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Everything posted by Foreigner

  1. Don't believe everything you hear. They already know who is going to win the election as NY is a Democratic State and NIxon is a actress running against a professional politician. They know what they are going to do. Just won't say.
  2. Maybe you should say something instead of just crying about what someone else says.
  3. Goff had a new HC year 2. Did you forget that? He also had Watkins and Woods to through to. Who do we have that everyone is so happy about, Ra Ra or Ray Ray.
  4. With everyone so ga ga over Josh Allen, does it really matter who our QB is? I don't think so. Let McCoy run for 22 yards and think you can win is so so wrong. Did McDermott and Beane (they are tied at the hip) really think this time could win with this OL and WRs they have? Did they really think Sean go run through the Baltimore D without the OL giving him space? The clone of Tom Brady couldn't win with this team as presently constructed. And I asked the ? months ago "Why is Nathan Peterman on the roster" and I will ask again now. If you read McDermotts comments yesterday about Peterman "and continue to grow", what is going on with our HC, and what is his problem? Those comments are really a worry for everybody.
  5. I believe what he was trying to say was without a OL and WRs your QB really does not matter. In otherwords which comes first; the egg or the chicken or another way is putting the horse before the cart. Com on guys. This team as constructed, it makes no difference who the QB is. 4-12 or 1-15 a difference?
  6. Of course we would like 3 HC in 48 years. You are not telling us anything we don't know. It is just the hires have been so bad that perhaps even Malarkey or Marrone would still here if they would have put up with this organization. Who is making the hires now, Brandon or Kim. What football person?
  7. 1. The cat who said Darby is a good player in other schemes should know better. You fit the schemes to the players or talent you have. Did Baltimore have run plays for Flacco with the snap? 2. Stop talking about last year's playoffs. We may even won the game if the reject that we got from Carolina didn't push off in the end zone costing us a almost sure TD on the next 3 plays. We were LUCKY to get in with the Dalton pass, with the big negative point differential, and the goal is the SB, not a wildcard playoff team. 3, Beane and McDermott are tied at the hip. I doubt one does nothing without the other knowing. 4. Press conferences are a required component of the job. If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen, and go work at Wall Mart where you will not have to give press conferences. 5. The NFL is not a finishing school for elitists to learn manners. It is a brutal professional business and only the tough survive. Character and $3.00 will get you a cup at Starbucks. It will not get you a winning football team.
  8. The Q about what did you learn from Sundays game and how will you improve. The answer would be, that he has to review the game tape/film, You would not get anything different from him. Although he should say he should not have a punter start his first NFL game kicking behind that OL.
  9. Well said, but tell it to Beane & McDermott unless you think they came into the season wanting to go 0-16
  10. If you think the idea was to tank the season, you really have a problem. Everybody wants to win. This team has been on a rebuild for 18 seasons. If you think they want to lose, just throw away your season tickets, because very few of us liked the product Sunday, so stop with the excuses. You saw what rookie QB Darnold last night.
  11. You guys just don't get it. The business of professional sports is business. It is to make money. It is all about the money. Whether it is for the owners, players, vendors, FO workers, stadium workers, NFL, TV people and companies, and everyone else anyone wants to think about. Winning is secondary. Sure, win and the more money winds up in everyone's pockets. However, owners worth Billions either make a profit, or lose enough to cut their tax bill. If not they get out. Money satisfies most owners egos. It is the fans, we who spend our time and money who need the winning more. Very few of will go out to New Era this year just to enjoy the football, not caring who wins. If the owners teams win, great, but it is the revenue or money that means the most, to most of them. There are no statements from the Pegulas about Sundays performance, and as long as they can keep making money one way or another there won't be much said from them. There is 1 winner from the 4 major sports each year, but how many franchises for sale; doesn't that tell you something.
  12. Nate Peterman was a NFL QB in the pre-season, and apparently in practice, but the speed of a regular season game has proven too fast for him.
  13. For Process Accepted to get personal, telling me to F---- Off, and we are a winning team next year is so sad and it reflects on him, who can't accept reality.
