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Posts posted by muppy

  1. 4 minutes ago, Reality Check said:

    Join the club. No one is happy with what the country is going through. If you want to come on here and judge other people's character because they aren't as sad and depressed as you are to make yourself feel better, I am happy to help. I am a heartless, ruthless scumbag and you are amazing and righteous. Feel better now?

    eyeroll. you'd have been golden if you'd have quit at the bolded. Instead you went for the personal dig. You knew what I meant and went for the personal attack, Maybe you are as you described SMH

  2. 3 minutes ago, Reality Check said:

    You sound depressed. Get out of the house and enjoy yourself. You are alive and Summer is here. Enjoy it.

    yeah well Im not happy what our country is dealing with i would question someones character if they weren't distressed as to what is going on in our country lately

    1 minute ago, GG said:


    You're jumping into a 4 month-old thread, where there were discussions of 1K daily deaths for a year.  NJ was peaking at nearly 500/day.  So yeah, 100/day is a positive development relative to expectations and where the state came from.

    fair enough. People address points brought up in threads on a daily basis in here though. Dont get me wrong Im glad deaths are diminishing. As well as hoping thyere are no spikes in deaths/hospitalizations. What noone really talks about is even those that do recover but hospitalized will be strapped wioth horrific medical bills. UGH

    7 minutes ago, Reality Check said:

    You sound depressed. Get out of the house and enjoy yourself. You are alive and Summer is here. Enjoy it.

    dude I live in  good weather paradise and trust me I dont take it for granted but thanks for the kind wishes

  3. 1 hour ago, bilzfancy said:

    A better one is Barry McGuire's Eve of Destruction

    lol okay fair enough..music appreciation is subjective. The youtube I posted spoke about teaching children right from wrong amongst other things. Good moral values  aren't mutually exclusive I think people need to try to hear both sides of an perspective to be fully aware and cognizant of what needs to change.

  4. 2 minutes ago, GG said:


    Will you hold a candlelight vigil for the increased suicides & opiate deaths this year?  How about more kids that died of child abuse in one week than in the totality of the Wuhan virus?

    I hope those families whom are mourning will be comforted please don't ryy to draw me into some rationale that deaths are in and of itself always a positive thing..even though deaths will befall us all someday any sane person isnt going to celebrate suicides or child abuse  yours setting up a paper tiger argument

    2 minutes ago, Unforgiven said:

    I'll answer for she/he/it...a big fat no...they are mindless zombies, they can't think ahead 5 minutes.\

    This is exactly what George Romero warned us about.

    whatever LOL 

    3 minutes ago, B-Man said:



    I understand.


    But it is not "celebrating", but being thankful for the predicted 800 who did not die.




    THANK YOU Im just not seeing that as focused in here maybe Im wrong.

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


    Did you spend the last (however many) years of your life publicly out crying each traffic death? Or did you save your outrage for when you were told you should express it by your informational sources?

    informational sources fine. Im not outraged at anyone I just posted that using a narrative as 100 is somehow a good stat relating to  Deaths of human lives lost gave me pause..it would be if your loved one was included in that 100 number.

  6. 1 hour ago, SoCal Deek said:

    What? Have you spent a single second in the last three plus months looking at actual data? Just a few weeks ago NY was registering 900 Covid deaths PER DAY!! That figures is less than 1/10th of that now. If that’s not something to be positive about, you really are living in a fantasy universe.

    I disagree. 100 deaths is no reason for celebration Im sorry. As compared with 900 of course but otherwise no.

  7. 11 minutes ago, B-Man said:






    He made a terrific Rose Garden speech,


    Then a symbolic walk over to the just vandalized "Church of the Presidents"





    The Left immediately saw that it was very effective...................and threw everything (and continue to) against it.




    Effective? Yeah I'll say it was effective....effective at pissing off a ton of Christian folks who see through this blatant attempt to pander to evangelicals with this phoney display of piety...Please.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Boatdrinks said:

    Add another Covid 19 death to the Minny totals. 

    I'm curious as to wether any of the 4 cops he interacted with that day catch it. Quite the cynical reply there.

    5 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Yesterday’s figures show only one state, New Jersey, with over 100 Covid deaths. Approximately 30 states were in single digits with 10 of those reporting ZERO deaths from the virus. With numbers this low, it’s no wonder the media clown car has moved on, and now we sit back and wait for the spike caused by the non socially distant protesting ....or not! 

    fantastic news about the deaths lessening but assuming that stat means 100 deaths in New Jersey in a Day that's horrible. Are we down now to cheering on deaths or non deaths to prove you are right wrong about a prognostication? wow I find that pretty sad.

