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Posts posted by HappyDays

  1. When Yates had a bad game there were people complaining we didn't keep Cardale instead. This is why. As bad as your QB is there is always someone worse. I knew when we drafted Cardale it would be a wasted pick. God he's honestly the epitome of QBs I don't even think of drafting - "big arm," "plays big in big moments," "won a national championship."

  2. That was a good read.


    Sounds like they acquired him to be a deep threat. I wonder if they'll use him on the shorter bubble screens (etc) and allow him to do what he excelled at in college and get YAC. We never really got to see much of that in Buffalo.


    Sammy's a great deep threat, don't get me wrong. But he has so much more to his game than that. It'd be a shame if LA didn't take advantage of that either.

    I'm not sure Sammy will be successful on screens in the NFL like he was in college. I feel like you have to be a physical receiver for those to work and he that's not the player he is.


    Can anyone explain why keeping any statue up without referencing other monuments or equivalencies?


    But yeah, we should absolutely indulge you, because it's super brilliant to try to discuss the erecting and maintenance of statues and monuments in a vacuum without the context of why people erect and maintain statues and monuments.



    We put up monuments to celebrate the subject of the monument. Is that debateable?


    Twist away from the direct question all you wish, it only makes you look less honest and more desperate:


    Do you not benefit today from slavery in terms of the items of clothing you wear and the electronics you possess? Should we, as a society, view you as an evil person who's unable to contribute anything to society because of your financial support of these institutions of slavery?

    Yes, tear all my statues down.







    My dude they brought weapons to what they claimed would be a peaceful counter-protest. I'm all about peacefully assembling and **** but you're looking for a fight when you show up with a baseball bat and mace.

    What do you make of the people that showed up with rifles and camouflage gear? If you were showing up to protest literal neo-Nazis that had actual guns, would you have showed up with nothing?


    Salon, the NY Post and others are running with the story. Try harder.


    And don't dodge the question, what brand cell phone do you use?

    And now it is coming out that the report is under review by the Nation for not meeting their standards. For example, it gave a download speed that would have been literally impossible at the time given in the report. Like I said, wait and see. This is Rod "Lawsuit" Wheeler all over again. You have a knack for finding the best wild goose chases in the media.


    I don't answer meaningless questions.

  7. No, the view that our history needs to be sanitized, and that we should judge all men through the moral lens of 2017 neo-liberalism, and that anyone who disagrees is a bigot.


    You world views dictates that nearly every actor in human history, save Americans north of the Mason-Dixon Line roughly 160 years ago through now, was an irreparably immoral and evil person.


    It also dictates that the only thing that matters when viewing history, is if someone held slaves or not; and if they did, everything else about their lives is undone, no matter how great or how significant, because of the slavery. Your entire argument is nothing more than one massive Poisoning the Well logical fallacy.


    Finally, because you view is so un-nuanced, and completely dictatorial you make absolutely zero room for individuals who hold different view points, and rather than live and let live, you set out to subjugate them to yours; turning a blind eye toward at best, or make way for at worst, actual fascism, racism, and militant communist agitators.


    Yes, your world view is the problem.

    Nope. All I said is that monstrous slave owners shouldn't have statues. If he at least symbolized something good, that would be a start. But Robert E Lee statues only symbolize slavery and treason. No thanks. Of course he wasn't "evil" and he had nuance, just like Hitler, if you're being perfectly rational. That doesn't mean statues of him aren't problematic and send the wrong message.

    This is evidenced by the fact you've been deadly silent about the facts that have come to light about the "hack". It's been proven now there was no hack. Do you make a comment or admit you were wrong (for months)? Nope. You ignore it because you are curating modern history to your liking rather than dealing with the reality..

    Haha I'm guessing you're referring to the Nation report? Within a week they will release an editorial retracting the story for dubious sourcing. Wait and see.

    Jefferson raped, beat slaves too, tear that down, remove Mt Rushmore it was built on Indian Land that we stole from them before almost wiping them out, get rid if this too?

    These are good arguments for taking down Jefferson statues. They are not arguments for keeping up Robert E Lee statues. If you feel so strongly about Jefferson you should start a petition. This is like when people say "alcohol is bad for you and therefore weed should be legal." That's not how logic works.

  8. I don't think he's saying they were actively looking to replace him. I think he's saying if TT consistently was outperforming Flacco on the practice field, he would've gotten the nod.

    Tyrod would have had to really separate himself from Flacco, in an offense not designed for him, playing with 2nd stringers. Let's be realistic, Tyrod had next to zero chance of supplanting Flacco. When's the last time an established starter was replaced by a QB who had a good training camp? It doesn't happen, not lately.

  9. And that's bull **** that that job was not up for the taking. Every job in the NFL is up for the taking. Every one. If you play better than the other guy, consistently, you'll get a shot. Teams love to light fires under asses in this way. But there simply was never a controversy there because Flacco played better.

