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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. BLM also advocates assassination of police officers, antifa advocates assassination of the president and other political figures
  2. maybe I'm just ignorant but explain to me the difference between neo-nazis, BLM, KKK, antifa or other hate groups
  3. they are all the same, only left extremists would deny that, hate is hate
  4. White supremacists, BLM, antifa, KKK are all the same, hate groups that this country can do without
  5. I think his contributions will be felt more off the field then on, and that's a good thing
  6. If he can block just decently, with his size and athleticism, they won't need a Barnidge
  7. some fans aren't happy unless they're miserable and spread their misery to everyone else
  8. Relax, negative Nancy's, not a big deal, McD says he's in shape and will be fine, that's good enough for me
  9. I still think getting the government out of health care is the best option, free market system allowing insurance companies to compete over state lines.... smaller government not bigger is always better, imo
  10. what collusion? There is zero evidence of it, nada, zip, zilch
  11. Both parties are at fault for this, its obvious they dont care about the citizens, only themselves
  12. I've got the perfect solution to the healthcare fiasco, if I'm the president, im rescinding Obama's executive order allowing members of congress, their families and staff not to use the ACA for their healthcare, watch how fast they get something done
  13. I'm betting he's never served in the armed forces
  14. good move, taxpayers shouldn't foot the bill for their elective surgery, like that traitor Chelsea Manning got
  15. Hes still a better POTUS then the douchbag socialist that was in office the last 8 years
  16. "Capitalism is dead, socialism is the future"
  17. and who let those people in this country? Obuma and his piece of crap AG, Lynch, set up if there ever was one
  18. no one defines hate, intolerance and ignorance better then the left
  19. Obama is clearly the worst president in my lifetime and I go back to Ike, Barry is a rung below Nixon and Carter as the worst, I'll give Trump more then 6 months to judge him
  20. I really like what Botterill is doing so far, and he's just getting started
  21. didn't think he'd be there, very good pick, it'll be a year or 2 before he's up but a year in college will only help his development. He could be be playing for team USA in Buffalo later this year
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