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Everything posted by SaviorPeterman

  1. For the record I still hate his deal, mostly because Whaley/Overdorf didn't protect the Bills given Dareus history. But at the time it was a given we would have to overpay to keep him just like most internal/external FA's during the drought. And despite the off the field antics and reports of him being lazy, he was a 3rd overall pick for a reason and still one of the best DT's in the NFL on paper given his talent and ability. Who knows what his future holds in Jax but obviously he feels he's in a better situation there than Buffalo despite his love for his former teammates and city.
  2. I still think NP is the QB of the future and option four is my choice especially since Beane is in love with him: http://www.sportingnews.com/nfl/news/buffalo-bills-tyrod-taylor-nathan-peterman-quarterback-future-2018-nfl-draft-alex-smith/95ofoqj66m4m1gywtd44mklke
  3. Back when this trade happened, I said if St. Doug and Tom Coughlin couldn't get Dareus career back on track nobody could. Also it's very troubling the Beane and McD were focused soley on Dareus contract and not trying to support him and harness such a talent. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000904990/article/marcell-dareus-jaguars-organization-changed-my-life?campaign=Twitter_atn http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2018/01/10/marcell-dareus-going-to-jaguars-changed-my-life/
  4. Not sure where this idea has come from that NP is Dennison guy, and if that's the case what does it say about McD then for benching TT for Dennison's guy? Shows he truly is in over his head after all if he's willing to let other coaches or players influence his decisions. Bottom line NP is one of the top young prospects on this team and going nowhere unless a team offers a 1st round pick for him.
  5. IMO the following are gone no matter what: Taylor Kyle Williams Cordy Glenn Lorenzo Alexander Preston Brown Incognito Mills Jordan Matthews Possibly gone: McCoy Clay Hughes Would like to have back but probably gone: Gaines Thompson
  6. They were one of many 'sexy' picks including teams like the Raiders, Broncos and Bucs. Another reason many experts thought the Bills would suck because we had to play all these teams. Regardless many experts and league insiders will be all over the Dolphin bandwagon again next year because Adam Gase is widely considered one of the best young offensive minds in the NFL. Dolphins will also have their franchise QB back and are primed to have a big offseason given their cap situation.
  7. NP is a hard working and is going to have a great offseason. And regardless of whatever other QB moves are made this offseason, NP is going to be generating a lot of hype in camp and preseason when he looks even better than last summer.
  8. Yes the 2017 Bills were very bad if you compared them to the 2016 Dolphins and 2015 Jets Both those teams were much better across the board especially offensively. And this is also why some had them pegged as SB contenders the following seasons, especially the Dolphins this year. This is why it's a minor miracle McD and this team was able to back into the playoffs on the arm of Andy Dalton of all QB's. Don't be surprised if a lot of the pundits have the Bills projected as a terrible team in 2018 similar to what they thought last season.
  9. There's probably a 0.0001% chance Peterman isn't on the roster next year, even if we do draft another QB very early.
  10. I love me some NP obviously, but if it was realistic possibility to take Sam Darnold I'd be all over it. Some of my contacts out west think he's a better version of Phillip Rivers (who I still think has been a top 5 NFL QB his entire career despite the lack of postseason appearances/success). Still think at the end of the day though Darnold and Rosen probably go in the top 2 to the Browns and Giants and neither team would even think of trading with the Bills or anybody else given the circumstances.
  11. Whoever we bring in to compete for the backup QB job behind NP probably isn't going to be a big name, at least that is what I've heard from a contact of mind close to the situation.
  12. Taylor isn't the worst passer, his skill set just isn't a fit in a league still dominated by pass happy offenses and franchise QB's. He'll certainly be the one of the best (if not the top) back up QB options out there though for a loaded team looking for a guy that can get them through a few games if their starter gets hurt.
  13. This press conference was a whole lot of nothing in terms of the expected vague responses, but still think big changes are coming especially on offense. And even though it's a forgone conclusion TT is going to be released or traded, the smart move would also be to dump Dennison especially if they want NP to continue to develop properly and be set up for success as the starter next year.
