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Posts posted by muppy

  1. Just now, billsfan1959 said:


    As you stated, "...there is a difference between peaceful protesters and criminal behavior. HUGE difference..."


    Peaceful protesters are protesters, criminals are criminals. Please show us one post where anyone advocated violence agains protesters (by your own definition). When you are done with that, then show us where Trump advocated violence against protesters.


    As far as the criminals go, are you advocating that we just let them loot, vandalize, set fires, and assault people until they tire themselves out? If not, what would you do to stop them?


    Please be specific. You have a tendency to make sweeping generalizations

    bilzfancy "hoped" they would breach a barrier ...meaning there was no criminal activity happening at that point solely protest  but he WANTED them to, wished they would.....why... so they'd be shot? SMH 


    Im not justifying squat

  2. 7 minutes ago, KD in CA said:

    So you have a problem with using rubber bullets to stop violent felons?  

    what on earth are you talking about? reread his quote.  

    3 minutes ago, billsfan1959 said:



    You can repost what he wrote, but, maybe you should just re-read what he wrote. He was pretty clear.


    Not one person on this board has advocated violence against protesters. Neither has Trump. 


    Seriously, do you not have the ability to make a distinction between legitimate protesters and those engaging in criminal behavior?

    baloney. and Yes there is a difference between peaceful protesters and criminal behavior. HUGE difference but those non rubber bullets would be flying regardless at everyone there wouldnt they......he "hoped" they would break a barrier why is that?? I guess he wants them dead....

  3. 2 minutes ago, bdutton said:


    Yes... Trump tweeted something that he (nor any president) should ever tweet about shooting looters.


    What is now common knowledge about the 'protesters' are that the vast majority are not there to protest.  Minnesota governor has stated that 80 of those arrested were from out of state.  These are agitators/anarchists/criminals that want nothing more than to burn *****, steal *****, and otherwise cause chaos, and when the Minnesota National Guard start shooting them they will conveniently say 'see!  Trump instigated this violence!'.  We will watch as CNN/ABS/NBC/NPR all give these criminals a voice to support the anti Trump narrative.


    Anything to get *not Trump* elected.

    Thank you for the civil reply.

  4. 3 minutes ago, bilzfancy said:

    Please do

    here's one. I doubt those protesting were thereto loot the white house SMH



    I was watching last night as big groups were in front of the White House, and I know this sounds terrible, but I was telling my wife, I hope they storm the barricades, I promise the secret service won't be using rubber bullets. It will then end real quick.


  5. Just now, bilzfancy said:

    I have never advocated violence against protesters, rioters, yes because that's the only way it will stop, and by the way Trump didn't advocate violence either

    come on man do I have to repost what you wrote in this thread?  Really? SMH

  6. 28 minutes ago, bilzfancy said:

    How the hell is anything happening in the last few days have anything to do with Trump?

    some of the posters here (you) are advocating violence against protesters, Trumps tweets regarding this situation have made this situation worse. A voice of rationality was needed instead he like yourself seemingly is advocating violence. Insinuating that these protests are there as anti trump in hopes of hurting him nature vs anti police brutality.


    Im not so naive as to think everyone protesting is solely due to the death of a black man at the hands of a bad white cop but   reading this thread makes me think the politicalization of this protest in some way supercedes its original cause. And I dont agree.

  7. 39 minutes ago, Prickly Pete said:



    Ha. I actually am referring directly to people I know. I made it clear that these are THEIR own statements.


     So WTF are you talking about?


    It's you that are completely full of *****.


    You are gonna lose.


    (she deleted it....You're on a roll, baby!)


    I deleted NOTHING lol my reply stands. Yours was worded poorly and I stated my reason for why I thought the way I did.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Magox said:


    There are real protesters who are mourning the loss of George Floyd.  No doubt about it.


