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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. I don't believe tibs believes half of what he posts, I think he just tries to get a rise out of people
  2. I don't block or ignore anyone, especially tibs, to me, it's entertainment, I think no one can be that dumb or ignorant
  3. maybe now Adam Schiff for brains can crawl back into his hole
  4. Jeff Bozo has integrity? The guy is a scumbag, as are the writers for his failing paper. They aren't journalists, more like urinelists.
  5. When its finally revealed that there was no collusion, I might finally tune into the Cockamamie News Network and PMSNBC to see how they'll spin it, or watch them cry like they did on election night 2016
  6. Polls don't mean crap, the only poll that matters is the one on election day
  7. Why do the democRATS keep bringing out losers like Beto and that lying fat Stacy Adams? Win an election then maybe some will take you a bit more seriously
  8. Once again, your "facts" are wrong, as usual, Trump at at least 25, 000 at his rally, the moron had a couple hundred, also El Paso was a crime infested city, till the wall there was built. 1500 murders just across the wall, 27 in El Paso, the wall worked
  9. Yep, then when comes to DACA and TPS, he can tell the libs to kiss his ass
  10. 1.5 billion for border security isn't a compromise, it's a joke. Shutdown the government or declare an emergency, hope the president sticks to his guns.
  11. He used taxpayer funds to pay off a teenage boy, sounds like pediphilia to me, and how many people has Trump put into gas chambers, careful with the Nazi comparisons when its your party that calls for infanticide, and becoming the National Socialist Party
  12. Thankfully I'm in my late 60s, so I won't be around when the nut jobs take over but I do feel bad for my grandchildren that they are inheriting this mess. My hope is that Christ comes sooner rather then later, otherwise America, as the greatest country, will cease to exist
  13. She said earlier that there is no such thing as illegal immigrants, that since all Latinos are decedent of American Indians this is their land too and that ICE should be disbanded
  14. You know what happens when AOC eats ice cream too fast? Nothing, absolutely nothing
  15. It was probably an improvement, that is one ugly woman, inside and out
  16. I wonder if Adam (bull) Shiff will resign when they finally find there was no collusion
  17. but it's ok for these same Muslims to be anti-semitic, and keep calling for the destruction of Israel
  18. It's not gonna change anytime soon, not as long as the MSM keeps stoking the fires of division. There is no objection anymore
  19. Obama caged and separated kids too, or have the Libs forgot that
  20. I was hoping they'd show the anti-semites Muslim congresswoman when they showed these heros, but they didn't
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