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Rock-A-Bye Beasley

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Posts posted by Rock-A-Bye Beasley

  1. 46 minutes ago, Wayne Arnold said:


    Darby? Is corner a problem for this team?


    Watkins? It would be nice to have him but who knows what went down leading up to them declining his 5th year option.


    Ragland? Who?


    Dareus? Are you still talking about defense like it’s a problem?

    Yes corner is a problem opposite White. 

    Ragland was traded for a 4th before ever stepping foot on the field for us. Why don't we start trading 2nds for future 4ths while we're at it.

    You brought up the dead cap and Dareus is costing us 14mil in dead cap. Do you have a short term memory issue? are you able to follow the conversation?

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Wayne Arnold said:


    Whaley is the one who signed all those high-priced players to bloated, back-loaded contracts. McBeane is cleaning up the mess so the team can actually have a future.

    like who? Darby, watkins, ragland? all on rookie deals, We signed star and dumped dareus when we could have just kept Dareus for less. We have a QB on a rookie deal, we can afford a few overpaid players.

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, ProcessAccepted said:


    It's wearisome listening to all the negativity on this site. It used to be a great place for meaningful dialog but it's sadly turning into a place where people overreact and make overly critical statements but never a solution.  


    So I would really appreciate hearing specifically what would you have done differently this season considering our cap situation.

    How about not putting us in this cap situation to begin with?

  4. 6 hours ago, Bills2ref said:

    Unfortunately we are going to have to hear this trash for the next X years. Over and done with. Rosen has looked far from a world beater this season and led a comeback win against the 49ers, a team that has one win. Both of Arizona’s wins have come against the 1 win 49ers. They are far from world beaters. Tell me when Rosen lights it up all game AND leads a come from behind win against a respectable defense. Also, if you combine Benjamin and Zay Jones, they couldn’t hold Larry Fitzgerald’s jock strap. 

    A team that has one win. You mean like the colts who beat us by over 30?

    19 minutes ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:


    It was funny in April 

    Get used to it 

    5 hours ago, John from Riverside said:

    I think the problem is McD would not have been patient with Allen given how TT was maxed out in his potential and team were starting to really figure him out.....this carried over when he went to Cleveland......


    So Josh would still have been starting too early.....he really does need a year holding the clipboard while the offense is rebiult.


    But as they say....the train has left the station

    They picked a project for a team that has nothing in place on offense. 

  5. 23 minutes ago, Buffalo Barbarian said:





    change the subject then laugh at me. Mahomes is putting up numbers never seen before. Those other two were not, and just because one got injured and the other regressed doesn't mean antything to the fact that McDermott passed on him when we needed a QB

  6. 7 hours ago, H2o said:

    Dear God.......this again? 

    get used to it

    3 hours ago, Buffalo Barbarian said:

    Yeah another WAHomes thread :doh:



    get used to it

    48 minutes ago, bills11 said:

    how many mahomes threads are we gonna have? its seems like theres a new one everyday the bills front office is incompetent sure we passed on him lets move on cant change the past.

    get used to it

    • Haha (+1) 1
  7. 14 hours ago, Rc2catch said:

    What are the odds Watson or Mahomes is successful here? Even with the players lost via trade and free agency.

    Why is it a given they “missed” on these picks? 

    Watson is a year and a half into his career and what 6-7 games for Mahomes? 

    While im not sold on Allen as a franchise guy I just don’t see the fascination with other quarterbacks we could of drafted instead.

    totally different systems and team situations. 

    they are good just admit it to yourself i know it hurts. you'll be on the wrong side of history on this one. Can't use that excuse. We are a black hole for QB? so they can't be criticized for passing on a guy who has thrown 22TD in his first 8 games? You are objectively incorrect.

  8. 5 hours ago, Buffalo Barbarian said:

    Them too, but we have enough threads on those tards.


    Is that short for retards?


    This team has thrown for under 100 yards passing in 5 of their last 13 games. Most of those were blowouts where they should have been able to get some garbage time passing yards but still could not. So I don't think it's really that crazy to think maybe this coach isn't the best option to develop a QB. Those that want him fired have legitimate concerns with examples of game-time and personnel decisions and stats to back up their stance.


