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Posts posted by beerme1

  1. Let me ask you this though..


    What if the Bills really improve the offensive line and the Bills can run the ball more efficiently...that would also really help KH, and his cap number is very friendly too.


    I think the Bills can win games with KH with the right tools around him.  And sure he dosent have the big arm, but he isnt as much of a liability as a Bledsoe.




    Why cut Holcomb?  He's decent enough for a backup, can play in a pinch and generally doesn't get rattled.  He played 8 games this year, and had one clunker.  I agree with bringing in another QB who can play a little, but no reason to cut KH.



    I agree an improved O line helps. But it helps anyone. KH has been around, I think that he will not take us anywhere better than mediocre.


    I agree also that he is decent enough for a backup. He should not be a starter though. So I would rather get a better guy and keep JP as the backup and wait him out if thats where his development is at.


    You know, MM really screwed us. We should know for certain at this point the results of this test.

  2. It's been a week now and I personally have calmed down. I was all for Mike Sherman but too bad. I really didn't want to see Jauron as the guy. However I do remember he had issues with the front office in Chicago and the public was upset at the way he was getting treated. I believe that was after they had a big year.


    He was not my choice but I am resigned to that fate. I am so fed up with the whole dog and pony show now that I will reserve judgement until we start playing again. All I can say is he better show me! He comes to us with HC experience and that, if nothing else is an improvement than what we were forced to accept from TD.

    If they cant get it done I will be an ugly, ugly customer however.

    So to Ralph, Marv and Dick, I expect a competitive, compotent operation starting from the draft.

  3. I know its cool to think about "Maybe the Bills should go after Vince Young"...or "Jay Cutler is having GREAT workouts and Simms says he has the best arm" (didnt Boller have a great arm too?!?!)...but cmon fellow Bills fans, right now the QB position, albeit not SET in stone, has two good things working in its favor:


    1. There is a young QB in Losman with a lot of upside

    2. A steady veteran in Holcumb who can keep the Bills aflot and even win some games


    Right now the mindset of Jauron, at least IMO, should be lets see who win the job in camp.  Make Losman EARN that spot.  If not, lets go with KH till Losman earns the right to start.


    Should the Bills take a stab on a QB in the later rounds of the draft?  Sure why not..but NO way should the Bills draft another 1st round QB!


    Just look at the teams in the Super Bowls in the last 40 years.  Most, if not all of them, were or are strong on the OL and DL...this right now is a MAJOR deficiency with the Bills and NEEDS to be priority #1 come March 1st.



    I agree with you somewhat. I am all for Losman, but I would rather cut Kelly and bring in a FA QB who can play rather than have Kelly starting.

  4. And a class A ass whipping by Buffalo over Toronto in the 99 Finals...Rob Ray showed mroe scoring prowess in that series then even your boy Sundin!!  :doh:  :doh:  :doh:  :lol:  :lol:



    If Hasek would have started the 2nd game instead of screwing us up and letting Roloson play we would have won that game and carried the series! :lol:


    Ya I know AD quit your whining already :lol:

  5. Would you quit your goddamn whining? 


    Your team got a snowman hung on them because they played like the Euro captained team that they are.  Unfortunately for Pat Quinn, you can't sign "guts" as a free agent.



    No I probably wont. Whining and making excuses are different things though.


    Unfortunately for Pat Quinn he is not the GM anymore or else I would like to think he would not have made some of the dubious moves our rookie gm did after the new agreement was signed.


    Toronto is a different animal compared to other teams sadly for the fans. The organization is about making money, not neccessarily wins and that is bull.


    By the way, you can sign "guts" as a free agent, but you have to know where to look. See Gary Roberts.


    I like Sundin but acknowledge the euro captain crap only because NO euro captained club has won a cup that I know of although in this new NHL, I expect that to change. Sundin has been a top flight player and captain during his tenure in Toronto. However like all Leaf captain's that I can recall, they get traded. I'm not sure but I think Keon may be the last one to retire as captain.


    Most of what you have to say is ok though, the Leafs certainly will not be buying their way out of this and this is all self created on their part by not doing things they should have like buying Belfour out. Telling Tie Domi stick it and take a hike and telling Wade Belak to get on the same bus. But they are doing some things right. Lindros was a right move. Allison was not.


    Lastly I would like to mention that I love Marty. I would gladly give you Allison for him :doh:

    And if Regeir can swing a Marty or Miller for Jovonovski or Bertuzzi, I hope he makes the deal. But my guess is Marty isn't going anywhere and it may be a great non move come playoff time.

  6. Hi beerme;


    I can assure you I am most certainly not Coach Mularkey.







    Cool! I agree with you that they have an exact number of Canadian numbers that are corporate supported seats etc.

    The organization goe to great lengths to show their gratification for the Canadian fans they have including a Canada Day game. Which of course is not on Canada Day but who would know? <_<



  7. Wade Belak?  :devil:


    Was that D guy the replacement for Carlo?




    No his contrubition is to stay off the ice!


    The call up for Carlo was Andy Wosniewski. Carlo also has been up and down and this is the most he has ever played.

    By the way, heads up! Anyone who didn't like Kaspar's hit on Connoly (which I thought was clean by the way) will not like Carlo. He can throw big hits and was in fact hurt while throwing a big hip check on your old buddy Varada.

  8. How are Sabres fans 2nd class?  Explain...maybe because the Sabres do not buy overaged players and have a city what, 5X the size of Buffalo so of course the fan base is larger?  You better be able to sell out that arena EVERY GAME if you ask me based on the size of that city...


    Do you feel a sense of entitlement because your team is an Original 6 team or something?  Please...




    Back in the day when we could just go buy someone I think yes, it made Leaf fans feel more entitled.

