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Clyde Smith

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Everything posted by Clyde Smith

  1. Actually we have at least 3 that can go deep. Besides K. Clay, Zay and Matthews ran basically the same speed as Watkins. Sammy was considered a deep threat right?
  2. I had the same thread up last evening and mine was taken down, woow!!
  3. I expect him to bounce back next week. We just played at the time the 1st and 3rd ranked defense in the league. Atlanta's defense is currently in the bottom half.
  4. Yeah, i'm proud of our secondary. They held their own against two premier receivers.
  5. In fact, as of right now eight of our remaining games have defense ranked in the bottom ten.
  6. Number one in the league baby!! New England has the worst in the league. Actually all our division foes are in the bottom ten in defense ranking.
  7. Because he screwed up his wrist running it on 3rd downs at the goal line. Why risk injuring him more when Tolbert can plow it in.
  8. It's two sides to a coin. Some of the empty seats are from fans Who AGREE with the athlete's protests and the blackballing of Kaep.
  9. He is a big fat Chihuahua! It's funny how some people praise this man as President, says he's patriotic and for the flag and this country Hoo friggin Haa!! This same man draft dodged while countless men and women fought and died or came back disfigured. Same as Bush.....I'll stop here, just came back from being banned for running my yap.
  10. So far the two Qb's that intrigues me are Rosen and Rudolph, from what I've seen so far. I can see that also. Use the first two picks for Ol, Lb or Wr.
  11. Since we no longer have J. Williams on the roster, they need to give Banyard the ball more. I'm sorry but Tolbert is trash, too slow. we need shiftiness and speed back there.
  12. Yep, just saw that. I spoke too soon, a lot of trades are being made today. Hope the Bills make a play for someone.
  13. Philly Brown working out for the Jets...Cross him off the list.
  14. I wouldn't mind if they use a 3rd or 4th on a decent Receiver or RT. I wonder what their plans are...
  15. I posted for you Trumptards on here on your tiny pedestal. Did you see the meme I replied to? I can say what the **** I wanna say, and I say it to piss guys like you off. No wonder you are offended and feel the need to reply. Btw call me a snowflake to my face, I got enough heat to melt your snowflake *** damn Trumpeteer foh!!
  16. I think this thread is about to turn ugly. I for one agree with Kaep and I'm a Vet, and I'm not offended at the least. Also his stance is not about the country, veterans or whatever everyone ******* their pants over. His stance is against police brutality and the overall mistreatment of blacks, but that's not important to everyone. I wonder what if Kaep was queer and he took a knee for the overall mistreatment of gays, I'm sure America would rally around him and praise him as a hero. I'll probably get banned for this reply, but frankly I can give to *****. At the end of the day I'll still be a 40 yo proud Bills fan who bleeds red, white and Buffalo blue. Hoorah!!
  17. Ok smarta**, whatever the case. They still belong in the HOF, why are we even debating it?
  18. If they are in then they should be in. They was voted in by the fans and their peers. Congrats to all that made it, just appreciate it. Some of you guys wasn't born or too little to appreciate their accomplishments.
  19. Just from the notes, it seems like the O is getting the best of the D. Awesome report Astro!!
  20. Good let them implode. In fact, I want the other 31 teams to implode. Bwahahaha
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