  9. this is a sidenote but George Floyd in his autopsy report was tested and positive for the covid-19 virus at the time of his death. 


    The report by Chief Medical Examiner Andrew Baker spelled out clinical details, including that Floyd had tested positive for COVID-19 on April 3 but appeared asymptomatic


  10. 1 hour ago, Boatdrinks said:

    Don’t care if Trump is an Atheist, I’d still vote for him. Many Police forces haven’t been able to do their job because they’ve been directed not to by uber- liberal Politicians. It’s truly a disgrace. They won’t get tough with the criminals because it gives Trump a win. These people would destroy America if it meant they could gain power. 

    the point I was trying to make with my post is that if he was an athiest fine (not saying he is at all) but if that were indeed true there is no way he would make that public knowledge. But he will pander to the Christians by holding up a Bible when he doesn't uphold to Christian "fruits of the spirit" in his real life...

    Galatians 5:19-23 New International Version (NIV)

    19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

    22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.


    anyway the President is not the heads of the church he is the head of our government and duly elected as such. I dont sympathize with criminals or killers at all whatsoever. But mr Trump acting "pious" to me is a straight up joke. Which description better describes the Donald based on the above scripture? And refuses to ask forgiveness at that. 

  11. hmmm do the riots help trump they may quite honestly. If these riots can't be quelled and his "Law and Order" stance actually works by utilizng the Insurrection act to halt the carnage of looting, burning, destruction  you Know he will crow that until the cows come home. And as much as I dislike Donald Trump rightfully so. I hate reading about these hoodlums wreaking havoc all over our country and if the local policing isnt effective then that may be the answer. 


    Having said that, I abhor the photo op stunt he pulled by giving his speech and then strolling to a church to hold up a Bible as if he has a clue about scripture and what Jesus taught. Donald Trump is the antihesis of Jesus of Nazareth and to hold the Bible up like a trophy knowing the type of man he is makes me feel sick to my stomach. Phoney as it gets pandering to his base thats all that was. Pathetic. The man has horrible fruit that meme above hit the nail right on the head (the one above that begins with "Oh Lord Please") It would be different if he had confessed to God and asked for forgiveness of those sins. We all sin. ... One of the tenents of being a Christian is realizing we all do sin and we ask forgiveness and ( here's a churchy word)  repent from our sins..meaning turn away from what that sin was and as such are foirgiven ...Donald Trump in this youtube talks about how he has never asked for forgiveness, how he "eats the little cracker and drinks the little bit of wine" does he even realize he is trivializing what we Christians consider communion as partaking of the blood and body of Jesus the Christ? This is why I consider he a phoney pandering to his base Christian. 


  12. 4 hours ago, RealKayAdams said:

    I’ve been reading many pages of this thread with a deep sense of sadness over what’s happening to our country. A lot of good points are being made, but I wanted to add another perspective here that hasn’t been mentioned: the leadership void within the progressive left wing of the Democratic Party. Specifically Bernie Sanders, who is still the de facto leader of the movement. The youth and various left-leaning movements like antifa and possibly BLM are predominantly instigating the rioting, the looting, and the violence. In this way, Bernie may have a larger influence on controlling the direction of the unrest than any other politician right now, including Trump and Biden. What I would like Sanders to do is to publicly praise all of the PEACEFUL protesting in honor of George Floyd while simultaneously condemning parts of the left for their destructive behavior. Additionally, I’d like Bernie to call for new national legislation in the following 5 areas: police conduct reform, mandatory oversight of law enforcement institutions from neutral third parties, increased mental health services for police officers, an end to the war on drugs (or at least marijuana) that disproportionately hampers blacks, and broad changes to the pipeline that connects our interventionist foreign policy and the increasing militarization of our domestic police force.


