea that if we hadn't made the mistakes and kept the game closer Gore could have had a big day and celebrated 15K and a win. He quietly had 100 yards as it was.
  14. Remember the interception in the Bengals game with Josh going backwards and clearly should have just thrown it away? Picture that times 3. We moved the ball better than the Pats. Defense played lights out. Special teams had the punt gaff. Outside of that it was close and winnable we just made more mistakes. Moral of the story is play well and make less mistakes.
  15. I don't think any of the big mistakes were coaching.
  16. Can't make a million mistakes and beat the Pats ............. but hey we came close.
  17. Well Brady didn't win it ............... that's something I guess.
  18. Zebras stripes might as well be in Pats blue and white.
  19. Boy wouldn't it be nice if this was just a 3 point game. I don't hate going for it on 4th but given how well the d has played making it a 3 point game would have been our best option.
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