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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...Andy of Mayberry and Bumblin' Billie strike again.......for the broke state, here are some quick numbers to digest... 1. 63% of just NYC restaurants are forecasted to close permanently; if each one averaged $1 mil/yr, that's $17.01 billion in lost revenue and those subsequent profits would be taxable; lost sales tax on $17.01 billion is $1.36 billion or "chump change"; don't forget loss of liquor license fees for those that close as well. 2. 15,000 vacant NYC apartments-figure avg rent of $2,500/mo; $450,000 mil in annual revenues whose profits would be taxable; now add in landlord mortgage defaults and the hit the banks take; chump change again: my apologizes but I can't come up with a number relative to lost income taxes for those fleeing the broke state; rest assured Andy's "Gestapo Squad" will tail those who take up residency in Florida; Golisano and Benderson are two of his favorite targets; 3. Suspension of NYS inspection vehicle requirements-tally was 800,000 vehicles or $16.8 million; 4. Spending $450 million to "modernize" I-90/NYS Thruway rest stops where you pull in to pee, grab a coffee and are gone in 15 minutes. Brilliant. 5. $50 million to Roch-Cha-Cha to enhance the "Genesee River Riverwalk", the polluted green stream running through the City. ...I'd give you more but I fear carpal tunnel syndrome..... ...this gross fiscal flop wants $60 bil from the Feds to atone for his gaffes.......Halite Andy...pound it.......you own this mess......
  2. ...LMAO...how many orange jumpsuits are in your closet??.......BTW, FIFY........"yet quite the character ever since"...
  3. ...apologize for interrupting you at work, but MUCHO thanks here for your perspective......but it certainly lends major credence to overhyped, oversold and overbought paranoia......certainly, human instinct is "fear of the unknown" which I submit Covid-19 was....and yes perhaps the paranoia led to overreaction and/or overthinking.....the forecasted numbers of US deaths lend credence to that IMO...200K, 1 million, 2million, etc......it is incumbent upon the scientific community to conduct their work objectively, unimpeded by political pressures....can they do it?....are there CDC or NIH political pressures?.....does the scientific community, and I'd bet very conservative in nature, reveal their findings with no implications?....this is the first pandemic (or so) the nation has faced since circa 1917/1918.....errors, overreaction et al are to be expected....we're talking a 93 YEAR SPREAD....
  4. ...you and Spartucus seem VERY well connected with some major hiccups/fallacies in testing/CDC guidelines.....can you provide a Cliff Notes version in layperson's perspective?....if overtesting is as blatant as you folks think, what drove the CDC to do so?.......thank you guys...........
  5. ....."Joe, read line 2.......we need to get the teleprompter focused"..................
  6. ...well he was a busboy at the Last Supper.....I know, I was there.....with Brian Williams.................
  7. ...LMO...two real gems....the name Blumenthal has more stains than Tib's BVD's................
  8. ...but, BUT there is substantial political capital in taking away health insurance from millions.......and the petulant little azzclown wonders why he has ZERO credibility...as if that would matter.....He's PPP's "Comedy Channel"......hell I tried the SEARCH function for "viable Tibs contributions" and the answer I got was "WTF"?.......
  9. ...no release before the election is MSM cannon fodder for "much to do about nothing".....a waste, ruse and falsehood.....why feed their hand?.....
  10. ...if Durham releases his report prior to the election, cue up the MSM media" Durham is a political partisan hack tape" hatchet job......yup, the SAME Durham that the honorable, forthright straight shooting AG Eric Holder, perhaps the best in the nation's history, handed several high profile cases to ....
  11. ....not yours...this is solace..............
  12. ...OMG I just wet myself....your posts do manage to bring out the "best" in me........
  13. NONE...Mother Pelosi said "nope"......Whoa Joe will take the 5th.....of SOMETHING..........no ice.............
  14. ..LOWER your expectations form this Cult clown.............
  15. ...big deal....the 8 remaining people who STILL live there in 2035 could care less..................
  16. ....did you EVER think that revealing your political views would lead to threats of violence, property destruction, ACTUAL assaults, harassment et al IN YOUR LIFETIME?......would you HONESTLY reveal your political views in such a threatening climate?....and it does NOT stop at you.......bet your spouse and entire family are at risk.......we are sinking further by the nanosecond....what is even sadder is that it is condoned..............
  17. ...well if she says so, it must be "gospel (uh oh, Catholic word)......probably a card carrying member of YOUR Cult.....what a gem........... ...she's an ex-locksmith??............
  18. ...as expected, wrong on all accounts....yet another attempt to broaden the spirit of the 1st Amendment and use it as a shield for everything......tell me how well Portland, Seattle, et al are doing upholding the 14th Amendment for its citizenry (COUGH)??......and of course The Insurrection Act of 1807 is meritless, null and void, right?.....and Judge Nap?...LMAO......his DAILY anti-Trump drool makes him a prime candidate for CNN....sorry you failed........... DUKE LAW JOURNAL I. THE RIGHT TO PROTECTION IN THE ANGLO-AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL TRADITION A. The Origins of the Right to Protection"[E]very member of society," asserted the Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776, "hath a right to be protected in the enjoyment of life, liberty and property."'13 This declaration-which was soon echoed in the constitutions of Delaware, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire'4-ex-pressed a fundamental principle of American constitutional thought by the time of the Revolution. The right to protection did not originate in America, however, butw as inherited from English constitutionalism. Its roots lay in the common law tradition and natural rights theory. It is necessary to explore these sources to understand the concept of protection in American constitutional thought. The Insurrection Act of 1807 The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law (10 U.S.C. §§ 251–255; prior to 2016, 10 U.S.C. §§ 331–335; amended 2006, 2007) that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection and rebellion.
  19. ...mail-in voters gathering.....Joe pitching a shutout, 9-0..............CNN projects him the winnah....................
  20. ...oh joy....this should be good...........
  21. ...pathetic isn't it?...the country is sandwiched between two equally bad "forever blue bookends".....look at the NYS illustrious lineup through the years.......Slick Mario, Big Fredo, Schumer, Carpetbagger Hillary, Nadless, The Weiner, Spitzer, Schneidermann, Sheldon Silver, et al.......Cali can offer equal "gems"...............
  22. ...at least there's great solace knowing you'll be covered.................
  23. ...can't wait to see Chuck "The Schmuck" Schumer embarrass himself even more (IF POSSIBLE) in Barrett confirmation hearings........yet ANOTHER NYS political gem....SMH...........
  24. ....the US "BLM (bowel) Movement" is a fraud....their own (sad) "leader" said "riots are a form of reparations"...WTF?...who owes them anything?....it's "The Gimme Gang" at its finest hour.....redefining "cash 'n carry" as "ain't got no cash but I'm gonna carry".....this scum gives honorable blacks a bad name and forces them to be unjustifiably included in the movement based SOLELY on skin color....much like all Asian Americans are Chinese spies or Covid-19 spreaders.....Antifa should have been crushed long ago ISIS style........
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