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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. I already told you I am a proud hood wearing KKK member.
  2. I so racist I am wearing my KKK hat as I type.
  3. Don't you care about white on white crime you racist you?
  4. I'll raise my hand and answer your racist question. As long as they keep in Chicago, black on black violence is ay ok. We are both racist for being involved in such a heinous racist question.
  5. I'm glad to see that a lot of folks turned out for David Dorn's funeral. Oh wait, never mind..................... let's celebrate a thug instead about a thousand times over.
  6. Yes, and I think they left out the part where they were washing Zod's feet.
  7. Wait, wait, wait............. I know someone who isn't racist. .........
  8. You should know that since you are a racist disgrace yourself.
  9. Yeah, what's up with Potatoes being all nice and white on the inside but mostly brown, with a little black on the outside? Isn't that racist?
  10. He doesn't have any legs, so how can he fake it by kneeling too?
  11. I'm guessing you don't have any cops in your family?
  12. I think you should substitute wife with husband in the thread title. The person mentioned in the thread title screams of that.
  13. My mom is actually my sister, aunt and cousin as well as I am from a very small white supremacist town in Alabama and we were grandfathered into the KKK. So, our small little town is nothing but staunch racists. We hate everybody, but our Hitler-loving white supremacist racists. We are racist right down to our very core. Did I mention that I am racist. Meanwhile back on planet earth...................... Where in the blue hell did you come from?
  14. What's your answer to black on black violent crime?
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