  14. Here's the big concern from the Bills standpoint when addressing this, the 2015 Jets and 2016 Dolphins were much better teams across the board than the 2017 Bills. Yet both failed miserably the following season for a number of reasons (tougher schedules, key injuries, etc). And this is why I maintain the Bills could be in a lot of trouble for the 2018 season, because first of all I don't think McD is anywhere close to the coach that Gase and Todd Bowles are. Second, it's no secret this team is going to continue to churn the roster and I think a lot of the veterans on this team won't be back next year sans guys recently brought in like Micah Hyde. And while the expected influx of young talent via the draft should pay dividends long term, I still think 2018 will be a classic step back season and at least from a W/L standpoint might be closer to what most expected in 2017 (i.e. a 4-12 type of season). Either way it's good that this regime was able to get the playoff drought monkey off their backs because the next few years might not be as kind especially if you factor in the rest of the division being vastly improved in the offseason as well .
  15. Yes and in your thread I reported that my TX source said this is pretty much a formality and Gaine's job if he wants it. And based on latest updates I have nothing has changed and it's pretty much done even though it's not announced yet.
  16. It makes me sick to my stomach that NP was robbed the opportunity to tie the game and possibly lead the Bills to a big upset over St Doug and his heavily favored Jags. If that was a Brady pass it would have been overturned instantly.
  17. It will be a big loss for the Bills since Gaine is highly regarded in league circles, but can't blame the guy because he's obviously not getting the GM job in Buffalo. Also, pretty sure Beane was very disappointed after he decided to come to Buffalo and the Carolina GM job opened up shortly after. No way he would have chose the Bills over staying there if he had the choice.
  18. This is going to happen (as I reported last week it's pretty much a done deal via a close source of mine in the Houston area) and will be a big loss because Gaine is a very astute football mind that would have helped Beane and McD's rebuilding venture immensely. https://www.buffalorumblings.com/2018/1/8/16861188/buffalo-bills-vp-personnel-brian-gaine-purportedly-the-favorite-to-be-houston-texans-general-manager
  19. Sorry but you are wrong. And Beane/McD's actions will speak louder than words this offseason because regardless of whatever fantasy some fans have this team is dumping all their draft picks to move up and take one of the blue chip prospects that will be long gone anyway in the first 5 picks. Not saying we won't draft another QB in round 2 or later because that might happen but NP will be the guy heading into 2018.
  20. Since when are Bill fans not allowed to discuss other NFL teams or praise them? If you don't like my commentary you certainly don't have to read or respond but I'm not going to stop discussing other matters if it's relevant to the Bills. And just because I believe St. Doug is a better coach than McD that's far from inciting a riot.
  21. Yes in fact I posted about it months ago but here's a snipped from one of the articles: http://www.newyorkupstate.com/buffalo-bills/index.ssf/2017/08/buffalo_bills_gm_brandon_beane_said_qb_nathan_peterman_is_better_than_expected.html Word on the street is that love has intensified and Beane was a major reason why McD benched TT for NP before the Chargers game.
  22. Teef this team was out coached yesterday period and the final score quite frankly was misleading. With that said miraculously this team still had a chance to tie the game in the final minutes. Deep down though many fans like myself are pissed that we let Marrone get away. Sure McD might end up being a good coach somebody but backing into the playoffs on a Andy Dalton hail mary isn't close to clinching in week 14 like St. Doug and his Jags did.
  23. One of my contacts close to the QB situation texted me this morning while I was in high level meetings, to paraphrase he said the following: "Savior (obviously not my real name), if NP was starting yesterday the Bills probably would have won. But now the Taylor experiment is over and Beane is going full steam ahead with NP being the starter heading into 2018. Beane is in love with this kid but look for a few other power moves but no big name QB's drafted/signed" If true this confirms my own thoughts that NP will likely be the guy and we'll sign another journeyman to compete and back him up.
  24. The point is that teams were/are keen on St Doug's staff, and he's assembled quite the collection of coaching talent in Jax. My gut feeling tells me though he's going to live up to the Parcells comparisons and have quite the career as an NFL head coach. Jury is still out on McD obviously since the Bills backed into the playoffs and were one and done.
  25. Don't be surprised if Watkins ends back up in the AFC Beast. I'm already hearing whispers connecting him to the Jets and Dolphins since they have tons of cap space and will be looking to add big name talent on that side of the ball in the offseason. Never sleep on the Hoodie either because the Pats are always in the market to add more weapons for Brady.
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