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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. I'm going to Baltimore for a free, awesome seafood dinner, why not?
  2. if a player isn't a pro bowl player in his rookie year, he's a bust........ according to some smfh
  3. If I'm Macklin, I'd want to be wined and dined by as many teams as possible, then make a decision
  4. I was in Buffalo last week and the food was amazing except for there, I remember about 20-25 years ago it was very good but not anymore, they must've changed
  5. I heard that they will be coming down late next year, or early 2019, with the stadium lease up in 2022 a bit of a coincidence?
  6. It's funny, I can't remember what I had for dinner yesterday, but Bills history is tattooed on my brain
  7. I keep telling my wife that, she still don't believe me, though she believes the old part
  8. Jack Kemp, SD, George Blanda, Houston, Tom Flores, Oakland, not sure of 3
  9. still one of my favorite Bills player of all time
  10. Tom Ruud and Bill Nelson, LBs from Nebraska
  11. that's a hell of a trivia question This is for the old timers, a DT, who ended up playing for the Bills, ended the career of a Bills RB, who might have been a special back, name both players
  12. Still no answer to Ralph Wilson's middle name, did I stump everyone?
  13. What did the C stand for in Ralph C. Wilson Jr.?
  14. I wonder how Logan Thomas is looking, if he's doing well in the OTAs, there may not be a need for Barnidge
  15. Suicide bomber, purposely going after kids and young adults, we live in a sick freaking world and it's getting worse
  16. I don't blame him or Barnidge, if I was in their shoes, I'd want to be wined and dined by as many teams as possible
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