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Everything posted by bigduke6

  1. i always find it interesting to watch people pile on a person, that, doesnt really need to be piled on. i dont know Rosen, mbe hes a jerk, i havent seen anything that leads me to believe that, but that guy is losing his dream. i know the internet is where u go to crap all over each other but cmon, evolve, show people u still know what empathy is, grow up. im more than glad we have the QB we have, but remember, there are alot of amazing college players who never make it in the NFL for whatever reason, and thats a huge blow to them and their lives. empathy.
  2. wut is Rodgers' endgame here? he didnt like a QB being drafted, why? hes no spring chicken, he cant play forever. same bs Favre did. Rodgers has tons of money, so i doubt its that. so what is his problem. tbh i think he just wants out of Green Bay, i dont think its the front office, or whatever, he just wants out of that cold ass city. he sees Brady having a great time in a warm climate, and thinks, hey, why not me. u cant tell me that a front office that can put together a team that goes to the NFC Champ game 2 years in a row, is the problem. its a friggen miracle that front office actually put together a team that competitive with the huge ass salary its QB gets. this looks like Rodgers wants out, he doesnt want GBs rabid fanbase to hate him, so he tries to make the suits the bad guys so he has an easy escape. tired of him. so many people in this world on the edge of poverty, sick and dying, and this over payed guy is acting like a 12 year old.
  3. wow, u assumed alot there....lol. life long Bills fan here, just find it hard to believe that a guy with those credentials is trash. entitled to your opinion tho i suppose.
  4. guy had 7 picks and was a team captain, garbage u say?
  5. well, Belicheat doesnt exactly have the best track record when it comes to the draft, he lucked into Brady, Jones pick doesnt scare me much.
  6. lol, i got the feeling the Jets fans in attendance had zero idea who their team just drafted. ahaha.
  7. honestly, its rather impressive to see Jets fans still have enthusiasm for their team after so many years of suck.
  8. i hear ya, too most people just being drafted, and knowing youre about to be a millionaire would jazz anybody up.
  9. happens all the time, these guys know the situations they will be walking into with each team that possibly will take them. some guys are worried about more than the money. Waddle didnt seem happy either going to Miami, mbe its cuz he knows Tua cant get him the ball? dunno. Gilmore wasnt happy when we took him, and he played like it most of the time. guys get perfect scenarios in their minds and when it doesnt happen, for some, its hard to hide.
  10. mostly meant the coaching and GM situation. plus, if they both get fired, which is a real possibility, new guys come in, and Fields isnt their guy, and we know how that goes usually.
  11. ya well Meyer had nothing to do with Fields. Day brought Fields in, and the offense has changed under Day. so theres that
  12. not the greatest situation for Fields to drop into, wish him the best of luck.
  13. soooo the Bears, a desperate GM and HC, im sure they wont f this up.....
  14. ohmy, Eagles Dallas trade........weird. kinda stuff usually doesnt happen within the division, especially those 2.
  15. somebody will get good value picking him. not sure y he slid, ya hes not a ra ra type, dood can play tho. farther he slips, better the team he will go to, and if im a player, that would make me happier tbh.
  16. isnt it refreshing to not have to watch your team gamble a pick on a QB each draft. feels so good.
  17. ya that Willis pick irritated me, also remember when Roethlisberger went right b4 our pick.
  18. yay Pitts not in the AFC, and the Cowgirls dont get him, also, thats quite a suit, does he have marching band practice after the draft?
  19. lol listening to all these "professional" analysts makes me think about how much of a crapshoot the draft is. Nobody really knows anything. its all a huge gamble.
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