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Captain Murica

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Everything posted by Captain Murica

  1. Same, I couldn’t take JW, Schopp, and Bulldog anymore after that. I wasnt a fan of the initial Allen pick. But, read more about him and even with Shady praising him made me warm up to him and want him to light it up to come in as the opening day starter.
  2. I feel like I’m experiencing the whole Rex/whaley scenario all over again..
  3. Keith Law went hard at the Wilpons. I agree with everything he says and this trade just goes to show how bad they are as owners.
  4. Even in this lost season. I thoroughly enjoy beating the Yankees and Nats.
  5. The bills will have close to 60 million in cap next year and some people are still complaining. They can even make more space with cutting and restructuring contracts.
  6. Pretty sure Jordy Nelson just dropped it. But, you can also say Gilmore dropped a pick 6 earlier in that game as well.
  7. So, are the Mets intentionally trying to block every single 1b prospect that tries to get a promotion? I rather have him to try out third base. He has the arm and normally takes ground balls at third during batting practice and infield practice.
  8. I heard of him and he was good 15 years ago, let’s kick the tires on him.
  9. This is a good call. He was very underrated as a player and one of my favorite Mets growing up. Also, Delgado was solid for 3 seasons with the Mets.
  10. This shows the type of power the kid has. I’m excited about his future.
  11. I think you’re right. But, you’d think Dennison would throw in a wrinkle when it comes to a playoff game and the team you’re facing has 16 games worth of tape on you.
  12. The playcalling was terrible. Shady alone had 120 yards of total offense and should have been given the ball more. Did we even call one screen during that game? Especially against a young and super aggressive defense. FYI going to Benjamin instead of Shady during that early trip to the Red Zone was terrible.
  13. I root for the Mariners, I loved Griffey growing up and would watch the Yankees games when they vs The mariners. I owned a Griffey Jersey before I owned a Mets one as a kid. Their ‘95 team was fun to watch with Cora and Coleman leading off then you’d have Tino, Edgar, Buhner and Griffey to deal with. Plus, the big unit. The Mariners doing what they’re doing without their best player is pretty amazing.
  14. It was a really good game to be at. The pace of play was quick, watching deGrom never gets old even better in person, and watching the walk off Grand Slam was awesome even with a small crowd the place got really loud.
  15. Yup, and Matz could be following him. I have a soft spot for Matz as he is a native Long Islander but he could bring back a decent haul as a lefty with 95+, still young, and under control for the next 3 years.
  16. I was pretty happy when I saw this. I literally breathed a sigh of relief.
  17. https://www.sny.tv/mets/news/mets-have-moved-past-idea-of-trading-degrom-syndergaard/284364018
  18. They shouldn't feel any sort of hope. The Mets lead the entire MLB in losses by the bullpen with 22. When facing the Mets you just have to wait out our starters and the bullpen will do it's magic. If we had any sort of a competent manager or bullpen we'd be over .500 I agree with this 1000%
  19. This team is making the 1962 team a run for their money. They were up 6-1 and blow this game.... I need football season to come quick.
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