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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. All he did was talk, which was always his way of leading. But he didn’t choose.
  2. She used her faces perfectly to kill Walder Frey. She used her stealth several times. And her fighting skills saved the world when she killed the Night King. How much more can one character of many do without making the entire story about her? She is a Stark. That was one of her defining characteristics, but she was as she said, not a lady. Whatever she was going to do next, it was not going to be sitting around helping build Bran’s Utopia. She followed a good arc, maybe the most fulfilling besides Sansa. .
  3. His vows didn’t stop him with Ygritte. He’ll find a Northern girl with a way of kissing to keep him warm at night.
  4. Not sure I agree. Just different mediums. You can do a much deeper character dive on TV. The evolution of Tyrion or Jaime would not have been as touching in a trilogy of movies. Or would we have had the chance to get to know so many characters. Ned Stark would have been on the cutting room floor or just part of a brief flashback in a trilogy. Instead we got to see him for a whole season and he cast a shadow over the remaining 7. Martin needs to finish off the next 2, then hand out some outlines and license GoT in all mediums. It’s probably not got the legs of Star Wars just because there are more fantasy tales out now than there were sci/funny in 1977, but it’s got legs for more than HBO series.
  5. It was fine. The story had to end. Martin, if he ever writes the books, will do a better job setting up Brann.
  6. I'm flattered that you're going to follow me like this! Happy to have a beer with you any time as well. This message board stuff goes sideways and it need not.
  7. That’s weak sauce. Why not make the place better? And if you don’t like me, by all means chase me off. What I’d like is a somewhat civil discussion board where a quick retort isn’t dialog, made up stuff about posters by the conspiracy wing isn’t constantly repeated, and we discuss the state of things instead of just retweeting stuff. Like grown ups. Barring that, I get sucked into the muck too. I’m not better than you. I’m just fighting. I post plenty. You just waded into a few days where I noted DR’s presence and when I do, he loses his mind. I can’t post here without him losing his marbles. I’ve invited him out for beers. I’ve proposed we both post here in peace and give each other space. He can’t do it. That’s ok but maybe someday. Step up onto the throne and make it better. I’m happy to follow your lead.
  8. You can’t read two gud. That you have the ego to imply the importance of relevance here at PPP makes one of us sadder. Peace out brother. Post a tweet or two and keep up your stalking and theories about me.
  9. So you’re just attacking to attack? What motivates you to talk to me? Mine comes with an end in mind: Trying to get away from one guy’s 67 tweets a day, and make some modicum of discussion and civility possible. You can always build your own board!
  10. I do not think Biden will survive the D Primary but one advantage he has is $$. He can outlast the party horn candidates. If he somehow ends up as Trump’s opponent, that’s not easy for Trump. Trump will have an easier time of it with someone further left.
  11. Fiction. Fiction. Just like all your other made up stories about me. And when you attack me, you feel you’re doing the board a favor, no? Mirror mirror
  12. I attack some things I see as making the board less than it could be. I also post discussion. Don’t believe the story teller in chief.
  13. Thanks. -1 * -1 sometimes comes out positive. But not always. Sometimes laying hands on a sick person cures them. Sometimes the person needs surgery.
  14. The woman I am thinking of the most was plagued by her belief that she had life within her. Which I’m sure many women feel. She did.
  15. Of course it’s a difficult decision to stop the potential life within. No woman I’ve known who has talked about it treated it as lightly as the morons who Tweet about it like to portray.
  16. Wake up. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Post a tweet. Go to bed.
  17. I don’t believe that most thoughtful women going through the decision view it as dispassionately as some people argue.
  18. You can quote the looney left tweets but I’ve never known a woman who had an abortion, or had an unwanted pregnancy, who would compare weighing an abortion to taking the pill. It’s not an easy decision for women.
  19. You are right. My negative times all of yours doesn’t equal positive.
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