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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. I’m from Kearny (live on Long Island now) and I don’t really know any bars as I don’t go to any. 😁
  2. Not if the rest of the team or the coaches aren't up to par.
  3. How many more of these type of losses is this team going to give us? They lost all 6 down to the wire games this year for starters. You have the Houston debacle in 2019, Hail Murray, this loss.......... oh heck, I can go on forever. Point is, it feels like they owe championships in spades.😂
  4. It’s bad enough I have to go to work right now and I’m really pissed off 😂
  5. Top 2. But who really cares right now. This sucks.
  6. I feel like I got kicked in the balls and while I'm down in throbbing pain, I get kicked in the balls again.
  7. Nothing you can do about a missed kick, but there is certainly something you can do to avoid losing when you have the lead with 13 seconds left.
  8. How many years in a row do I have to hear this before I croak?
  9. The worst loss I have witnessed as a Bills fan and I have been a Bills fan since 1982. I can't explain it, but this one is downright bad.
  10. How many years in a row are we going to hear that?
  11. Allen amazing, but I will be shocked if Mahomes doesn't go right down the field and win this game himself.
  12. I am not even going to get on the D this game. We all knew that Mahomes and this Chiefs offense is EXTREMELY difficult to hold down in their building. But we all know WHY the Bills are behind right now.
  13. Even game. Hopefully the Bills pull out their first win in a close game, if it stays close.
  14. Don't count Brady out just yet. How many times have we seen this movie? But, right now, it is total Rams domination.
  15. It would really suck if the Bills were the only road team not to win this weekend. Still a long way to go though and Brady has been down many times before only to come out a winner.
  16. What will your feelings be if the Bills lose? Disappointment? Anger? Sadness? Disbelief? Let’s hope we are all…….. HAPPY!!!!!
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