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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. He is too braindead to know that black businesses have been destroyed in this process.
  2. That is the automatic trigger word to people on the left. They automatically think if you use the word "thug" you are talking about black people ONLY. That is the trigger, especially in an election year.
  3. I thought Brooke was working late in the building trying to find her missing dyldo?
  4. You are right, but no one likes to be called a racist when you aren't one for sure. First off, I wouldn't be a fan of the NFL if I was openly racist. Does the dumbazz even think of that before posting racist BS? Of course not. But in the end, your statement is correct.
  5. Can the mods delete this thread? There is no Trump and Russia and everyone knows it. Trump may be a lot of things, but Trump and Russia isn’t one of them.
  6. Why can’t all of us just agree that Baltimore was the better team taking advantage of a Bills team that was still learning how to beat good teams. Hopefully, the 2020 Bills have learned that lesson............ BIG TIME.
  7. Who knows, maybe soon enough we will see home games in........... BUFFALO.
  8. LB is one position where you don’t really have to break the bank to re-sign Milano. I think Kirby put it best. Also, in today’s NFL age, if you are a good organization, you should be able to retain your top 30 players and fill out the rest of the roster as needed,
  9. I would hope he doesn’t revert to the player he has been though........... being maddeningly inconsistent and taking himself out of a lot of plays.
  10. I wish they would go way back with games. That would really be cool.
  11. I’m sure it’s a forum of torture for some manics across the country, who wanna slow kill their victims.
  12. Love I might agree with you on, but Johnson was a rookie last year and played some snaps and was a STer, so there could be an upside there.
  13. Does manslaughter mean he actually has a shot at getting off?
  14. You need to take the liberal mindset into consideration.
  15. Why let a crisis go to waste, right? Those looters could care less about what happened to Floyd. It was just a great opportunity to get some free stuff from their local Target. Nothing else.
  16. Yeah, burning down black-owned businesses really showed the justification, didn't it? ?
  17. The video evidence shows the cop leaning on Floyd's neck for 8 minutes (give or take). You might be more of a legal expert than me (I have no idea), but that evidence is there in plain sight to see.
  18. I wish everyone, including Trump, would shut the fvck up and let the legal process play out. All the evidence in the world is there to bring those cops down. Everyone needs to calm down.
  19. Remember in the liberal mind, if you are black and don't tow the company Democratic line, you are a racist and white supremacist also.
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