    All you have done is call them retards.

  9. 4 hours ago, Thurman#1 said:



    Yes. $32 mill in dead cap space by trading away Dareus, Glenn, Taylor and Ragland. But you do know that we also saved us a lot of money at the same time, right? We saved around $4 mill last year and $9.9 mill this year and $40 mill over the next few years. The cap trouble we were in was going to continue to haunt us down the line unless they cleaned out a bunch of stuff, and Dareus was given a contract far too large for his contribution from around 2016 and onwards. Trading Glenn saved us $9.25 mill in salary and $2 mill in roster bonus this year, not to mention around $20 mill over the next couple of years. For a team that has a pretty good LT on a rookie contract, that's money well-saved. The $16 mill Tyrod cost us in dead cap is almost exactly what we saved ... $10 mill salary and $6 mill roster bonus, but $1 mill of the roster bonus was guaranteed. Ragland? Jeez, you're worried about the $750K he costs us in dead cap when we saved $1.7 mill last year and this year in salary and workout bonus? Please.


    You've just as completely missed the point with the guys you mentioned in your second paragraph. By signing and cutting Coleman they incurred $2.955 mill in dead cap ... and saved $2.955 mill in salary. Zero net cap effect. McCarron cost us $4.1 mill in dead cap but the Raiders took on his salaries of $3.9 mill over this year and next, a net cost of $200K against the cap. Newhouse also has a net cap effect of zero, and we got a draft pick for him and for McCarron. Same with Kerley, zero net cap effect. The net cap effect of those four contracts was $200K and they got draft picks in trade.


    None of those things makes your point. We were in serious cap trouble before those moves were made. Making those moves got us into a position where next year we're not just out of trouble, but actually in great cap shape.

    This is so wrong. First of all this Zero net cap effect thing you keep saying. If The Bills don't trade for Coleman there's zero net cap effect. Once we trade for him we have his salary on the books, and once released yes his salary is gone but we incur the cap penalty. So would we have 3mil in cap penalty if we hadn't traded for him? Same goes for all the others we signed then released, but those aren't even the main issue.


    My real problem is with Darues, Glen, Watkins, and Ragland. First of all 3 of those guys were on rookie deals. Ragland had never touched the field so we basically traded a 2nd round pick for a future 4th. As for the rest, you're saying how much money we save in the future, and while that's true the counter argument is that we could still afford them even if they are overpaid. They are talented young players and we have a QB on a rookie deal. You say we are in great shape cap wise, but there's no way (hopefully) we can spend 90million on whatever free agents are left over after NYJ and other teams get the pick of the litter. We could absolutely afford Dareus instead of Star and Watkins even on a franchise tag over whatever aging WR decides to come here in the offseason.


    But that's their choice the wanted their own players. This cap situation is completely their choice. Hopefully it works out, but to say they had no choice because of the situation Whaley left them in is dishonest.

  10. 3 hours ago, CLTbills said:


    You do realize Doug Whaley was the GM, right? I'm getting awfully tired of having to point this out over. and over. and over.


    Did you give Whaley credit for the trade down and White pick before Mahomes started breaking records? Or was that McDermott's genius defensive mind? Be honest 

  11. 8 hours ago, sven233 said:


    You are definitely slow.....  Do some research and tell me how many drafts McDermott has been here. Here.....I'll help you out.  It's more than 1, but less than 3.  Although, at your education level, that math may be too complicated for you.

    These homers were giving McDermott credit for trading down and getting white until Mahomes started lighting up the scoreboard and setting records. 

  12. 2 hours ago, mjt328 said:


    I absolutely agree that BUSTS are way more common than success stories. 

    I absolutely agree that we can/should question whether this coaching staff can develop a rookie Quarterback.

    I absolutely have tons of concerns of my own, and I would be lying if I claimed to be confident in our future success.