    However they have been hijacked by a conglomeration of ANTIFA, BLM, university student radicals, young uneducated kids and some of the general populace who want in on the action.



    and check this out



    and this


    Im not saying that all those whom are on the streets are not there for nefarious reasons. I just have to question how much of the knowledge bantered here is sheer politically biased conjecture and how much is factual. Folks here speak like they have all the knowledge and disparage anyone who questions or calls it out. To say this thread is predominantely pro Trump and parroting his take is obvious.  But as Ive already stated I dont believe this is solely a political issue at all 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Prickly Pete said:



    Ha. I actually am referring directly to people I know. I made it clear that these are THEIR own statements.


     So WTF are you talking about?

    reread what you wrote. The first 7 words you were describing your friends. The rest were directed at ":Progs" and the resulting paragraph. NOT an exclusive to your friends statement sorry.


     No doubt this is the prevailing attitude among the Progs.


  10. 2 hours ago, Foxx said:

    riiiiigggghhhhtttt..... because words are so much more damaging than physical actions.

    to a freaking SJW nut anyways.....

    its a message board post and maybe both were dumb at least I will own it as opposed to most in here

  11. 5 hours ago, Prickly Pete said:



    The anti-Trumpers I know are gleeful. No doubt this is the prevailing attitude among the Progs.


    They don't actual care about anything but damaging Trump. One was looking forward to some white kid protesters getting killed ala Kent State, saying how the only thing that will make them (white people) care is if white kids die, and it could turn the tide against Trump in the election. Didn't even cover it with fake somberness, but smiling away in anticipation.


    Real sick people.




    delusional thinking here again THANK YOU for speaking for the "they" you have not the slightest clue about. So many Solomons in here. lol 

    3 hours ago, whatdrought said:

    They destroyed the College football hall of fame.... what % of that facility is set up to honor the achievements of black athletes? Bunch of worthless pieces of *****. 

    link? thats terrible if true

  12. 3 hours ago, whatdrought said:

    I really do encourage this batch of asswipes to start throwing stuff at this protest. Let’s see how that goes for them. 



    dude, they’re stealing tv’s and boxed whine. This is not and has never been about protesting injustice. It’s a nationwide tantrum of small minded, entitled pieces of trash that are fanned on and encouraged by the media and passive leaders in the cities they’re burning to the ground. 


    According to you, those on this site are all just lines of words. Well, your lines of word are rather idiotic. 


    Thank you for beong the voice of americans everywhere SMH ...just because you can lecture someone on a message board doesnt mean you are absolutely correct. How in hell do you know what every protester is thinking? THAT to me is idiotic

  13. There are protest going on currently in the following cities.

    Minneapolis MN....St Paul MN....Louisville KY....St Louis IL....Columbus OH....Denver CO....Phoenix AZ....Memphis TN....New York City NY....Los Angeles CA....Houston TX....Dallas TX....Detroit MI....Sacramento CA....Atlanta GA....Seattle WA....Las Vegas NV....Boston MA.



  14. 1 hour ago, Big Blitz said:



    99.99% of Americans were outraged at the cop. This was established everywhere by everyone of any credibility.  I have my own feelings on why he wasn't in custody or why they waited to charge him but I'll hold off on that.  


    But I just saw a white protester fake virtue signaling, surrounded by rioters spray paint F...Trump on a building in DC.  This is not about justice to them it is about their hatred of Trump and the Republican party, both of which have zero to do with Floyd's death. 


    If that's why any protester is out there they're in the wrong.  And I'm betting it's a fairly large number of them.  


    So as I watch cities burn AFTER his arrest, can someone explain to me....what now?  What else is it we're supposed to do?  

    okay well your bet is your "feeling" and If Im going to be called out in political threads for my feelings I'll do the same back.  other than just some random person painting F Trump and your "feeling" that this is political meh I dont buy it personally.

  15. 5 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Your language is divisive, your rhetoric non-inclusive. 

    I’m watching the news and they are showing a vandalized and looted TMobile store In Minneapolis.  In a separate shot, a couple women are seen loading boxed wine into a car lifted from a looted liquor store.  Nothing says “Honor the memory” like a stolen celly and a glass of Franzia.  


    where have I said that is acceptable? Nowhere. and as far as my language being divisive and non inclusive Im calling it as I see it like everyone here does theres no difference..Im not obligated to be nice to anybody you all to me are words on a screen its only personal when its been made that back to me.  