    If Flacco's job was for the taking, why did Baltimore not bother to draft a single QB in between drafting Tyrod in 2011 and Keith Wenning in the 6th round in 2014? They weren't looking to replace him. And they were obviously comfortable with their backup position so Tyrod must have shown something in their offseasons.

  10. Your view of history is so un-nuanced and revised by modern social mores that it's not even worth discussing this with you.


    You world view is the reason we are now standing were we are, and may refight the civil war.

    Which view would that be? The one that says people who flog slaves and rip apart families shouldn't deserve statues? If that view starts the next Civil War maybe you're blaming the wrong people.


    You're confusing Lee with Jefferson, dumbass.

    That line is always moving through history. It's not a great point.


    Jefferson was viewed as a pristine founding father until 30 ish years ago. Now we look at him as a guy who raped his slave and kept his son a slave even after he died. Maybe in 100 years, people will lionize him again. Perspective changes. Tributes in the form of statues will be built, torn down, replaced...that's a natural march of time.

    Nothing I said was incorrect. But of course there is more to the story. My point was the counterpoint the post I responded to: Let's not hold Lee up as some bastion of anti-slavery virtue.

    Feeing okay DC Tom? Even for you this is a pretty big miss.


    And what if I find statues of Malcolm X offensive?


    Can i have those removed or nah?

    Sure. In fact I invite you to go tear one down and piss on it. Or if you don't want to go that far just start a petition and go around town. You will soon find out the types of people that support you.


    Well, until they burn the books about Lee. Because that's the next step and the overall point you're missing.

    We can do better than the slippery slope fallacy. There is no movement to erase the history of the Civil War. Where does this idea come from? The most left-wing people wouldn't want to do that because they would want America's awful racial history to be taught in full.


    Do you people know what statues are? Do you know why we build them? This would be a good start for the discussion - why does General Lee have a statue of him? What is the statue's message to its audience?

  13. Sure, Lee was a slave owner as we're many in the north as well as the south, but did you know Lee freed his in 1862, 3 years before the end of the war

    Oh so that makes him okay! Forget all the whippings he doled out. And the families he broke up by selling slaves away, which he was notorious for. And the personal letter he wrote claiming slavery was ultimately good for the black man, and a greater evil for the white man for the burden they carried.


    Lee was known to personally flog his own slaves when they misbehaved among other horrors. He was monstrous, as was the whole institution of slavery, and there should be no statues of a monster like that. You know it isn't erasing history to take down a statue, that's absurd. Statues aren't artifacts, they're commemorations. Many confederate statues were built in the last 20 years.




    North Carolina alone has put up 35 such monuments since 2000.


    It's funny because I went to Germany and I don't remember any statues of prominent Nazi figures. Somehow they're able to teach the horrible history of their country without building statues. And no one complains history has been erased! Only in America, where people think they are entitled to their own versions of facts.

  14. Flacco and Rodgers have done okay. It is not about where you pick them it is about who you pick. Brandon Weeden didn't bust because of where he was picked he busted because he isn't any good. But I agree let's see how this class looks come Jan/ Feb.

    I completely forgot about Flacco, my bad. He is the only 1st round QB taken after #2 since Aaron Rodgers to have any kind of success. And his success consists mainly of one amazing postseason run. There's something about the QBs that the 2 most needy teams won't take but some mid-level team convinces themselves is good. I agree this isn't really predictive but it's definitely something to consider.

  15. Sammy is a good player but a franchise corner stone?


    Receivers that I can think of that have been franchise corner stones in recent years would be Julio Jones, AJ Green, Randy Moss, Terrell Owens, (Calvin Johnson-not successful team). All of these players had elite size and the ability to make spectacular catches downfield even when being heavily covered.


    Sammy has good size and speed, not elite. He's a great route runner with great hands but not elite after the catch. He seems to play his best and stay healthy when he's playing to get drafted or possibly in a contract year like in 2017. It was a reach to draft him at 4 and that's probably one of the major reasons Marrone did what he did and now Whaley has lost his job.


    He's a good player but not a franchise corner stone. Matthews will be productive and a few years from now, people will be very pleased with these trades.

    Agree with all of this, good post. Watkins never makes contested catches. He has generally good hands and obviously very fast, great ball tracking skills too. But he's not the one you can count on to make the big catch with a CB in the air with him. He isn't physical like the truly elite receivers are.

  16. I still think given the Bills' history you draft one high as a hedge... Patriot's seem to draft a QB every year or so because they don't know how long they have Brady and while riding that wave can they keep Garapolo long enough or do we even know if Garapolo is a good enough replacement despite their lying statements.


    Part of it is talent, the other is drive. Hard to evaluate drive at the next level because it is the next level and so far it appears we don't know Peterman's next level drive or if TT has enough talent for their system.

    It depends on where we're picking. If we aren't able to get a top 2 pick I want no part in a mid to late 1st round QB because historically they have an extremely high bust rate. I guess if this class is as good as people say it might be the exception. We'll have to see how the upcoming class looks in the college season ahead.

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