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Everything posted by DJB

  1. I’m always a proponent of moving up to get your guy and I do agree both these guys could very well be gone by around 20
  2. Im in the same boat mindset that it’s most likely to be one of Franklin or Thomas for us.
  3. We just dealt with this with Gabe. A large box out type WR that struggles to separate We don’t need that and i want nothing to do with Coleman as a result We need an elite separation type guy and someone to threaten with deep speed. It will open up the middle of the field so much for Josh. Last year our O was compressed, the D could shrink the field and safeties never really had to worry about being beat deep. Imo
  4. I’ll keep saying it A Mitchell is not getting enough talk around here. One of the best route runners in the class, great separation and gets up to speed in his cuts really quickly. Definately curious in his 40 and his height
  5. This tells me that Josh doesn’t have a weak mental capacity when the game is on the line like some have suggested. And that he is performing with little around him on offense and that McD and the D is truly responsible for the losses
  6. No QB can ever play with structure 100% of the time. Josh usually only ad libs whenever the line breaks down. We saw Purdy do it on Sunday We all know your distain for Shanny but you are grasping at straws here .
  7. We currently have a solid oline and still arguably a top 10 WR in Diggs. Kincaid likely takes a step and hopefully Cooks does as well. Add in potentially a first round WR and yeah we have tons of offensive pieces for Shanny to use . Allen would be cheat code in his system.
  8. My feelings are the same as they’ve always been on Cook. Hes a very solid RB2 but he’s not a 3 down back who puts fear into defenders. I think he’s a product of this offense more so than a rare talent I want an elite guy to help Josh
  9. Yeah we may need to jump the Bengals depending on what they do with Boyd or Higgins. That’s as far as I envision Beane moving up realistically
  10. Franklin or Brian Thomas are the two guys in our range I like the most . Really hoping for one of them
  11. Agreed. Hes my guy and I can see him going top 5 This is as similar to a Julio / AJ Green type situation. Two elite WR’s just depends on what flavour you’d like
  12. Nabers is still my WR1 . I know it’s controversial but he’s explosive and a difference maker on all levels
  13. We are going to remain in Nickel. For the first time in a long time we actually have some terrific depth at LB. I don’t think we will change fundamentally how we play D but I could see from time to time the occasional three LB in the game likely in obvious short yardage run plays
  14. The awards are dumb. Worst MVP I’ve seen and Demar literally dies on the field and doesn’t win comeback player Insane
  15. One of the best in the class in my opinion. His stop start ability is top notch.
  16. I sold my house so I can attend this years Super Bowl. Anyone have a couch I can crash on afterwards since I didn’t tell the wife?
  17. Realistically and very hopeful it’s one of Thomas or Franklin.
  18. Go watch more film of Nabers. He is elite after the catch. Has incredible hands and body control. His route running is superb. I have him rated as the #1 WR in the class
  19. I think once the group that voted no sees Margin Harrison and Nabers play they will change their vote to yes
  20. Early 90’s colors please
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