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Bray Wyatt

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Everything posted by Bray Wyatt

  1. Umm we didn't trade them for one another, and we are not done with it yet. If everything was equal (like no injuries for anyone and pay) then yes I would rather take the former over the latter, but seeing as they aren't, these were the right moves imo
  2. My usual beer is the Sam Adams Boston Lager, but will drink anything from IPA's, to porters. One of my fav's is Rohrbach Scotch Ale I still have yet to try it but Chill Wave by Great Lakes (I think that is who brews it) has been recommended by a few people
  3. If your gf looked like that you would let her do what she wants
  4. That will still be better than what we had last year sadly, and we were paying AW about the same I believe
  5. Is there a Mrs Whaley? If not there might be some truth here......
  6. So he was IR'd after 6 games last season when he suffered a lacerated kidney. He had 29 tackles, 10 assists and 2 pass defenses in those games. Anyone watch him play? Is it possible since he got hurt that he is flying under the radar? Perhaps he is a ST'er?
  7. Yeah YoloinOhio told me to check her out, and he was right!
  8. I saw in an article that he was possibly gone for the season after suffering a lacerated kidney against Tennessee in October, that sounds awful. It did state he was a FS, which I don't know what this means for Graham as I figured if he was going to be a safety for us that would be where he would play
  9. Since the other thread focuses on Micah Hyde, I figured we could discuss our other safety in this thread that we just signed. What type of player is he? SS/FS? I don't know much about him.
  10. Not sure about the others but Cyprien signed elsewhere
  11. I don't think CB will be in the first, not what McDermott has done or has learned. Norman was a 5th rd pic IIRC
  12. Ah I see the Ohio there in your name, would make sense for you to know more about him than most here. Ill have to check google ahha
  13. so I dont know much about these guys, but here are the two safeties people said we needed
  14. the 2nd rounder is in 2018, and if Houston gets Romo it will be a late 2nd, not as good as it seems, although this only really impacts Clevelands cap this year and I think this gives them the option of sitting a draft pick if they want
  15. So Pats get Cooks and Gilmore to add to their SB team? damn
  16. DBs will be later picks in the draft, I prefer Davis over Williams, and if its a QB I think its Trubisky or Watson, if we trade down, I think its Mahomes or we try for him in the 2nd
  17. I am interested in this as well, I take it this includes our signings that have yet to become official? I clicked on the link but it is not loading for some reason so cant see
  18. I honestly expect this team record wise to be around the same as last year (unless we get an unexpected performance increase at qb) but we are cutting the fat right now to make a push next year I think.
  19. Buddy Nix set this franchise back, that tweet is evidence of that
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