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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. Why, do you live with gnomes or trolls or something? ?
  2. Sure, just make sure you it doesn't bounce or I have a way of making you bounce. ?
  3. This is what needs to happen to all members of the media.......
  4. Somebody in the comments said that Floyd was a criminal. Is there any evidence of that or is it pandering?
  5. All this is happening in Democratic-run shytholes and you are talking about this? Anyone with a brain had better condemn those totally inept Democrat leaders before it gets to the President over what these thugs are doing. If Trump has to use military force, that's on what the Democrats didn't do to stop this, not Trump. Who cares about the election right now, places like NYC are getting trampled by mindless thugs and De Blasio (who has a powerful police force on his hands) DOES NOTHING. De Blasio and Cuomo have PROVEN their total ineptness, so let's blame Trump for it. Typical libtard bvllshit.
  6. Military action NOW Mr. President.
  7. Did they catch the person who ran over those officers?
  8. Military action is needed in NYC now. These people are destroying iconic landmarks in the Shopping District now.
  9. How people don't see the common denominator that all this shyt is happening under Democratic watch. I am not a Republican, but until these cities have something other than Democratic leadership, these outbursts are going to continue. But it all changes if Trump has to use the military.
  10. There are conflicting reports on that. So, don't trust the numbers you are told on this issue. That's what I have been saying since day one. These rioters will figure it out real quick that the military can do whatever they damn well please to restore order.
  11. If they are a small percentage, we need more of the peaceful protesters to point these people out and have them arrested.
  12. It's happening in ALL Democratic run cities.
  13. Remember it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the bunch. And in this case the violent thugs are DESTROYING the message that was originally supposed to be sent.
  14. The left wants this chaos. That is pretty obvious.
  15. That's why I want this to stop now.
  16. If these thugs are stupid enough to go into Suburbia, then it will get ugly. And there are reports that it is already filtering into Suburbia a little bit.
  17. Now this isn't a bad response. Just for the record though, I don't think there is one damn person that isn't outraged about what happened to Floyd.
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