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Everything posted by Buffalo03

  1. Flutie was a team guy. I'm not quite sure why anyone would think the guy was selfish. I didn't get that vibe at all. Is it because he was mad that that our stupid front office and coaching staff decided to go with Johnson over him? Because Flutie had every reason to be pissed off about that. He was clearly the better player and took us to the playoffs
  2. Are you seriously saying Flutie didn't care about winning as much as playing? He played with heart every single week. Tyrod doesn't even compare to Flutie in any aspect of the game. I cannot believe someone actually wrote this. Wow
  3. Does it really matter? Lmao. You're talking about 11 years worth of him beating blitzes with at least 6 players. He has 70 TDs and 0 INTs. He's also only been sacked 17 times. I really don't think number of chances matter
  4. The Ravens should have easily lost their last two games. How do they manage to get the Packers without Aaron Rodgers and Texans without DeShaun Watson in back to back games? If both of those QBs play, the Ravens lose both games
  5. Assuming us, the chiefs, the chargers and Ravens are all 6-6 next week, which team would have the upper hand in the playoff race?
  6. Overrated Pretty sure Brees was released not traded for
  7. Does anyone know if it goes active this week? I believe it is around week 12 every year
  8. Kirk Cousins would be more than a stop gap. Smith maybe but not Cousins. I'd still rather sign him no matter how much money it is over possibly drafting another J.P. Losman or E.J Manuel
  9. I almost feel like this franchise has been losing on purpose for the last 17 years. There is just no other way around it. It is impossible to miss the playoffs for 17 straight seasons. Now it is going on 18. We have done the impossible. There is no way that one particular team could possibly be so bad at everything for nearly 20 years. Not drafting right, bad coaching hires, bad coaching decisions, constantly finding ways to lose games in the closing minutes. We have even changed ownership and it's still no different. Year after year, regime after regime, bad draft after bad draft, always finding ways to lose games that we have no business losing, there is just no other way to explain this to me. I think this franchise loves losing and making fools out of their fans and watching us all act like the sky is falling. Call me crazy, I'd like to think this is not the case but I just can't look past it anymore and until they show otherwise that is exactly what I will keep thinking.
  10. Again though, if we miss in the draft on a QB then we will set the franchise back another 5 years. Do you really want to take that chance?
  11. You won't have to pay him that much money. He would only make that much money by being on the franchise tag for a 3rd straight year, otherwise we could get him for between $20-$25 million a season. I wouldn't call him a little above average either. He's a fairly good QB if you ask me
  12. The problem with this though, is if you miss in the draft then you set this team back another 5 years. With our track record of drafting the past 17 years we will most likely end up drafting the wrong guy. Cousins easily has another 10 years ahead of him. It would be the same as drafting our own guy except we would be paying him a lot more money up front
  13. I don't want to waste another 5 years waiting to see if a drafted QB is going to work out again. Lets just go for the proven guy. Go get Kirk Cousins in the offseason and focus the draft on other needs
  14. I was wondering the same thing. You can tell this team and especially the defense played with so much energy and emotion and gave it their all on every play. For whatever reason, they have been lazy, played like they havent cared and have shown no energy or passion like they did before. It is very baffling. I have started wondering if McDermott has all of a sudden said or done something that has ticked the players off in some way. The missed tackles are the real baffling thing. They seemed to have no problem tackling the first seven games
  15. I personally think the defense was playing better prior to the last two games. We weren't missing tackles before and now we are. We seemed to always be in the right position and now we have been out of place. If we had been bad at tackling all year then I would say that's how we really are.
  16. The line had one extremely bad game which was against the Jets last week. Every other game they have been pretty decent and I wouldn't even say they were an issue yesterday. The lack of a number 2 RB I'll give you but he should not be giving him carries on on 2nd and long. Or when we are down by 21 points. That is just being clueless in my opinion QB I'll also give you. Tyrod is bad and doesn't know how to audible I would say Dennison is probably 2nd on the list of offensive problems. The horrendous play calling in situations where he shouldn't be calling them is mind boggling.
  17. Also another thing to think about is, how many times have we still been running the ball when we're down by a bunch of points? Yesterday we were still running the ball when we were down 24-3 pinned back on our own 10 yard line. To say that it's not the system and not blame Dennison is ridiculous.
  18. I'm sorry we run A LOT on 1st and second down. You also have to think, how many times of the throws that are called on 1st and 2nd do you see a screen to Shady right down the line of scrimmage. That's basically the same thing as a run play. Why do you think we have so many 2nd and 12's, 2nd and 14's and all those long second and longs constantly? It's because we usually either run on first down and get stuffed for either no gain or a loss or we throw a straight line screen to Shady out of the backfield. Then on those second and longs, how many times have we seen them call a run play to Tolbert, only to get stuffed and end in 3rd and 13. I can recall quite a few times this season where we ran it with Tolbert right up the middle on 1st and 2nd down and basically waste two plays. Every week I can sit at home and know exactly what plays we are going to run on 1st and 2nd down from my couch and majority of the time I am right. If I know that, you better believe the opposing defense does to. The offense is predictable plain and simple
  19. Look how quickly he runs the no huddle as well. Every time Tyrod is in this situation he takes 30 seconds to get up to the line and run the next play
  20. I believe it is partly the system. I will admit Tyrod was awful yesterday but you can't tell me that it makes sense for Dennison to be calling 2nd and 15 run plays especially to Mike Tolbert. It also seems that we run on 1st and 2nd down all the time. The offense is extremely predictable. In some ways it is the system
  21. We traded Dareus right before the Raiders game. Didn't seem to affect them then
  22. I did find it interesting that Peterman ran the no huddle very efficiently. He would complete a pass and get them right back up to the line within 15 seconds. It takes Tyrod 30 seconds to do that. I guess he really is bad. I've stuck up for him for a long time but I'm done with that today
  23. I get what you're saying but he can't possibly think that running the ball on second and long especially to Tolbert is a good idea. He can't possibly be that bad to not be able to see that the box is being stacked and that our offense is predictable enough to not change the play
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