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Everything posted by T&C

  1. Pretty sure is just a different word for here or there but I believe that they spin clockwise south of the equator, like toilets do.
  2. Pretty much this, have seen a ton of them form in the gulf. Been affected by probably 15 of these mofo's since moving to Florida and we are doing our best to get the hell out of this state asap. I don't think I have either, a new "spin" on things. Pretty much everywhere I look has it developing into a Cat.1. https://blog.myfoxhurricane.com/2019/07/10/tropical-depression-soon-to-form-likely-to-strengthen-and-move-west/?fbclid=IwAR0WxxHslPVWbwlef-_RYLVARzR_etSZ_r7gM74nw7pOjM83VAZb22yn9Rk "It should be noted that the current forecast from the National Hurricane Center intensifies this into a category 1 hurricane."
  3. Dorian updates. These will update themselves until no longer needed.
  4. My first introduction to LZ. I was 9 or so... we lived in Lancaster and went to visit my Mom's friend in I think Cheektowaga, not sure on that though, it matters not nor does my spelling. Anyways, we arrive and her friend Claudia puts me in the recliner soon after with a headset... she puts LZ2 on and then headed back out to have coffee with my Mom. Her husband was a professor and had a huge reel to reel collection... so, the first time I heard Zep was on a reel to reel tape with whatever the most advanced headphones were out there at that time. As of this time though, I am Zepped out... no corners to turn anymore. Like a lot of other bands. Sometimes I take a couple of years break... but of course that doesn't win out in the end.
  5. Use your phone options and stick a pin.
  6. Just put a fork in this thing already. We can visit the original site if we want and play the soundtrack in our vehicle.
  7. Ever heard Cheap Thrills in mono?
  8. I know you have it down in Louisiana but maybe something a little more neutral? Tenn, NC... something like that perhaps? Access to the Buff and the gumbo... Clearwater has a damn nice COMMERCIAL beach for sure.
  9. Probably the Beach Boys, as is seen/heard here:
  10. Whatever you do, don't move to Florida. We are trying to get the hell out of this shithole of a state. Besides, the food sucks unless you like Chains.
  11. Forgot about this one... have it on CD and play it maybe a couple of times a month in the car, never gets old. I once found a mono copy of this on vinyl... rare as hell:
  12. I met her at a bar so yeah, holes were sunk.
  13. In the late 80's I was dating/living with a chick from Sykesville. I was taken to Ellicott City for dinner... excellent food and the creek or river was right below us. Walked up and down all the shops and stores afterwards, very cool place. Sucks to hear that what I experienced then is gone for the most part. That part of the USA is beautiful... wonder why she had decided to move to Florida.
  14. Heh Heh nice call... came on right after the Monkees.
  15. Only reason I can think of as to why they told me to dispose of my box and have you guys send your's back is that maybe my box had become outdated or something.
  16. That's weird... they told me to dispose of the equipment responsibly and sent me a custom envelope to send the card back to them.
  17. We were leaving Lancaster in the car heading up Central Ave. heading to my Grandparents house in Clarence when this came on... just after the train tracks overpass by St. Joseph street. To this day I'm amazed that my parents let it play, but they did. I loved Mariska Veres less than Michelle Phillips but she was my other rock babe for a few years.
  18. You've got to admit, you left yourself out in the open with this... men's swimming and raindrops keep falling on my head by B.J. sounds a little risque.
  19. I was 4, sitting in the front seat of a 1961 Ford Falcon with my Dad. We were at the Twin Fair kind of near the airport ... Mom went in to get whatever we needed. We sat in the car with the radio on. Usual stuff was playing until This one came on. Even at that age it caught me right away, I just stopped whatever I was doing and listened. First song I can remember where I was the first time I heard it.
  20. I guess the thing is that the Beatles cannot nor will ever be topped. Heck, even my LP/Album grading/pricing book, when going to the B's then the Beatles... says "The greatest rock band this world will ever know". There is at least one song that every age group will enjoy, moving on through the decades. I would put Simon & Garfunkel in the same slot though.
  21. Nice. That's a childhood memory song for me. When I was a kid in Lancaster every Saturday it seemed I would ride with my Dad to 84 lumber, Speherer plumbing, or some place like that. It Don't Come Easy was played like every 20th song by WKBW on the AM radio in the Falcon or the old box truck. My Sweet Lord too. I'm Abbey Roaded out though, after hearing it probably 200 times I'm giving it and the rest of the Beatles catalog a respite. You also inspired me for a new music thread.
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