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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. but, but... we're all gonna die in 12 years. well to be fair, it probably is like 11.5 now. amirite??
  2. hahaha. would have loved to been a fly on the wall at today's prayer breakfast.
  3. settled science, damnitall!! Scientist Warns Of Mini Ice Age As Sun Hibernates During Solar Minimum ... According to Valentina Zharkhova, a professor at Northumbria University’s department of mathematics, physics and electrical engineering, the Sun is about to enter a Grand Solar Minimum this year, which is like an extended version of the solar minimum. Instead of lasting for only a couple of years, the Grand Solar Minimum could extend for 33 years. When this happens, the professor said Earth could experience a global drop in temperature by one degrees Celsius, which is already enough to cause severe weather conditions. “The Sun is approaching a hibernation period,” she said according to Express. “Less sunspots will be formed on the solar surface and thus less energy and radiation will be emitted towards the planets and the Earth.” “The reduction in temperature will result in cold weathers on Earth, wet and cold summers, cold and wet winters,” she added. “We will possibly get big frosts as is happening now in Canada where they see [temperatures] of -50C.” According to data collected by NASA, the last time a Grand Solar Minimum occurred was in 1650, which lasted up to 1710. During this period, the Sun entered a phase known as Maunder Minimum, which was characterized by a decrease in the star’s brightness. Due to the Sun’s diminished activity, various regions on Earth such as North America and Europe went into deep freeze, causing icy features such as glaciers to grow and expand. The extremely cold weather also caused a few rivers, lakes and other large bodies of water to freeze. ...
  4. hahahahaa... it was dispersed. before the deadline, period.
  5. go to your profile. on the left hand side of the page you will see your current avatar. click the 'landscape' image in the lower lefthand corner of the avatar. the rest you should be able to figure out.
  6. yeah, you got no response as to what the actual law is because your too dumb to understand it, let alone be able to find it and copy/paste it here.
  7. bing, bang, zoom... right over your head willis. the lib i was referring to was you. geesus, pull your head out yer ass and get a *****in' clue. idiot, they released the aid before the end of the fiscal year as was required by law. you can say whatever you want, the fact remains what the actual facts on the ground are.
  8. agreed. my only point here really is that i'm quite sure there are other avenues of exit. not to mention, that if one was really ingenuous, they would simply pop the hinge pins and the door is easily removed.
  9. you didn't cite law. the very first line of your article, "A federal watchdog concluded". this is why you libs are so ***** in the head, you don't understand fact from emotion. try again, Shirley.
  10. i am a bit perplexed here. i don't see very many people, or anyone at all really talking about just how low the standard has just been established by the House Democrats. i mean, we just had a case brought to the United States Senate that was based entirely upon hearsay and conjecture. the only factual evidence in play was the transcript and it clearly shows there was no quid pro quo there. the rest was merely an attempt at mind reading and trying to paint a computer picture that looks okay from a distance but as anyone with a brain knows, the closer you get to it, the shittier it looks. what the House Dems did is a travesty to justice, political, criminal or civil. the Repubs are almost as culpable, the proper course of action would have been to laugh at it and throw it out of court by dismissing it with prejudice. perhaps our human rights are the ones that took the biggest blow in all this.
  11. agreed for the most part. however, i think the smart money was letting all the current Dem shenanigans play out before turning the tables. hopefully now, we will begin to see some tangible actions.
  12. i don't know about the veracity of this. the doors open inward, affixing a lock to the outside of them is not really going to stop them from opening. additionally, did they lock the windows and install shatterproof glass?
  13. yep, keep dealing in fantasyland, tibs. don't ever change.
  14. and to put context around the disingenuousness here, he also stated that it did not rise to a level of an impeachable offense. but, of course you know this. you can try to convince yourself all day long that what was said was not what was said, but that doesn't change the facts of the reality.