    An aside on antifa: I ran into a few of these folks during my 2016+2020 Bernie campaign volunteering efforts (and also during some of my animal rights activism activities). Or at least I think I did, judging by their clothes, tattoos, and conversations. They were not very helpful, to put it mildly, when it came to canvassing. They didn’t come across as interested in the political process very much. Violence and delegitimizing American institutions are known to be their primary focus. There is no uniform political philosophy that they subscribe to, beyond anything that is “anti-fascist.” Most are either communists, hard socialists, anarchists, or short-term social democrats with long-term goals of pushing the country beyond capitalism. I suppose that would be a unifying political philosophy of theirs if they actually have one: anti-capitalism. They are politically to the extreme left and much further left than Bernie’s platform of mainstream European-style social democracy. I don’t personally know much at all about their organizational structure, though I do hear rumors from sources close to the scene that they are well-connected at the local level and have contact with other local cells around the country. It is not a top-down organization, but I would not be surprised at all to later learn they were being funded by higher-up Soros types and that they had been nationally coordinating for these riots all along.  



    So here is my message for my left-leaning friends on this message board: it’s well past time for some deep self-reflection and impositions of quality control on our political side. Are we advancing public policy? Are we helping to defeat Donald Trump by persuading independents and energizing the base?

    Are we changing the hearts and minds of those that fuel American institutional racism? “No,” “no,” and “no” would be my answers at this very moment.


    How can we change course? Well for starters, let’s start acting rationally again. Emphatically call out the looting and the rioting. Castigate antifa. Stop suspecting Russia for everything. Stop fixating on the random annoying minutiae of Trump’s speeches or behavior and start focusing on the deeper issues that plague the country. I’d also stop apologizing for Biden’s shortcomings and demand he step up to the plate as a leader during these recent crises (or step aside at the convention).


    That’s all I have to say on this subject for now. I think I need a small break from news and politics. I originally figured this type of violence and senseless destruction could erupt around the Democratic convention if Bernie lost or following the November election if Trump won. But with the pandemic quarantine restlessness, deep economic anxieties from the pandemic fallout and from failed neoliberal policies, the rising pre-summer heat, and of course George Floyd’s murder…here we are. It may likely get much worse, too, before things eventually get much better. Please stay safe, everyone.

    very thoughtful thank you for this. To what I quoted firstly I agree that the democratic side isn't advancing public policy in any meaningful way. Its like those who aren't trump supporters are sitting back and letting his actions speak for themselves..in  other words depending on the vote to be anti Trump based vs Pro Biden. Thats very clear to me. At least up to now. The pandemic put a halt to much of politics as usual and now these demonstrations/riots have taken focus from what should be time spent on political issues pertaining to november 2020. Biden made a speech today I haven't heard it yet Im curious as to what he had to say.


    To the second quote I cant believe there are rational law abiding people who are applauding looting, police being iniured and killed. Antifa is seen as a contributing factor  to escalated peaceful demonstration to violence and looting, arrest those aholes and lock them under the jail as far as Im concerned. To stop fixating on Trump and focus on real issues is a great point if he would quit with his tweetstorms and trolling the other side it doesnt help and neither side is going to back down and act maturely and rationally about anything but the last tweet.. Thats what I think. So much tit for tat useless rhetoric name calling  opinion bashing all over political forums and political dialogue.  Bidens a pedo, Trump a rapist, Bidens senile, Trump  has dementia, Biden is old, Trump is fat..on and on and on and on and on. Its a feeding frenzy of useless banter...no end in sight. And very likely to get worse especially leading to and up to the election.   No Im not a troll, no Im not the smartest nor most politically saavy person in this forum Im prettynovice but I do care , I do love my country and not being a Trump supporter doesnt preclude that. Now flame away its what you all like to do....

    • Like (+1) 1
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  13. 4 hours ago, 4merper4mer said:

    I went nighty night


    On the Shirley thing:

    1. You posted something absurd

    2. I replied "Shirley"

    3. You replied "?"

    4. I replied "you can't be serious" intending for my two replies to be combined into " Shirley you can't be serious"

    5. You seemed to not understand but I thought you were trolling so I gave you credit by saying "two Sheas"


    On the San Diego thing I was just nervous for my friend @Joe in Winslow but I might be a bit paranoid.  I can't get into detail just in case.

    nervous for Joe in Winslow .....nevermind I don't even want to know what that might mean. I might suggest putting down the bong and getting some fresh air no offense.. 