    But regardless of whether Josh Allen is going to be a Hall of Famer or the next Jamarcus Russell, what we are experiencing right now was an inevitable part of the journey.  It could not be avoided. 


    The only people who have any reason to complain, are those who argued against a rebuild and wanted to build around Tyrod Taylor.  Anyone who wanted us to draft a QB in the first round should have been smart enough to know what was coming.  That's why it's maddening to read the garbage constantly being posted on here.



    I'm with you up until the last 2 sentences. I was on board for a rebuild and still am, but the complete incompetence on the offensive side is making me think there's no chance it will be successful, and even if Josh has potential it will be squandered by this coach. It's just TOO bad. even the Browns the last two years only had one game under 100 yards passing. This regime has had FIVE in the last 13 games.

  13. 21 minutes ago, mjt328 said:


    I'm not trying to "prove" the Bills will be good. 

    I can't tell the future any more than you can.


    The point I'm trying to make, is that the vast majority of rookie quarterbacks are bad, especially when it comes to running an NFL level passing game.  It's a huge jump that only select few are prepared for.  And when your QB is struggling, it drags down everyone and everything (receivers, linemen, running backs, coordinators) around them.


    Considering the small school he attended, and the issues with his mechanics/accuracy - it was clear to even Josh Allen's biggest supporters that he was way behind the curve when compared to the others in this draft class (Mayfield, Darnold and Rosen specifically).  He was going to struggle and it was going to take time to mold him.  We were warned about this long before the Bills were even on the clock.  We were warned by the Bills front office in the press conference after they picked him.  We were warned in training camp and preseason.


    Despite this, tons of Bills fans want to see results NOW.  They want to see progress on offense NOW.  They want the team to win NOW. 

    And since it's not happening NOW, then it's clearly because Brandon Beane and Sean McDermott have no idea what they are doing and need to be fired immediately.



    This is why GMs like Buddy Nix and Doug Whaley were too chicken-$#!+ to go aggressively after a quarterback in the draft.  It immediately put their jobs on the line.  They would rather stick with the mediocre-safe option (Ryan Fitzpatrick, Kyle Orton, Tyrod Taylor) that maxes out at 9 wins and gets you an early wild card exit.  Because the fans have exactly ZERO patience to stick through a rebuild.  It's quite possible that Allen busts and becomes the next in line after JP Losman and EJ Manuel.  But it's possible that he develops into the franchise savior we've all been waiting for. 




    You said the vast majority of rookie QBs struggle. Then point out a couple that ended up being good while conveniently leaving out all the others which are WAY more common. 


    It’s a respectable opinion for any Bills fan to have questions about whether a prospect with Allen’s history can develop. Especially when you see this team pass for under 100 yards 5 times in the last 13 games. There has to be at least some blame or at least questions about whether this coaching staff can develop a QB. 


    Im not impatient. I knew they would be bad this year. But it is never acceptable for any offense  to be this bad. I don’t care what your excuses are. 

  14. 4 hours ago, Thurman#1 said:



    The difference being that McVay is reloading, not rebuilding. He joined a team with a GM who's been in place, building a solid roster for years and picking the #1 overall QB the year before he got there.


    The Bills did not have a roster that would have made a reload tenable. They weren't good. The Rams had build a strong defense that was very young, and had brought in Gurley and Goff before McVay arrived, and they were in good shape with the salary cap.


    But yeah, you make a good point, McVay was a lot better than Fisher. And you're certainly right that you don't always have to start over. Do you really think the 2015 Bills had enough talent to reload around? I don't, especially when Whaley had built a very mediocre squad while treating his salary cap situation like a sailor in port treats his pocket money.


    If you do think we could have reloaded, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.


  15. Why do I get the feeling it's the same people who thought this team would win 9-10 games before the season that are now saying have patience?


    20 minutes ago, mjt328 said:


      If you go back to 2016, the Rams were dead-last in virtually every offensive category, and the Eagles were in the bottom-half.



    What about other teams that were bad at offense but now are still bad at offense? You can't just pick a good team then go back and point out a time they were bad to prove that the Bills will be good.

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