  16. Interesting that the protesters chose to storm and damage CNN in Atlanta .....interesting. I'm not really buying that means they are anti-liberal MSM but it does question a narrative Im reading in this thread.....

    2 minutes ago, billsfan1959 said:

    Honestly, it is difficult to figure out what you are saying. We’ll just leave it at that.



    the optic Im referring to is a video of a white cop kneeling in a black persons neck resulting in his death. The rest seemed clear enough to me. oh well.

  17. 8 minutes ago, billsfan1959 said:

    So, your answer is we just assume the motivation was racial, add it to previous deaths of any blacks by white police officers, and arrive at the conclusion there must be some sort of systemic racism issues permeating the law enforcement community?

    you just put a whole boatload of words in my mouth I didnt say please dont do that.  Did I say racism is systemic within police departments? Or that is permeates? What I did say was that I dont think it is possible to prove either way that officer was a racist but that racism HAS existed and blacks have been unfairly stereotyped and labeled due to the color of their skin by police and elsewhere in society YES and where that optic exists people will go there mentally right or wrongly.

  18. 11 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:



    I know this is a political forum but maybe just maybe these issues have zero to do with republican or democratic politics? Who are you scapegoating with your rhetoric? Likely the party you oppose. In a way are you saying the democrats are the hooligans and republicans the righteous? I call baloney on that. I'll say it again this issue is not a political issue it is a humanity issue transcendent of political party.  

  19. Just now, billsfan1959 said:

    But don’t you think that whole “rightly or wrongly” point is important? Or is what somebody feels more important, even if it might be wrong?

    you know what, the reality is what I think means squat in this situation Im not burning down a persons business or looting or being a criminal....I would answer your question by saying that how will you ever be able to prove or disprove that officers views on race. The facts are that a black man is dead while handcuffed and the offender is white. And as Ive stated already ultimately these unpeaceful protests arent fruitful, they certainly aren't focused on preventing deaths to more black people, they are a release of anger and frustration at the disgrace of the death and previous ones as well.

  20. 11 minutes ago, billsfan1959 said:

    Don’t you think it is kind of important that you be certain of what something is before you label it and start extrapolating what happened into some broader meaning?

    If you really think that black people aren't taking this as a racial affront (rightly or wrongly) we would disagree.  I think you need to be black to understand their frustration and anger at the optic of it though. I can't judge that accurately or personally because Im not black but also as Im watching these protests unfurl a Lot of the folks protesting are not exclusively black. SO perhaps racial issues are not the majority part of this anger. But it has to be at least part due to our countries history thats just my opinion. There is a huge distrust between cops and people in general and racial stereotypes you know this. Black Lives Matter is example.


    great  SMH my sons neighborhood in Brooklyn has fires burning this chit just got personal for me

  21. 4 minutes ago, dubs said:

    I have literally zero idea of what this scumbag cops motivation was. What aggravates me is how the term racism gets thrown around incorrectly all the time. Racism is the belief that a race of people are inherently inferior to your own race. So to say the motivation is racism, you’d have to know the cop believed that black people were inferior. There is nothing we know to support that. Not a thing. 

    nowadays , any incident involving two different races of people gets the racism tag. More accurately it could be speculated as bigotry.  But even that in this case is totally unknown. 

    ha so we agree. I guess that means I was "Good" lol @-@ okay fair enough I agree none of this can be labeled "good"

  22. 10 minutes ago, dubs said:

    racism?  Do you know what the word means?  Please define it and explain how you know that what happens to Floyd was racism and not just bad policing or a bad person doing a bad thing. 

    this should be good...

    Being that Floyd was black it is going to be labeled a racial issue even if that officer would have treated any other person the same way. That oficer may or may not be a racist but in view of The issues in the past involving blacks and the police that bridge was crossed by many people rightly or wrongly.


    PS: was that indeed "good" for you dubs? lol

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