  14. We don't hate the Bills. We hate the way the organization operates, and maybe someone who matters can bring in real football people to change things. We want NFL football, with a chance to go to the SB. We don't have that. Backing into the playoffs on another teams last desperate play, was not a positive because it made people think we were improving. If we didn't get a reject WR from Carolina who pushed off in the end zone possibly costing us the playoff game maybe we would have been improving.
  15. 1. Possible starting of Nathan Peterman Sunday. 2. Telling everyone he had to look at the tape Monday to evaluate. 3. Jordan Pryor - Bills Safety. "They were more prepared". 4.We are "just in the 2nd year to get this thing going". 5.LA Chargers total net yards on Offense Sunday 541. Buffalo Bills 153. 6. Total net yards given up on Defense Chargers 362. Bills 369. 7. Anthony Lynn was rejected as Head Coach of the Bills. 8. Dennison was fired as Bills OC went to O job with the Jets, 349 yds on O last night. 9.WRs fired by the Bills in '17- Sunday and their catches, Watkins 3, Woods 3, Goodwin Inj. 10. Jeremy Kerley & Chris Ivory rejected by the Jets (5-10 years ago?) basically back ups. 11. For all his faults, TT a winning starting QB Sunday 197 Net P yds, Bills QBs 70. 12. Only 10 players left on the roster from the '17 playoff team. 13. HC "We have to grow and learn from the film". 14. Coleman fired by the Bills, hired by the Pats. Maybe a few of these items are nitpicking, but if we and the national media know the story, do the Pegulas know why their two Pro franchises are bottom feeders now.
  16. Anybody at the presser yesterday ask the Coach, why they were not prepared?
  17. Ladies and Gentleman, will you please stop with the excuses defending our Owner, GM and HC. Stop talking about 2019, the previous regime, or we will get better. You all saw the product put on the field. If Baltimore did not pull the plug on Flacco & co. early 3rdQ it would have been way worse. Just because we want for a better product on the field, it won't happen with these people unless McDermott viewed the tape today, since he couldn't see what was going on. I don't want to hear the excuses he came up with in his presser. All he needed to say is "we stunk, I apologize for it".
  18. How can anyone in there right mind defend the product on the field Sunday. That is unbelievable. Forget about 2019. We are talking about a GM and HC who have now put on the field Nathan(pic 6) Peterman again who does not belong in the NFL. This management team wouldn't know talent when it hits them in the face when they are escorted out the front door. Stop with the excuses. It has to get a little better because no nfl team can lose 16 games by 40-3 EVERY WEEK. If Baltimore didn't pull the plug on Flacco and company early in the 3rd, it would have been 60 or 70 to 3.No excuses guys. These are players the HC and GM put on the field Sunday. Stop with the excuses. You can't justify the result. This a results business today and this year. Wake up.
  19. McDermotts ego is so large he has to study the tape to see what Nate did. This was Sean's boy from the beginning. What is insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Did you really expect a 5th rounder to come in and make it in the NFL. Many last year wondered why he was even on the roster, and McDermott's answer seemed to be he was good in practice.
  20. Didn't he have to come in for TT at the end of the Jacksonville game, and the final play was a INT.
  21. Why are people saying they talked to someone, but they won't tell you what they said. I can only understand it if you talked to your therapist, and you won't tell me what he said. Otherwise say nothing, just say nothing.
  22. I have been after McBeane and McDermott ever since they got rid of talent like Watkins, Woods and Goodwin. I have also been accused of being a troll, as I asked last winter why Nathan Peterman was still on the roster. If Coach & GM don't know that being a good practice player and a decent pre season player does not translate to the speed of a actual regular season game, then there is no hope. He was asked after the game today about the QB situation and three times said he has to look at the tape. He couldn't see with his own eyes on the sideline? Look, Beane and McDermott were never going to be elevated to be Coach and GM at Carolina, because management there are football people. Who is running this operation here, Kim or Terry? I never cease to be amazed that people who have made a lot of money in other fields, think that they can have a new toy by buying a professional sports franchise. We are all hoping for the best for this team and franchise, but when you are non competitive against a non playoff team, and can't get 1 first down in the first half, that is pathetic. i don't ever remember a starting QB coming out of the lineup early in the 3rd quarter to avoid injury.
  23. Because this was worse than bad today. No Offense, no Defense, no Coach and no GM to put a product out like they did today.
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