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Everything posted by Cherrybone

  1. I agree just get over Pat Williams, get over Marshawn Lynch, Travis Henry, Jabari Greer, Antoine Winfield, London Fletcher, I can go on for days. No wonder its been 17yrs and counting. Lol
  2. If he have a good healthy season there os a thing called a franchise tag if they cant come to some sort of agreement. Bottom line is you dont give up elite talent on possibles, bottom line.
  3. Exactly because they still have picks that they can use to get whoever they feel is a possible franchise qb. Whats the point now when the franchise qb will need a consistent target. Once we finally get one then we will be trading a quality left tackle for a wr, leaving a hole on the o-line. The only way the Bills do things.
  4. I hear you but keep believing that we on to something. Beane sound like a guy that want to gut a team out regardless of talent and stockpile draft picks and hope to look like a mad scientist in the process. When you look at the entire picture you will notice the Bills alread have assets to go after a qb in next years draft. But lets keep believing that the goal is to keep acquiring draft picks. So i guess by 2019 we will have 40 draf picks and bsrely a team. Ok Maybe you should realize that Sammy already made it clear that he wanted to be in Buffalo he dont want to keep changing teams.
  5. He looked good in camp and he looked good in the preseason game. He's still young with a lot of years to go. One of the bigger issues is the Bills never seem to keep their own talent. That's mind boggling but of course its the way of the Bills. Now people keep hollering about the amount of draft picks the Bills now have. Well here's my issue we get rid of definite talent for possibles? No one know what or who these picks will turn out to be. Remember theres still a learning curve. And the way Beane is doing things by the time his draft picks start showing any signs of life he'll just trade them for more draft picks. Building through the draft is a good concept but veterans are still needed to help groom the young guys. The plan is loud and clear but Beane is hollering he want to win now. How? Look at the receivers we have now. None of them are deep threats and none of them have speed. Remember Tyrod like receivers wide open. Boldin isnt burning people hes a good possession receiver but do we know that Taylor have the confidence to allow Boldin to make plays on the ball? But we want to win now? Same ol Bills. Just show the fans you're different from what was here before and you'll win them over for three years. Still cant get over the fact that we never keep our own talent.
  6. Or you can do better and just dont respond. Just a thought
  7. Exaaaaaactly. People keep overstating this protect the ball theory. Well when you barely throw the ball and is afraid to make certain throws nobody gets a chance at the ball, not even the offense.
  8. Thats because this fam base have become so used to losing they hate when talent arrives. They was happy to see Marshawn go. They was happy to see Stevie Johnson go. They was happy to see Schobel go. They was happy to see Jason Peters go. And now theyre estatic to see Watkins go. To further prove how accustomed this fan base is to losing. They was happy Rex was hired and felt it was to soon for him to go. They was happy to see Losman here and lost their minds when he was let go. Some even predicted he would lead another team to the super bowl. Lol. They felt EJ Manuel got a raw deal. Really? See the pattern?
  9. I know it sounds crazy. However just think. There are many ways this can become a reality. Sammy may show flashes but not be able to produce at no fault of his own. Qb play may hurt him this season. The Bills now have multiple picks to draft their qb of the future. Matthews, and the rest of the receivers along with Tyrod may not fit the bill and it may make things harder on McCoy. With a qb in place and Shady playing at a high level with Sammy on the outside, you never know. My idea is also wishful thinking. Miss Sammy already.
  10. Exactly. Because it's the Bills I expect Tyrod to get a massive extension after throwing for 2000yds 8tds 5ints and 700 rushing yds. He'll most likely sign a deal for 120 million wth 75mil guaranteed. Then all of those draft picks they've acquired they will give them away to move up in the draft to get either a corner, a rb, or a 225lb de. The Bills way.
  11. No the Bills will trade him. And all of these picks will equal to them drafting a qb they most likely won't have patience for anyway.
  12. If you want to go there do you think Matthews is gonna continue to put up those same numbers playing with Tyrod? Hope he's used to blocking down field after running his route. And let's see how Matthews do playing with Tyrod. He better get a bright orange jersey.