  14. I went to a police website and this is what it said were pros and cons with the carotid hold  https://www.policemag.com/341089/reconsidering-carotid-control



    The carotid restraint control hold offers an alternative to lethal force, repeated uses of ECWs, impact weapons, OC spray, personal body weapons, and excessive body compression during officer swarms. The hold is effective for officers of all sizes and strengths. It can be effectively applied and control can be gained upon combative individuals who demonstrate a high tolerance for pain; who are under the influence of drugs; or who are in an excited, agitated, and/or psychotic state. Application of the hold does not appear violent or excessive and is less likely to create a negative public perception.

    The carotid restraint control hold can reduce officer injuries as well as serious injuries to subjects and potential for in-custody death by providing an additional force option that does not rely upon electrical load, pain, or blunt force trauma to gain control of the individual. Recent medical research has concluded that the hold is "unlikely to result in serious injury or death" when applied properly by competently trained end-user officers.


    The carotid restraint control hold requires officers to be in close proximity with the resistive subject. This means that the officer's weapons are also in close proximity. However, this is a normal risk any time officers struggle to restrain any resistive subject.

    As with any other force option, the carotid restraint control hold/vascular neck restraint technique requires recurring training to maintain proficiency to ensure that both the application and post-application are properly followed. A medical clearance should be obtained on the subject after the hold is applied.

    Training and Certification

    Carotid restraint control hold instructors and police practices experts, including myself, suggest that the hold be classified as an intermediate level of force along with ECWs, impact weapons, and personal body weapon strikes.

    The carotid restraint control hold/vascular neck restraint is a force option with its own inherent risks. Initial certification training of end-user officers, mandated periodic update training, and updated policies and procedures are paramount for agencies authorizing this very practical, much needed and unique use-of-force option.


    25 minutes ago, 4merper4mer said:

    Wait a minute.  Are you from San Diego?

    you're going to ask me a question like that and not explain why? Why do I possibly know you? LOL Shirley that cant be it..could it? LOL

  15. 1 minute ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

    If it is obeyed in the field it will lead to more violent policing. There is nothing fatal about that sort of restraint when used properly. Look to MMA.


    Carotid restraint is used frequently because it’s easy to obtain, relatively speaking, and closes the gap in strength, gender, size, etc.


    Taking away that tool means it needs to replaced with something less effective, which ultimately will lead to more shootings.

    Im sorry to read that it sounds like you know of what you speak. it causes a person to black out and in view of what occured recently Im sure that weighed into that decision rightly or wrongly

  16. 9 minutes ago, 4merper4mer said:

    Wait a minute.  Are you from San Diego?

    why do you ask? does that make me more or less shirley LOL I asked my husband what that meant he didnt know either and Yes I do live in americas finest city ?

  17. 7 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

    The resemblance between David Wells (second from the bottom left), looks like David Shaw of The Revivalists.

    This will lead to much more violence, as it removes one of the most effective restraint techniques.

    the question I have is will that request/order be obeyed while out in the field. Or is that an official sort of statement that will only come up if an officer happens to injure someone. Then the action after will be officially labeled negligent/against the rules.  *shrugs* Im no expert on restraint techniques

  18. I just saw this on my DVR I think this is great and I hope this actions spreads to police departments nationwide.


    The San Diego Police Dept is stopping the use of carotid restraint Immediately. 


    as a PS: of 97 people arrested last night (Sunday) he estimates 1/4 were from outside of our local area.  Tome thats a high number but we also have alot of universities here so they may still be local but not permanent residents...or from LA? No way of telling. The last 2 nights my suburban middle class community has been under a 7pm-5am curfew and all Targets and Walmarts  in the vicinity are boarded up and closed.

  19. 1. Hate is wrong.
    2. The murder of George Floyd was wrong.
    3. Looting, setting fire, causing damage, all wrong and solves nothing.
    4. Pointing fingers is not helpful. It just divides.
    5. This is a heart issue. Change your heart you change your mind then you change your words and your actions.
    6. We can disagree without disgracing others.
    7. Staying silent about injustice perpetuates it.
    • Like (+1) 3
  20. 3 minutes ago, Reality Check said:

    Obama supported open borders and sanctuary cities. You focus on arrests when you should focus on how many came across the border unobstructed on his watch. 

    quoted from Donald Trumps speech today and its no wonder I was a bit confused just sayin.;....


    "I am your president of law and order," Trump added. "As we speak, I am dispatching thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers, military personnel and law enforcement officers to stop the rioting, looting, vandalism, assaults, and the wanton destruction of property."


    in regards to Obama the number you are using as rationale is undefinable and as such worthless.

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