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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I would cheer at the top of my lungs if Brady got injured! I dream of it almost every night.
  2. Yup...I thought the back shoulder toss was actually Allen’s bread and butter
  3. Yup, his “go to” wr, Zay Jones was not out there...
  4. Perhaps, unless the young guys use it as motivation to do something in Buffalo no one else has been able to achieve...and seeing the type of competitor that JA is, I have no doubt that it’s on his mind.
  5. They will once this current team wins it all...then the current group of player will become our new heros.
  6. I used to be miserable too, Gugs...I was actually at my breaking point after 30 years, where I wasn’t seeing any light at the end of the tunnel after Rex...I would tell myself that being a Bills fan was my curse in life because I could never stop rooting for them no matter how much they broke my soul....I even told myself that this regime was the last chance to save my fandom- because I figured we had tried every possible combo of GM and HC, and that if they couldn’t make a winner, I had a hard time thinking it could ever happen...thank God my hope has been restored with McBean...and it’s the most optimistic I’ve felt about the team in 20 years....this is finally our time...Go Bills!!!
  7. Even if he is, I kinda feel like Barkley could still get us to .500 with this roster
  8. I don’t think Ed Oliver could bust if he tried....dude just plays on fire, with the heart of a lion...guys like that simply will themselves to win at all cost.
  9. I should have mentioned sarcasm was intended...because it just seemed ridiculous to me that some would be down on the extension, that doesn’t even pay him close to top DE money, even though he has consistently been a top player on our defenses.
  10. People opposed to the Hughes extension probably thought Chris Kelsay was God. ?
  11. Especially to such a big signing...should have been closer to a “prove it” type deal imo You’re right...let’s bring back Whaley.
  12. Is this the part of the trip where OJ had the gun to his head, saying that he didn’t deserve to live? Asking for a friend...
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