  15. i disagree with the statement, "... the worst any coup claimant should make, was that many were duped ...". please explain your rational behind this statement. i would argue that they are complicit. unwittingly, but all the same, complicit. because you and your ilk have chosen to swallow the propaganda narrative, hook, line and sinker without asking simple questions that would have easily exposed the false narrative. you have put this nation in the position it finds itself today. i understand that that is a huge statement, but i stand by it. as citizens of this great nation, we have an obligation to keep it. the only way one is going to keep it, is by informing themselves. period. your argument against obstruction of justice has a hole as large as a Mack truck in it. you can posit any argument you like on what may have been being looked into and that Trump been guilty of, the inevitable, inescapable conclusion here is.... he wasn't guilty of anything. you still believe that the propaganda presstitutes have been telling you the truth for the last 3 + years? there is no response from me if you still believe this other than my main argument, you have swallowed the narrative, hook, line and sinker. i believe, from reading your posts, that you do not, nor will you seek out information sources outside of the main stream narrative. having this in mind, i understand why you think as you do. you'll have to understand my position with regard to your position. that being, you only have one source of information and refuse to look deeper so there is nothing i, nor anyone else is going to say that will get you to change your MSM fed understanding. where you, i and a good many others here differ, is that those of us who believe that there was an attempted coup on a duly elected President of the United States, seek information from a great many sources. included in that information seek, we consider MSM narratives because there is always information wrapped in disinformation. having become adept at seeking out various news sources, we have learned to sift the wheat from the chaff. there are ways to read MSM articles and omit the narratives many of them attempt to paint. just to delve a bit further into this... logic should dictate that not all news sources would come to the same conclusion if objectivity ruled the day. when you tune into many different MSM news sources and they all, and i mean all parrot the same talking points, doesn't that strike you as someone having an agenda? additionally, let's say for the sake of argument that Mueller was justified in his investigation (which he wasn't) the fact that it dragged on for the length of time it did was a sham. they knew there was no there there not long after the investigation was opened. a reasonable argument can be made that they dragged it out to benefit the Dems in the '18 election. the main reason many people hate Trump is because of the narrative from the Dems and the propaganda presstitutes. again, be honest with yourself here.... do you seriusly think that if Trump was a Democrat they wouldn't be singing his praises to the high heavens? one thing the Democrats can't escape is Trump's record of accomplishments. hate him all you like but if you take a look at what he has done, he has done more with less support than any lifelong politician. why do you think that is? ETA: please read my post again. i did not say you, specifically were ignoring Ominstration possible misconduct. it was a generality. if the shoe fits, then wear it. if not, don't.
  16. again, the many who concluded there was enough smoke to warrant an investigation were played by the propaganda presstitutes. and those people who swallowed it whole, did so without question. as more and more information becomes available, daily at this point it seems, we are beginning to understand that it goes much deeper than just the propaganda wing of the establishment. that, at a minimum, it went into the upper echelons of the FBI, if not the CIA, other alphabet agencies and quite possibly, even the Ominstration. there is certainly enough circumstantial evidence that points to it originating in the Ominstration. to deny this while simultaneously stating that there was enough smoke to investigate Trump, is simply displaying a bias and quite possibly an ignorance of the facts on the ground. your argument regarding 'attempted obstruction', i reject out of hand. there is a valid legal argument that goes to the idea that in order to obstruct something, one first needs to be guilty. of which, i happen to agree with for a multitude of reasons. with the knowledge of hindsight that you now have, i have to ask you, why are you not outraged that they lied to you for well over three years? additionally, if one looks at the Democrats actions, it is very hard to come away from them and not understand that, 'they hate him'. when you have multitudes of Democrats as being on record stating that they were going to impeach him before he even took office, along with the subsequent refrain echoed throughout the Democrats narrative for the last 3 + years. again to say that they don't is, imo displaying a bias that is devoid of factual evidence.
  17. Buck is on fire right now. going through the Oministrations spying on Atkinson.
  18. Wray keeps not giving the Dems on the committee what they want. ie; ratifying the Russia Trump Collusion, mischaracterizing the Horowitz Report, amongst other items.
  19. https://twitter.com/verykate45/status/1224919008618647552 *************************************************************************** the only way one could even possibly come away with the impression that Trump colluded with the Russians is because they took what the propaganda press stuffed down their throats everyday. had one had the temerity to do even just a small dive into the facts that were readily available, they would have understood that it was a false narrative.
  20. again, Bernie's numbers from Monday night. https://twitter.com/RossMyNBC5/status/1224691956149899264
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