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Everything posted by bigduke6

  1. starting to get tired of this league, its a constant sh@tshow from game to game, week to week. what is PI, what isnt? completely blown calls, overpaid crybabies, taunting, lack of sportsmanship. i guess im getting too old for it...
  2. come the f on......no PI on that? ffs same garbage play that Levi got hit with last week...........
  3. lol ok refs, so no late elbow into Allens neck after he slides.........got it....... this absolute trash league.
  4. with a competent offense it should be 28-0 right now, same thing as last week, defense showed up, offense let the other team hang around. this lead means nothing 2 me right now at halftime, zero faith in this offense or QB to hold a lead in the 2nd half. the defense can only do so much.
  5. ok Bills fans, we back to being so very Billsy each week i suppose............
  6. lol Millen, "that terrible football", yes Matt, yes it is. oh, this fumble will be overturned btw.
  7. y even hold there Ford? i mean the play doesnt appear to be near u, unless Devin ran the wrong gap......
  8. another terrible call........the only consistency with refing in the NFL is the inconsistency...........
  9. Josh certainly looks uncomfortable this season, same look he had his first 2 years which led to the hero ball, bad mechanics, etc.. is it the pressure of the contract? is it the oline? is it the fans? is it the playcalling? something isnt right.
  10. i dont want to see another fake play or wide reciever screen pass from this offense ever again. they dont work, youre wasting downs. this isnt college......
  11. zero teams are fooled by this fake play garbage against the Bills, we've done it far toooooo many times.
  12. Hyde better watch himself, hes gotten away with 2 shoulders 2 the head of Miami recievers already, eventually hes gonna get tagged.
  13. there ya go Levi, just get up and be proud on the sidelines, good recovery.
  14. lol cmon Levi, u can play dood, just let the play speak for itself........dont give the Zebras a reason.
  15. not sour on Moss, but, mbe thats why he wasnt part of the gameplan last week, mbe hes not reliable enough in the passing game.
  16. Rousseau being able to drop in coverage, then come up and get that sack, that is very very nice. allows the Defense to play games with offenses.
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