  13. Here's where I agree and disagree. Taylor is only considered better then Sanchez because he's a dual threat. Sanchez is considered horrible because he make bone headed decisions. Overall both are bad qb's. However if I had to choose between the two I'd take Sanchez because one thing I know for sure is that I'm gonna get chances to make plays. With Tyrod he don't throw the ball. I run my route and the next thing I know I'm a blocker for the man I'm trying to get the ball from. So in terms of Matthew putting up better numbers then Watkins it's because no matter how bad we view the qb's he played with he was still getting opportunities to make plays. Answer this do any of you expect him to put up those same numbers playing with Tyrod? Sammy did somewhat because he's an elite talent when healthy. There's no way anybody will say that Matthew is on the same level as Sammy.
  14. To start even outside of the injuries how much can you expect from Sammy when you consider the qb's and the coordinators he had during his time here? As for the qb's, the best QB he played with is Tyrod and that's a qb that only throw the ball if you're WIDE OPEN. Some people even try to say that the other receiver played with lesser talent at qb. Well the issue is he was giving far more chances to make plays. Tyrod don't take chances. So the next time someone compare their stats please tell the entire story. And please don't think the guy is gonna have the same production here playing with Tyrod. The only way I can see that is if he's out on the field with a orange vest on. So compare their numbers all you want but watch the drastic drop in his numbers playing with Tyrod.
  15. This seem to be a we want our guys situation. Dareus and Hughes may not be safe either. Also how can you say you're not throwing in the towel when you get rid of definite talent and say you want to stock pile picks and build through the draft? Draft picks aren't a sure thing either. I hope Beane and McDermott know what they're doing. But this one right here may come back to haunt them.
  16. Well yours is actually nil. Regardless of how you compare the qb's, Sammy played with one that wouldn't throw the ball. Philly's qb's weren't great but the got the ball out of their hands. That make a big difference in a receiver's production. You can't catch balls that never leave the qb hands.
  17. LOL. Yes she do. The name come from my last name Cherry and me liking the rap group Bone Thugs n harmony. Been a fan before they even became famous and was just struggling artist. Didn't like it at first but my friends kept calling me that so I learned to accept it.
  18. My family and I will be attending the Broncos game. We been coming to one game a year for the past 5yrs now. We walk past a lot of tailgate parties and sometimes we actually get invites. Being shy we decline and would hate to feel like free loaders. However this season I would love an invite and would definitely contribute. Getting a little more comfortable. Hope this season goes well for all of us Bills fans. And if I get an invite thanks in advance.
  19. I'm wondering what are some of the sacrifices people make to watch a Bills game? As for me, my job pays double on Sundays. It's hard to work Sundays because of seniority. However during football season it's available because the senior guys don't want to miss football either. So for me I'm forced to choose between making double pay or watch the Bills. Of course I always end up choosing the Bills. Being a Bills fan is painful but for some strange reason I keep setting myself up for more. I even choose them over money.
  20. Thank you. This is something that should be said more often. A lot of people like this are no different from cyber bullies. I always said if you get so agitated by a post or thread why not ignore it? My thing is there are some people with all kinds of insecurities and they don't mesh well with the general public so they use sites like this one just to feel like they're apart of society. You never know what people go through on a daily basis. The disrespect, the rudeness, and the holier then thou attitude is beyond belief. I really wish people would think about how they treat people on this board and also consider that this could be someone that use this board as the only way to fit in. At the end of the day we all love the Bills and we all want a winning team in Buffalo. We just all have different opinions on how they should go about winning. Whether it's coaches, players, or managers. We all want the same thing for the Bills.
  21. This response proves you're one of them. To start how do you you base opinions on facts? If someone think Taylor is having a bad camp, what's wrong with that? Because it may differ from your opinion that shouldn't mean that people should be subjected to senseless responses and insults.
  22. I hear you. I don't take message board chats to serious. I love talking about the Bills. I just saw a tweet today saying Tyrod had a rough day. If he's the starter I want nothing less then success for Tyrod. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him. I have my doubts but that don't mean much until the season starts.
  23. I sure will. As long as he's the starter I'm rooting for him, he plays for my team.
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