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Posts posted by muppy

  1. 8 minutes ago, Reality Check said:

    What is wrong with you? He didn't order any troops yet. Also, the people that would receive those orders will have a lot to say if those orders aren't legal. You seem to confuse media speculation with reality. Start tracking what actually happens and answer a simple question. Did he do anything illegal? If so, what damn statute did he break? 




    No he hasn't yet I stand corrected. I havent read an "I was wrong" about your Obama immigration take so I guess we're even. 

  2. Just now, bilzfancy said:

    If someone breaks into your house, threatens you and your family and starts stealing your belongings, are you gonna just sit there and let them?

    I own a dog who would never let them past the front door but fancy all Im saying is all this shooting being advocated you may have the right if your life is being endangered but firing a gun and the consequences of that aren't always as cut and dried as you think....are guns legal Yes, can people protect their homes and familys of course. But you better have a good reason and you better be able to defend that shooting if you dont want to get your own self into trouble. Not all and any shootings are justified

  3. 10 minutes ago, Wacka said:

    The Collective  mental level of all the Commies (libtards) on this board Was about 7 years old. This afternoon it has been  moving at warp speed to about 1 year old.


    and its the liberals who are the supposed crybabies with TDS  a few on this board are questioned about their thoughts and its wailing and gnashing of teeth LOL I think that is called being a snowflake isnt it? 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Justice said:

    Some of y’all may not want to hear this but if DT doesn’t step in soon it’s gonna be way worse out there than anything the military will do to try and stop this. Store owners already shooting at people. 

    which if you read this thread is  considered 100% legal. and proper...????? :-(((((((

  5. Just now, Azalin said:


    If He wasn't interested in "Law and Order", he wouldn't be doing anything at all, would he? 

    he says he is the Law and Order President but if he invoked something he hasn't done legally then not so much. Maybe its just a procedural issue but he can't have it both ways can he?

  6. 1 minute ago, Reality Check said:

    Just like Obama didn't care if people came into the country illegally or not? Elections have consequences.

    I thought Obama was actually more anti-immigration than Donald Trump but the rhetoric was that Trump was worse...hmmmm Obama was in no way lenient to immigrants I disagree

  7. 3 minutes ago, jrober38 said:


    Now they're guilty before possibly committing a crime?


    That's an awfully slippery slope to go down.


    Also, what entitles Donald Trump to taking a photo over those protesters rights to demonstrate?


    If this is true, what Trump is doing is illegal.


    So much for the rule of law. 

    I dont think donald Trump cares if it is illegal or not. His concern is "Law and Order" though **cough**

  8. 8 minutes ago, BillsFanForReal said:

    Can someone please ease my fears in my thinking this is just going to get worse? 

    I hope things won't get worse.... a gauntlet has been thrown down it remains to be seen if anyone will be willing to pick it up. I really pray not. We'll all have to wait to see how it plays out. 

  9. 10 minutes ago, Magox said:


    What was happening before wasn’t working. You cannot allow degenerate criminals to continue on destroying communities.  The number one responsibility of our elected leaders is to protect their constituents.  The local mayors throughout most of the country have been utterly feckless and have failed  and a lot of it is because they are too afraid to be seen going against what they believe is their voting constituency all in the name of identity politics - that and they don’t have the stomach to do what it takes to protect their community.  

    You cannot continue to keep doing the same thing over and over without changing the dynamic.   Whether this was the right decision, we will see.   But the dynamic has changed and that is certainly better than what we had yesterday.


    thank you for this  you make a lot of sense. And I appreciate the respectful rhetoric which is not usually the case in here. The impression given me is that Im pro criminal or pro antifa or pro rioting and mayhem NOT AT ALL ...all Im saying is I think our country will regret this decision overall if dealt with the bloodthirst evident with some in this thread.  I hope sanity and restraint prevails ultimately a change in focus from rioting to solutions against the racial and police brutality issues we have in our country.

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  10. this entire event breaks my heart  the innocents whom have lost so much, the issues that are being brought up need addressing and this action are as well heartbreaking. 

    Im sad for our police as well. Not wanting bloodshed is not politically correct in here but make no mistake it will be shed on both sides of this political aisle. And has already. Lord have mercy.




  11. made for TV moment indeed....whose inciting who here? I see a boatload of young people standing with their hands up now tear gas and dispersing of peaceful protesters. ..1000's and 1000's of military to be deployed. Percentage of anarchists vs peaceful protesters there is no distinction in the eyes of the law enforcement. How can there be now?


    He in no way is protecting peaceful protesters  he wants quiet streets and a return to law and order. On the surface that sounds great but I never thought Id ever see the day a President would seemingly declare war on its own citizens.  All of them Not just the law breakers.  For how long..........to what end.......this is a sad day. Its been an even sadder week. I have a feeling the bloodthirsty amongst you will get your wish.


    • Haha (+1) 1
  12. 1 minute ago, reddogblitz said:


    How long did he take to them?  How long should it have been?

    apparently not long enough to allow his family to reply to anything he said. I could post a link but its really not the point.


    No I dont want to see cops killed bilzfancy. I don't like the fact that these riots are happening at all. No I dont approve of looting and businesses and peoples livelyhoods being taken away. I really hope the law can prevail and these riots be stifled. But calling for people to be killed is wrong too. Arrest them.  Use the non lethal arms you have to remove them. Putting military soldiers in this kind of situation is asking for an outcome that you may yourselves not be happy with in the aftermath retrospect. Maybe Im wrong. 

  13. 2 hours ago, reddogblitz said:


    He did talk to George Floyd's family. Does that count?

    he spoke to them Yes. Briefly as it were but yes he did. Actually upon reflection I understand why Trump hasn't felt the need to speak to the country in a formal address. The last time he gave a national address was regarding the covid-19 pandemic which was riddled with inaccuracies and frankly turned into an embarrassment and lowered his popularity. His re-electability and popularity is what he really cares about in my opinion. And doing nothing to alienate his base. Even more than that, use his twitter account to enflame and criticize as an "armchair quarterback" the solving of this crisis . Not that what he would have to say would ring sincere to anyone but his supporters he lies like a rug continually. Upon reflection I retract my desire to hear him speak his twitter is bad enough.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  14. 1 minute ago, Joe in Winslow said:


    Yeah, that would be your take from what I've seen of your other takes.




    SMH  ridiculous. thats right attack me and deflect on a discussion of why he hasn't spoken out during this crisis in our nation. Great leader *yeah thats sarcasm*

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