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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Trump didn’t drop your post…it was your own sh it (in the OP) that was dropped, and you’re now running from it… Notice how you don’t even try to defend what you wrote…You just think you can win the argument with cheeky one liners…What is this- amateur night at the Apollo? 🤣🤣🤣 If that’s what you want to stoop to, I guess I can play along…😉
  2. That’s like me hating communists, but calling myself a communist anyway…Nazis hated anyone who wasn’t in agreement with the Third Reich agenda, regardless of if they were socialist or not……So, of course they would hate some socialists…They hated capitalists too…Read a book…😉 Like I said before, socialism takes on many different forms, depending on the culture…They will share similarities because, ultimately, it is still socialism…But different countries will also embrace ideas that sets their brand of socialism apart- just like not all capitalism is the same…👍
  3. Your claim was that Trump wants to “keep the invasion going”… However, the article (that YOU posted) says that “Trump has said Republicans should say “no” to any deal that falls short of “everything needed” to stop the flow of migrants” That, my friend, is the actual definition of disinformation- saying one thing when you KNOW the opposite is true… You got any other cute one-liners, though? 😉
  4. OP is spouting major disinformation as the article cited proves the opposite of the OP’s claims… When you’ve determined that a person is the worst kind of evil, that needs to be stopped at all costs, the truth becomes a detriment to the goal…👍
  5. A fact the Left refuses to acknowledge because it goes against their narrative…
  6. Nazis were NATIONAL socialists…They hated the Soviet socialists because both were competing for dominance over Europe… Socialism isn’t a “1 size fits all”…it manifests in many different forms, and adapts to the culture in which it was formed…👍
  7. Leftist females love championing the demise of their own sports…so comical how they love destroying everything women have fought so hard for…
  8. I’m the type of GDT poster that enjoys going to the opponent’s message board, and drinking in the tears of opposing fans… I know what Bills fans think, so it’s interesting getting an outsider perspective of our team…👍
  9. Why- Does Brady have at least 1 drop of black blood? 🤔
  10. 13 seconds game is on now…Had to turn it off right after Davis’ final td…Still haven’t ever been able to bring myself to watch after that moment…
  11. There’s no such thing as a 56 year old transgender…😉
  12. In order to attempt a response, I will need to know which cult are you referring to? There are many…👍
  13. Depends which cult you’re referring to…😉 If you’re referring to the Establishment cult, or uni-party, I would say that their track record with conspiracy theory accusations hasn’t been strong, lately… It seems just about every accusation of a conspiracy eventually proves to be true…not all, but most… Imo, there almost seems to be a political strategy to rule something a conspiracy theory long enough for people to forget about the issue, and buy the Establishment some time… Then, when people are able to verify the issue, most of the public has forgotten about it, or doesn’t seem to care as much anymore… But it’s actually no different than other buzz words the Establishment uses like Russian misinformation or disinformation, or racist, white supremacy, along with conspiracy… These buzz words, imo, are intentionally used to “trigger a switch” in the brains of the weak minded that says “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”. Fortunately, I’m not wired that way…👍
  14. I don’t know….Maybe because he can no longer deny the laptop is his, perhaps he feels his only hope is to claim the data had been hacked- to protect his family from getting in trouble? 🤔
  15. I don’t know, man…that sounds like conspiracy theory…
  16. Do you believe the laptop belongs to Hunter?
  17. Agreed…It’s the unintended consequence of the rule…
  18. Sorry my friend, but you are coming from a partisan point of view…How do I know? Because every topic discussed, you always bring back to Trump- even when it has nothing to do with him… I brought up some key points, that you completely glossed over, only to bring it back to Trump…That’s fine, if that’s your thing…But partisans are not interested in growth or understanding on deeper level… You’ve made some good points on other topics- like those videos we discussed before…But this does not seem like a topic you honestly want to contend with…So, until next time Billsy…be well…👍
  19. I don’t use the word Marxist because I think it’s cute, or because I “don’t have anything else”… I use the word Marxist because the groups you support CLAIM to be Marxist…🤣🤣🤣 The ideals you support come from Marxist writers… Second, I prefer not to give out details about my personal life- especially to people who could potentially be mentally unhinged…Not saying you are, specifically…But, it’s just better to be safe online, than sorry…👍 Third, Rufo does research, and brings to light agendas that were set in motion in our past, that many have tried to hide from view… Rufo is not responsible for the writings of the far Left- the Left is…But I understand that it might be convenient for you to blame someone on the Right, rather than come to terms with fact you support a Marxist agenda, and never realized it… I don’t blame you for it…we are all fooled from time to time…I was fooled about W. Bush and Obama…It happens…We were ALL fooled about Covid… But the worst thing we can do is turn a blind eye to being lied to, for pride or our ego (pretending it didn’t happen)…The problem never gets fixed that way… And that’s why I’m non partisan…It makes it easier to be objective…it creates less of an ego to be bruised if I am wrong- which I am from time to time…👍
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