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Everything posted by suorangefan4

  1. In related news I'm Italian and I've been asked if I liked pizza and spaghetti before. I proceeded to shout at the people asking me that that they're racist scumbags! My head also exploded! I was so furious I couldn't take it! Stereotyping happens to white people too. It's funny how nobody cries when it happens to them though.
  2. No love for Tarvarius Moore? 4.32 40 time. Lengthy - Over 6'1 with long wingspan. Great game tape. Great production senior year (91 tackles, 3 INT, 10 PBUs)
  3. I kind of want Tarvarius Moore. Safety isn't the biggest need but his athleticism and production are something worth taking this late in the 3rd round.
  4. What the hell is with all these running backs being taken so early? You can find productive running backs anywhere.
  5. So what are your thoughts on players like Michael Bennett giving the black power salute when he tackles a white player? It's funny how leftists like you never acknowledge when a black player says or does something racist but you make a million posts when a white player does.
  6. The irony is strong here. Calling someone racist followed up by calling that same person a hillbilly which is used in a derogatory racist way. Why do you hate white people so much you racist?
  7. I think Peterman has a lot of upside. I wouldn't be mind building a team around him if we don't go QB.
  8. It seems like you're the ignorant one who wants to ignore statistics.
  9. What was the topic? For you to keep taking cheap shots at Trump and basically his supporters and expect Trump supporters to lie down to your nonsense? I swear there's at least 10 of these threads every month started by blatant race baiters like you.
  10. Police also encounter more black people than white people because blacks commit more crimes. Yet white people are being killed by cops twice as much.
  11. You made this thread with a blatant agenda. And your fellow lefties on here are doing what you always do.
  12. Oh look it's this type of thread again. Shocker. Well time to point out yet again that police kill twice as many white people as blacks. They kill more unarmed white people than black people too. All the liberal (racist, anti-white) media outlets don't ever show when a white male is killed though. Also black people murder white people at a far higher rate than white people murder black people. Blacks are 27 times more likely to attack a white people too. Again no outrage from the media. Liberals hate facts though. They also hate white people (more specifically white men).
  13. Taking a running back in the first round is never a good idea. Trading up for a running back in the first round is an even dumber idea. Trading up into the top 4 and giving up a boatload of picks to take a running back should get a GM immediately fired.
  14. What? Lamar Jackson has the weakest arm of any QB in the draft. 49 MPH is terrible.
  15. So answer this. What QB could've done good that game? The pocket was collapsing on both sides in one second on most plays and tell me a single play where you saw even one receiver who didn't have a DB right on his back. Like I said, even Tom Brady would've had a brutal game. The fascination with Peterman is his ability to scan the field and he's pretty accurate. It's easy to see that in every other game he's played. I also watched him a lot in college and he was impressive a lot of games. He also has a lot of experience playing in a pro style offense.
  16. Something was definitely off about that game. Not only did the offensive line let the Chargers D tee off on Peterman all game but the receivers couldn't get an ounce of seperation all game. It's like nobody gave any effort at all and wanted to sabotage Peterman. Even Tom Brady would've had a brutal game if he was in there. And Mills isn't that good but that was far and away his worst performance and it did look like he was purposely sabotaging Peterman. I remember watching the offensive line the next several weeks with TT back in there and the protection was far better.
  17. http://www.ourlads.com/story/default/Quarterback-Ball-Velocity-at-2018-NFL-Combine/10241/dh/
  18. He has the weakest arm of any QB in the draft - 49 MPH. Rarely ever does a QB with an arm that weak have any success. Deshaun Watson is the only one I can think of (his was also 49 MPH). Jackson could become another exception but it's a huge gamble.
  19. So it's an excuse when you correctly state that the receivers dropped three passes that hit them right in the hands and another "incompletion" was a spike to stop the clock"? He was excellent against the Colts.
  20. The receivers dropped 3 passes that him them right in the hands against the Colts. His team did nothing to help him every game he played in. Also one of the "incompletions" was a spike to stop the clock. Every single throw was on the money except one that game.
  21. No it's laughable that you're using a game where he's given one minute with no timeouts against a good defense as your arguments. And you describe his "fumble" to fit your narrative when the reality is he ran for a first down on that play when being inserted into the game on 4th and 3. The fumble went out of bounds. The play was a positive yet you're spinning it like a negative. And did Ramsey not go through Thompson's back on that INT? He clearly hit him early. Even without the INT it's highly improbable the Bills score because they were almost out of time thanks to Tyrod. The Chargers game Peterman clearly made some mistakes but if you can't admit after watching every play on the All-22 that his receivers were blanketed and the protection was horrendous then you have no credibility at all. He was set up to fail that game.
  22. I love how you keep talking about this "fumble" instead of accurately describing the play. Like being put in on 4th down and 3 and running for the first down and "fumbling" it out of bounds when he was near the sideline. Intentional grounding was his fault and not the offensive line's fault? He's either getting sacked or taking an intentional grounding there. INT should've been pass interference. Ramsey clearly went right through Thompson's back which popped it up into the air so he could intercept it. And thank garbage Tyrod Taylor for giving Peterman such little time which limits what Peterman can do there. He has to work agains the clock against a good defense because TT left him one minute and no timeouts.
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