    Ah, the good old days.

  9. Whatever, Toronto fans are the new age Ranger fans.  Bitter at everyone and everything. 



    OK I guess I'm going to talk the bait, how are Leaf fans like Ranger fans? Ranger fans are pigs. Leaf fans are goofs.

    And Bitter at everyone sounds like a perfect description of being a Bills fan in 2006 doesn't it?

    I am a Leafs fan, a Bills fan and have grown in to the last ten years becoming a Sabres fan. In light of the first two teams of my choice all I can say is, thank God for the Sabres! <_<

  10. Clements, I keed I keed!

    Listen much like Buffalo and it's fans, Toronto has always had an inferiority complex and that gets taken out on a local and close by place, like Buff. The verbal abuse that each side gives each other is fantastic.

    By the way, the worst fans at a Bills game are??? Canadians!

    Please ignore my posts if they offend you.

  11. Hi Clements,


    I am sorry about your negative experience with some Toronto fans.


    Anyways - like I said I wasnt trying to complain, but as Bills fans we need to stay as positive as possible and keep united so we can move the franchise back to the Glory Years - go Bills!







    The first line is so Canadian! It starts off with I'm sorry :devil:

    The second line again makes me want to ask if you are Mike Mularkey?

    Lastly I don't think anyone will understand your user name. Is it that you are a liberal conservative? <_<


    Welcome to this board it's fantastic! It's also not for the faint of heart

  12. My issues with some, and not all Toronto fans, is this feeling of "we are so much better then you, you Buffalo fans are second class". 


    Sure there are some Sabres or Bills fans who arent the sharpest tools in the shed,And believe me Ive met my share of trashy Leafs fans over the years too, as well as very good fans, as you seem to be one of those good fans.


    And Toronto fans love to point out about how the Sabres have not won the Stanley Cup.  Sabres have been in existance since 1970. 




    1) We are

    2) I am probabably a nice trashy Leaf fan you have met

    3) The last Leafs Sabres game I went to here, I had a guy screaming 1967 in my ear all night long. I finally had to ask him when I had had enough, HOW MANY CUPS HAVE YOU WON?!!!!


    Leafs Sabres games in Buffalo is some of the best entertainment you get for your money anywhere. And that goes for both sides.

  13. As a loyal, and lifelong fan of the Bills who happens to have grown up just outside of Toronto, and is also a lifelong Maple Leafs fan I find this thread disheartening.


    I am not going to criticize any poster or anything like that, and please dont mistake this for whining or complaining.  Simply pointing out that there are a great many fans of the Bills who hail from the Toronto area.


    All the best to the Sabres as they are having a great year.








    Are you kidding me? As a loyal and lifelong fan of the bills who happens to have grown up IN Toronto and is now a loyal and and lifelong resident of Western New York but will forever remain a loyal and lifelong Leafs fan, I want to ask you something, what is your real name? Mike Mularkey? <_<


    This is nothing more than a good healthy hatred between two teams fans. Come to a Leafs Sabres game in Buffalo and then you might get this.

    But what does your line about pointing out that there are a great many Bills fans who hail from T.O. mean?

  14. Very talented forwards, good toughness, good goaltending, putrid defense (and Im not talking about goals and assists for defesemen either)


    And losing Briere has been a big loss, do not underestimate that loss because he isnt a #1 overall pick and has seen better days like Big E.



    I agree mostly with what you say except for: I think Brier's best days are ahead of him in the new NHL.


    The Leafs have not had good goaltending this year, in fact Eddie has mostly stunk.

    The talent level is so so up front.

    But I really disagree about the toughness aspect. The Leafs are no longer a tough team. With Roberts gone this year it shows more than ever. Domi is and always has been a chump. But at least he would hit and mix it up. No more. I guess he has hit the wall because he rarely even throws a check anymore and doesn't think he should fight. With good reason I might add, time has caught up to him and he gets his ass whooped.

    They are the worst team ever! <_< But I will continue to hope that the they make playoffs, beat Ottawa as usual and then give us that magic we had back when the Sabres made their last finals appearance. That was unforgetable fun!

  15. Thats not the same. Numminen just went down last night and last night was the first game without Connoly. The Leafs have been without these guys for some time. Tucker has probably been the most consistent Leaf forward this year so losing him was bigger than most people might think. The Leafs also lost their second best d man during the game last night in Aki Berg. Although, he is a piece of garbage but he was their second best piece of garbage at the time.


    Now then, At this point in their respective carreers I would be all too happy to be rolling with Brier and Connoly over the Leafs.

  16. And the Sabres and Flyers aren't missing any players due to injury???


    Flat out, you said it, the Leafs just suck.  Don't make excuses.




    The Sabres were missing 5 very important people to injury.  (And before you say Mair and Pyatt aren't important, remember that the Sabres 4th line was a huge part of their early success, and it hasn't been together since Mair went down)


    Tonights game was evidence of how you can't be the Yankees of hockey.  You _must_ build talent inside your organization to win in the new NHL, and the Leafs just don't understand that.  The Sabres have had guys stepping up from Rochester all year, and we still have several players down there waiting for their chance.



    Still not making excuses but... :devil: The injuries the Leafs are living with right now would be like the Sabs missing Brier, McKee and Drury all at the same time for an extended period. The Leafs are missing their best two forwards and arguably, one of the best D man in the league. There is no arguing that McCabe is the Leafs MVP. It shows every night without him.


    Side note, I also laughed at seeing some of the Sabres arguing the bad calls from the refs. They looked just like the Leafs whining when they get called!!! <_<


    Back on center though, the Leafs suck and the GM is an assclown who should have never been given the job.

    Go Sabres! ( my 2nd team )

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