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Posts posted by beerme1

  1. Is this guy just cursed? He has all the talent in the world but cant get it done. I have a enormous amount of respect for him as a coach. But it strikes me as odd much like Martin's teams in Ottawa had all the talent in the world but couldn't get it done while he was there.

    Hell, the same can be said for Marv for that matter. Just weird how some people or teams destiny trips them up.

  2. Lets admit it guys. As a whole, we are pathetic. I can honestly see now why many other NFL teams fans laugh at us. Just take a look back and look at the stuff being posted on this board.




    No matter who the coach is. Marv could bring in Belicheck to be the head coach, Parcells to be the defensive coordinator, and Charlie Weiss to be the offensive coordinator and we would still find something to piss and moan about.


    Please. Someone who has worked in the NFL as a scout - raise your hand!

    Please. Someone who personally knows the candidates for the head coaching job for the Bills and knows their credentials inside and out - raise your hand!

    Lastly. Someone who has worked as an NFL head coach and knows the insides and outs of how "easy" it is too make the quick gametime decisions, please raise your hand.





    What makes you think we are any different than any other cities fans?

    I dont think we are much worse than anyone elses and I know we are a whole lot better than most.

  3. Although the fans don't have any real say nor power in the direction of the franchise,




    Really? So you think MM is lying about the "detractors" affecting him?

    Really? You think if we (not you) fans didn't speak out in any manner we have available to us including message boards that TD would be gone?



    I ask that you never EVER buy a ticket to a Bills game so that much like people who don't vote are not entitled to B word about any political landscape, you too shall be silenced. In a way that would make TD proud.

  4. Well, you're almost there.


    If Ralph is making it clear he'd rather manipulate a coach into resigning rather than honoring a written contract, why would any player or coach want to come into an environment that clearly not interested in having any class at all?


    It drives me nuts that fans on these boards are willing to excuse the behavior from this organization just because we're fans. Like Ralph Wilson is our alcoholic parent and we just keep making excuses for him, trying to convince ourselves that "they" know best.


    People get angry when a player demands more money or a trade when they don't like their original contract. Why is no one getting upset that Wilson won't honor a deal he made two years ago?  You signed Mularkey for 5 years.  If you want him here that long, you've got him.  If you don't, then be a man, fire him and pay him.  But manipulating someone into quitting because you're trying to save a few thousand?  Fuggin' ridiculous!  It makes me beyond embarassed to associate with this franchise. At least when the Bills didn't make the playoffs a few years ago, we could still say the franchise had class. Well, you can't say that with a straight face anymore.




    Sorry to but in, but can I suggest that you never, EVER buy a ticket to a Bills game again.


  5. I never said he was the worst or that his record of W's and L's was the worst. But as you made note of, there is no disputing the playoff record and I am just trying to counter spin the spin of glow that ESPN puts on TD. It is not justified based on his track record.


    and p.s. I have and continue to live through Bills history and am very aware of how bad it was.

  6. They want him to be coach so they can trash him like they ddid last time.


    If that happens, and IF THE FANS HAVE ANY GUTS AT ALL, They'll run WGR out of town, and all the clows that work there.



    No, although I was one who wanted him run back then because he had become very ineffective, I dont care who it is now. I am tired of running people and hope that the next one whoever it is will truly be The Guy.


    I would much rather win than run another guy. But keep feeding me more of the same and I will continue to try and run a lame ass out of here.

    TD, Wade, GW, MM are not good enough people or coaches to be here. Actually I take that back, as a guy Wade was OK.

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