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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. until he pukes tonight.. Just saying ...hope hes ok though.. I still think we win
  2. stop taking your posts to the level of personal.. make an argument on the topics instead of mocking the person
  3. I'm shocked so many people have crystal balls.. HOURS after a concussion new side effects can set in... hours.. There's reasons why there are check lists.. and its lengthy to check back with a DR. if a condition starts or continues. It could go either way and you can't put a % on it
  4. obvious this could be a couple days or up to a week pending on the grade same Light practice at this point means he's feeling good indeed This could be a day a week 2 weeks. The more time he misses day to day light practice activities the less he will be ready to play against our defense.. All this said.. To be the best you have to beat the best.. Hope he is there. And His toe injury is still real
  5. wrong.. It depends on the grade.... If its grade 2 he may miss.. it looked bad only based on his reaction when he got up then when he came off the field.. IF at any point he has upset stomach or puking then he would likely be out. I have had a couple.. I know...
  6. this guy... Unbelievable read by Henny ? really? it was a effing check down...
  7. lets just worry about the now.. I'm pretty annoyed I just had to argue the obvious.
  8. Just STOP... They said he was in Concussion protocol Why the heck you even arguing. No more replies to you.. your WRONG
  9. https://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2016/9/18/12940926/nfl-concussion-protocol-explained
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